Controlling the Chaos and Creating Way for Clarity
Jaya Mehrotra
Founder @ Women Leadership Circle | Executive Coach, Leadership Coach PCC ICF
On a cold winter morning in 2014, I woke up to the edge of tomorrow. Live-Die-Repeat was synonymous of how I felt that morning. Work was all consuming and I was a slave to someone else’s purpose even as I didn’t lack one of my own. That day I lost the will to be a cog but more importantly I knew that the only person between me and what-should-be was myself. A few weeks later I was enrolled into an executive programme to become a leadership coach
What I attained in those few weeks was Clarity. Clarity not just about what I wanted but also about why I was stuck in a swamp. Clarity which came from the Chaos
Is Your Mind a Chatterbox?
We let our thoughts wander as we perform our daily tasks. It’s not unusual to be thinking about the dubious pursuits of a co-worker while on the treadmill or just not being able to stop the chains of thoughts that miraculously appear in our heads even as we try to meditate. Chaos has a language and that is called chatter. Chatter is everything that is not relevant at that moment. Chatter slows you down, reduces objective thinking
The Information Surplus
We live in the information super age. ?We probably have a million times more information than our ancestors tilling the Gangetic plains and yet we have less clarity than they did. How can no dearth of data result in dearth of clarity? Information is a double-edged sword. While it can empower us it can equally distract us from our objectives. Retaining what is crucial
The chatter in our minds can disturb distract and dissuade but if we understand and acknowledge the various emotions that different kinds of information elicit in us, we prevent negative feelings
Back in 2014, weeks after that critical morning of inertia, what I got was clarity. Years of jousting the hierarchy and the proverbial glass ceiling, one thing I missed was a mentor
Find your Clarity. Without it, we cannot find fulfilment in our personal or professional lives