Emmanuel Olulana
Network Engineer || Python programmer || Web Developer with Django || Cybersecurity enthusiast || Graduate Information and communication engineer
Communication over the internet can be affected by a number of thing but two of the core factors are transmission contorol protocol and User datagram Protocol. These two protocols are part of Internet protocol suite which was discussed in my last article, but before we look at these two protocol indepth lets look at some other ways communication over the internet can be affected and how they connect to this protocols. ohk so there is something we call bandwidth in telecommunication, and you might ask what is this? Bandwidth is basically like a high way in which cars pass through but in this context the cars are called data such as text messages, data calls, pictures, and videos etc., basically any form of data or information that is sent using the internet. So now how does bandwidth play a part in TCP and UDP? Lets first look at what these two protocols are.
Transmission Control Protocol: This as said before is a part of the internet protocol suit and it is a layer 4 protocol, hold what is layer 4? It is a layer on the OSI model. If you will like to learn more on the OSI models just signify on the comments section. So back to TCP, this particular protocol is a connection orriented protocol, meaning there as to be an established connection before communication can take place. So how does bandwidth play a role in this protocol? Well there will be a dedicated bandwith or a dedicated high way for data to pass through. Just imaging we have like an entire highway to ourselves how fast would you drive? Fast right, yeah that is what it is used. But the disadvatage with this protocol is that bandwidth is a limited comodity it is not something you can give in large quatities which is why it is used majorly for phone calls, and even at that some people still experience bad phone calls or call drops well the reason for that is because of:
User Datagram protocol: Now TCP talks about having a reliable connection, well UDP on the other hand is the opposite. It does not establish a connection between the sender and reciever before communication is done. Most online messaging application, VoIP and communication with websites which uses DNS queries uses this protocol. Now how does this affect bandwidth? There is something in telecommunication which is know as congestion control, now this just basically means that is the bandwidth is full UDP does not care about that still sends data regardless and this can result to loss of data. This is called evil in telecommunication. Imagine you are on a call and you are talking with someone and you are dear two and you miss the last two lines of what they said, and you say can you repeat that i did not get you and the persons says never mind. Hmmm, well that is really bad. But UDP still as it good sides such that it can make use of a larger portion of the bandwidth if needed, for example if you are transfering or downloading a large file over the internet.
So now you see how bandwidth plays a major part in these protocols now is there any way we can improve on this? Yes there are ways we can some are listed down below.
Now if you are using home internet service provider there are somethings you cant contorol and there are some things that you can. One thing that can be done on the side of the service provider is buy more bandwidth or improve equipment or manage bandwidth more effectively but that is on the the side of the service provider. On the side of the user, one sure way you can improve on this is pay more for thier services, it is expesive but it is a sure way to improve you internet speed, another way is get an internet is dont open multiple tabs at once!!. very important cause most people keep a lot of tabs open and that drains both CPU power and Internet speed.
With this you should have a basic understanding of how TCP and UDP play a major role in controlled internet communication. As always if you want to learn more you can always reach out to me. Dont forget to like and share.
Thank you.