Controlling Diabetes With Diet Will Make You Live A Better Life
Shafeek SM
Freelance Natural Health & Wellness Article Writer | SEO-Optimized Copywriter, Blogger, and Content Creator for Weight Loss, Nutrition, and Diet Niches | Helping Brands Grow Organically
Do you know you can control diabetes with diet and changing your lifestyle, to lead a healthy and productive normal life?
With minimal medications or none at all.
Did you have your blood sugar tested recently? You definitely must, if you are over 40.
You may be one of the estimated 98 million Americans who are pre-diabetic and the worst part, most still don’t know they have it.
If you are in the prediabetic stage, you have time to turn things around by changing your diet and lifestyle.
Or, you will be diagnosed as a full-blown diabetic within 10 years, one of the estimated 38 million Americans over 18 years of age (2021 estimate} and over 530 million worldwide, who are already diabetics.
Scientists predict this number to rise to more than 640 million by 2030 and 780 million by 2045.
More than 90% of them with Type 2 Diabetes- the most common type.
Maybe it scared the hell out of you when your doctor first gave you the bad news. It did for me.
But, don’t lose much sleep over it. It’s not as bad as you might think.
Well, I have been one for the last 15 years. And I have managed to keep things under control without any complications so far.
And do you know how fast this is spreading? It has jumped by more than 50% in the last decade alone.
First, let’s see what Diabetes is all about:
What is Diabetes?
Diabetes (Diabetes Mellitus), a metabolic disease, develops when the Pancreas, an important gland near the stomach does not produce enough Insulin, a Peptide Hormone produced by the beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the Pancreas.
Or, the cells in the body not responding properly to the Insulin produced by the Pancreas.
Insulin regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and protein by promoting the absorption of Glucose from the blood into cells of the liver, fat, and skeletal muscles.
But do you know what Insulin is?
Insulin is the ‘key’ that opens the cell’s door to let the glucose in the bloodstream enter the cell to convert it into energy needed for the body.
When you eat food, it is converted to sugars or glucose in the bloodstream. The pancreas senses this and releases the required amount of insulin into the bloodstream so that the cells can use the glucose for energy.
If left untreated, the glucose accumulates in the blood and you could end up with serious complications like amputations of limbs, blindness, kidney, heart disease, stroke, coma, and eventual early death.?????????????????????
There are 3 main types of Diabetes:
Type 1 Diabetes
Insulin-producing beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans in the Pancreas are lost due to an autoimmune attack.
The body’s immune system senses the Islets as foreign bodies, and attacks and destroys them.
This fails to produce enough insulin or none, leading to Insulin deficiency.
This can affect adults or children. However, since a majority of this type is among children, this is also called ‘Juvenile Diabetes’ or ‘Insulin-dependent Diabetes’.
Most of them may have to take Insulin injections for life. This is a balancing act because the amount of insulin injected depends on several fluctuating factors including Food, Stress, Exercise, Emotions, and General Health.
If you take too much insulin, your blood sugar can fall dangerously low, and you end up with Hypoglycemia.
If you take less, blood sugar rises to a dangerous high, resulting in Hyperglycemia.
Both conditions are life-threatening or may end up with long-term complications.
Type 2 Diabetes
This is the most common type.
This type is also called Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes or Adult Onset Diabetes. The main causes for this are Obesity, insufficient Exercise, and Genetics.
Initially, it starts with Insulin resistance where cells do not respond to insulin properly. The low response of body tissues is believed to involve Insulin Receptors in cells.
At this stage, high blood sugar can be reduced by medications to improve insulin sensitivity or reduce production of glucose in the liver.
As the disease progresses, this lack of Insulin sensitivity may develop into insufficient production of Insulin by the Pancreas.
Type 2 Diabetes cannot be cured completely. However, with drastic changes in lifestyle and diet, a person can control it and lead a normal healthy life.
Gestational Diabetes?????????????????????
This is the third main type of Diabetes.
Some women, less than 10%, develop high blood sugar levels when pregnant, without any previous history of diabetes, due to hormonal changes in the body, genetics, and the overweight of the mother.
It resembles Type 2 Diabetes in many respects like insufficient secretion of Insulin and poor response of body cells in converting blood sugar into energy.
Though temporary, if left untreated, Gestational Diabetes could damage the health of the mother and or fetus.
In more than 90% of women, this condition disappears after childbirth. However, there is a greater chance of these women developing Type 2 Diabetes later in life.
Do you know what results in uncontrolled Diabetes? It is scary:
Long-term complications of diabetes
Diabetic Retinopathy with potential loss of vision.
Diabetic Nephropathy leads to Kidney failure.
Peripheral Neuropathy with a risk of foot ulcers which may lead to amputations, cardiovascular symptoms, and sexual dysfunction.
Patients with diabetes have an increased incidence of -atherosclerosis, peripheral arterial disease, heart attacks, and strokes. --
Hypertension and Impaired Cholesterol Metabolism are often found in people with diabetes.
Testing for Diabetes
The doctor diagnoses diabetes after the following blood tests are taken on two days.
Fasting a minimum of 8 hours?????????????????? – More than 120mg/dl.
Random Test taken at any time of the day– More than 200 mg/dl.
Oral Glucose Tolerance Test????????????????????? – More than 200 mg/dl (after the normal fasting test, Glucose is given to drink and tested every 2 hours, a couple of times to check the rate of decrease of Glucose in the blood.)
What is Pre-diabetes?
Prediabetes develops when your blood sugar levels are higher than normal but not enough to be classified as Type 2 Diabetes. If detected early and treated, things could be turned around before it develops into Type 2 Diabetes in less than 10 years.
Testing for Prediabetes
After fasting - Less than 100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L) - Normal
Glucose Tolerance Test????????? Less than 140 mg/dl -(Normal)
140 to 199 mg/dL -(Pre-diabetes)
200 mg/dL or higher after two hours suggests -(Diabetes)
If you are aged over 45 or under 45 but overweight, and have one or more of the following risk factors, you must be screened for Pre-diabetes.????????
●You are habitually physically inactive.
●Have a family history of diabetes.
● Is a member of a certain ethnic group who is more prone to the disease.
● Have had gestational diabetes or have given birth to a child weighing more than 9 pounds.
● Have elevated blood pressure.
● Have an HDL Cholesterol level (the “good” cholesterol) < 35 mg/dl and/or triglyceride level > 250 mg/dl.
● Have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome.
● Have a history of heart disease.
Now we come to the most important part of this article.
Controlling Diabetes With Diet
Diet plays a major role in controlling Diabetes, in addition to several?lifestyle changes necessary for success.
Most people think a Diabetic Diet must be restricted in variety and content, which is far from the truth. It is a matter of eating a healthy diet, and wholesome food, where even a normal person can lead a healthy life.
What is Healthy, Wholesome Food? This consists of high-fiber foods including Whole Grains and Whole Wheat Flour, Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Low-fat Dairy products, and plenty of water instead of juices or soda.
Please always ensure that all foods are in the Low or Medium Glycemic Index range.
Now you may be wondering, what is the Glycemic Index.
The Glycemic Index is a numerical index that ranks carbohydrates on their rate of glycemic response (i.e. their conversion to glucose within the human body).
The Glycemic Index uses a scale of 0 to 100, with higher values given to foods causing the most rapid rise in blood sugar.
Pure glucose serves as a reference point and is given a Glycemic Index (GI) of 100.
Carbohydrates in foods are digested at different rates releasing Glucose into the bloodstream. Foods are classified depending on the blood glucose-raising potential as Low (GI <55), Medium ( GI 56 – 69 ), and High ( GI >70 ).
Low GI Foods are digested slowly releasing glucose into the bloodstream at a steady pace, leading to a low glycemic response while high GI foods release glucose rapidly.
Complex carbohydrates high in fiber have a lower glycemic index than simple carbohydrates and are usually preferred to highly processed foods.
But remember:
Low GI foods aren’t necessarily always healthier, as foods high in fat too tend to have lower glycemic index values, than some healthy options.
Secretion of Insulin depends on the amount of glucose in the bloodstream. A lower glycemic response leads to lower insulin demand and improves long-term diabetic control.
Also, it’s not the Glycemic Index alone that leads to an increase in blood sugar. Equally important is the amount of food you consume.
The concept of Glycemic Index combined with the total food intake is called Glycemic Load (GL).
Glycemic Load GL = GI / 100 x Net Carbohydrates.
GI values are affected by combination with other foods.
If you want to eat high-GI food, combine it with low and medium-GI foods, which reduces the average GI value of the whole meal to an acceptable level.
The rates at which people digest carbohydrates also vary, so there are some individual differences in glycemic response from person to person.????????????????????????????????
But please keep in mind, reliance on GI and GL alone will lead to over-eating.
The Glycemic Index is only a rating of a food’s carbohydrate content. If you use GI and GL values as the only factors determining your diet, you can easily over-eat fat and total Calories.
Consumption of low-GI foods is not the only way to do this. Your blood sugar can also be controlled simply by limiting the total amount of carbohydrates consumed to around 25% in any meal.
The Ketogenic Diet is popular these days.
This is a low carbohydrate diet where you consume around 70-75% of your calories from fat, 5-10% from carbohydrates, and the balance from protein. This is a weight loss diet designed to help your body burn away fat.
However, a high-fat diet requires careful monitoring. Your doctor needs to monitor blood glucose and ketone levels to see that the diet isn’t causing any negative effects until your body adjusts to the diet.
The Keto diet can increase insulin resistance in the liver and could lead to Diabetes in some people, according to scientists.
Now you might be wondering: What can I eat if I have Diabetes? Well, here are some useful tips:
Healthy Eating Tips to Control Your Blood Sugar Level?????????????????????????????????????
Always stick to Complex Carbohydrates which have dietary fiber with vitamins and minerals and release Glucose into the bloodstream slowly.
Eat Fish and Chicken more and only lean cuts of Beef.
Avoid all Organ Meats, Processed Meat, and Red Meat from animals fed with antibiotics, growth hormones, and Genetically Modified feed.
Avoid Caffeine, high fructose Corn Syrup, high sugar Baked Goods, Sweets, White Bread, Sugary Cereals, Pastries etc.?All increase insulin resistance.
Choose vegetables that are low glycemic.
Avoid potatoes and other processed white foods like white rice, baked foods, packaged cereals, sugar, and salt. Refined White Rice or White Bread which are low in fiber is absorbed from the gut faster causing sudden spikes in blood sugar levels.
Avoid processed fast foods - Trans-Fats from partially hydrogenated Margarine, baked or deep-fried foods, and saturated fats from processed meat like Hot Dogs, Burgers, Sausage, Bacon, etc.
Eat more broiled or steamed foods and fewer fried foods.
Avoid refined added Simple Sugars like candy, cakes, syrups, fruit juices, regular carbonated beverages, ready-to-eat cereals, etc.
Bitter Melon / Bitter Gourd and Knol Khol consumed in raw or juice form help lower blood glucose levels in healthy and diabetic people.
Broccoli - Chromium in Broccoli allows our bodies to help balance blood glucose levels and give us continuous energy. Young broccoli sprouts make an excellent choice for Broccoli supplementary treatment in type 2 diabetes
Fruits and Berries??
Choose berries and fruits you can eat with the skin.
Cinnamon can be used as a herbal supplement to traditional diabetic medications to control blood sugar. The consumption of cinnamon significantly Cinnamon Quills and Powder decreases plasma glucose levels, LDL cholesterol, and triglyceride levels. Cinnamon also helps increase HDL cholesterol levels.
Cinnamon can be used in flavoring foods or add a teaspoon of powder to your tea or juice. Always ask for genuine Ceylon Cinnamon, with its low coumarin content and internationally trusted for centuries.
Cucumbers may help effectively reduce blood sugar levels and prevent some complications of diabetes.???????
Cut back the amount of Butter or trans-fats like Margarine and other shortenings you use in cooking.???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Eat a high-protein breakfast every morning. It will stabilize your blood sugar and get you off to a good start for the day.
Onions and Garlic
Eat more Onions and Garlic, whose sulfur-containing allyl propyl disulfide (APDS) helps the body better use insulin (also a disulfide) by competing with it for insulin-inactivating sites in the liver. Then, the body has more free insulin available for use in the glucose-to-energy conversion process, decreasing blood sugar levels.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek Seeds are excellent for regulating blood sugar levels. It helps in tackling insulin resistance, making it more responsive and sensitive. Diabetics more commonly use it.
Soak a spoonful of Fenugreek seeds in water overnight and drink the water early in the morning.
Healthy Fruits and vegetables??
Reorient your meals so your dinner plate has more vegetables, fruits, complex carbs, and less meat. ???
Nuts and Seeds
Snack on nuts and seeds. They are a good source of protein and have Omega 3’s.
Try making protein the focus of each meal. It kicks your metabolism into higher gear. The protein will help you handle insulin better, build muscle, and repair tissues - all essential for staying lean and controlling diabetes.
Curcumin in Turmeric possesses anti-diabetic effects and lessens diabetes complications.????????????????????????????
When taking herbal supplements, always consult your healthcare provider for advice, to prevent interfering with your normal medications.
A Diabetic Friendly Diet Must Contain the Following Types of Food
1.????Raw, cooked, or roasted Vegetables. Non-starchy vegetables like Broccoli, Carrots, Lettuce etc.?????
2.????Plenty of Greens and Leafy Vegetables – raw or steamed.
3. Whole-grain fiber foods – Pulses like Beans, Chickpeas, Lentils. Black Beans and steel-cut Oats control blood sugar and reduce the risk of heart disease.
4.????People who prefer a rice meal must eat Unpolished Red Rice, a cup which contains 38% Manganese, 27% Selenium, 21% Magnesium, 19% Tryptophan, and 12% of calorie requirement for a day.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Polishing Red Rice removes the hull of the rice kernel that contains the bran and germ, the parts that are most nutritious with minerals and micro-nutrients – B Vitamins- Thiamine, Niacin, and minerals like Phosphorus and Magnesium. The Rice Bran also slows digestion and releases glucose into the bloodstream slowly.
5.????Some Diabetics prefer the long- grain Basmati Rice which has a low GI value compared to Red Rice but without the above nutrients.
6.????Plenty of Fresh Fruits – eat the whole fruit that contains fiber rather than juice. Fruits, the more colorful the better.
7.????Low-fat or fat-free Dairy – Milk or low-sugar Yogurt.
8. ????Flavorful low-calorie Drinks – Plain water with lemon, Lime, or Cucumber. Drink Tea with Lemon or Cinnamon Stick. They are low-carb and fill you up.
9.????Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fats – Olive Oil, Peanut Oil, Canola Oil, Avocado, Almonds, Pecan, Walnuts etc.
10.???High-quality proteins – Eggs, Bran, Milk, and free-range Chicken or Turkey.
11.????Heart-healthy Fish – at least twice a week. Cod, Halibut, Salmon, Mackerel, Tuna, and Sardine are low-fat, omega-rich, and promote heart health.
And what do you need in addition to a healthy Diet? It is:
Lifestyle adjustments for improved diabetic control??????
1) Healthy Diet as above.
2) Exercise vigorously and regularly at least 3 times a week. Muscle contractions during physical activity like walking and jogging push glucose out of your blood into the peripheral cells for producing energy, thereby reducing blood sugar levels.
3) Losing weight by at least 10% would improve your blood sugar level considerably and keep Type 2 Diabetes under control.
a) Distribution of weight in the body also affects your diabetic management. People with fat in their belly (Apple shape) are more prone to Type 2 Diabetes than those with fat on their hips, buttocks, and thighs (Pear shape). b)Women with a waist >35″ and Men >40″ need to lose weight.
4) Soothe stress. Learning to relax helps you to sleep better. Stress makes blood sugar hard to control.
5) Not getting enough sleep, at least 6 hours a night could contribute to impaired glucose tolerance. Avoid Alcohol, Spicy food, and Caffeine, and block out all noise and light. Make it a habit of going to bed at the same time daily.
6) Sleep Apnea (breathing stops for a few seconds while sleeping) in Type 2 Diabetics increase the risk of heart attack and stroke. People with this condition have a higher risk of Diabetic complications with blood sugar fluctuations.
7) Avoid skipping meals, especially breakfast. Eat your meals at regular times. Depending on the medications you take for lowering blood sugar, if you skip meals you could end up with hypoglycemia.
When you go hungry, the liver releases glucose into the?bloodstream resulting in high blood sugar levels. However, when the liver senses a regular supply of glucose to the blood through food, the liver is signaled to stop releasing glucose.
Essential Routine Check-ups for Diabetics
Daily Routine
Check your feet daily for cuts, bruises, blisters, swellings, or red spots.
Brush your teeth twice a day and floss daily to keep teeth and gums healthy.
Check Blood Pressure and Blood Sugar.
Thrice a Year – with the assistance of your healthcare provider.
Check feet.
Check weight.
Check Blood Pressure.
Review of Self-care Plan.
HbA1c test – to be done more often if the reading is >7.
At least Once a Year – at your specialized clinics
Feet examination.
Dental examination to check teeth and gums.
Lipid Profile (Cholesterol) test.
Dilated eye examination to check for eye problems.
Urine and Blood tests are done to check for kidney problems.
Diabetes can be controlled with diet and regular exercise if you have the will.
Always have a balanced, healthy meal plan with limited Complex Carbohydrates, plenty of Vegetables and Fruits, and proteins from Fish, Lean Meat, and Lentils.
Keep your weight under control.
Have an active lifestyle, and take regular blood glucose tests to see if things are under control.
Take regular blood sugar-lowering medications if your healthcare provider thinks it’s necessary and live a healthy, normal, and productive long life.
Are you a Diabetic? Let us know how you have managed to control your blood sugar.
Please share this post and your comments are most welcome.
Disclaimer- The contents in this post are for informational purposes only. This is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition.
Freelance Content Writer / SEO Specialist / Blogger / Digital Marketer
6 年It’s a good piece of information to know.