Controlled Food Supplies ...
Ronald Joseph Kule
"Writing biographies, historical fiction, and other genre books for paying clients."
Mainland China is communist, we know that. When they took over private farms that supplied local people with sustenance, they destroyed more than individual freedoms and livelihoods. But this trend was hardly the iceberg and only the tip.
I know. I was there in 1987 when I delivered a seminar and saw with my eyes and heard with my ears the real iceberg.
In my workshop, I covered the concepts of HAVE, DO, and BE, in that order, with scores of paper mill managers - each having 1,000 or more employees, and a leading government official who headed their country's light industries.
HAVE was easily understood as something each wanted or possessed.
DO was also understood with a little coaxing: actions like one's job or chores.
But, BE was an idea they could not easily grasp. In fact, they broke into smaller chat groups and discussed this concept among themselves before agreeing as a whole on what BE meant. Their answer ASTOUNDED ME!
The only idea they could come up with was that BE meant CHINA, the Motherland! Nothing else mattered. They could not get the idea of individuality!
Knowing that communism won over China in 1947, merely a generation or two ago, I saw that BE had been entirely taken away from the individual. TO BE was the Motherland to them! WOW! They could not grasp any idea of having individual freedoms or responsibility.
BE, DO, and HAVE are fundamental freedoms necessary for long-term survival. Every group is composed of individuals. Try to find a group that doesn't have at least two or more individuals in it; you won't.
Today, the scourge of intended total communist control of Earth's population is upon all people and nations. More and more have lost, or are losing, that game to the UN, the WEF, and other MINORITY "elite" groups. Still, the WILL to deny their ultimate victory remains one freedom of choice that today must accompany the WILL to stand up, even fight, for it.
For now, the battle can be waged and won with communication and ideas, but if nothing is done today, tomorrow will be a Dark Age of solid communications (bullets and more) and disagreements (fighting), possibly to the demise of life on Earth.
The choice today is our individual and collective opportunity. What shall we do about it?
Ronald Joseph Kule is an acclaimed biographer, novelist, and ghostwriter of books written on commission.