Control What You Can Control
Deven Rodriguez
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We all learn at one point. It's just a matter of when we learn it.
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where somebody reacted to you in a certain way? And all you thought to yourself was why can't that person have reacted in a different way? Thinking you wish you could control that person and what they were doing to you. In return, it gets us so frustrated and caught up in our feelings and we just lose ourselves in the process.?
As you worry about other people and their behaviors, you allow those thoughts to destruct you. Their day just goes on, that's not going to change how they are. All it does is destruct your thinking and how you feel about yourself.
You cannot control what people say to you and how people respond to you. You don't have power over it, but you have power over your mind. Realize this and you will find strength.
Let me tell you a really good story:
There's a businessman that's on a train. He's working on some projects and deadlines are coming up really soon. There's another man with two kids sitting a couple rows down. His children were running up and down the aisle and the man was thinking "What in the world are these kids doing?!"
He couldn't stop thinking about the kids' being their playful self and spent an hour complaining about them. He finally gets up of his chair and goes over the father of these children and said, "Sir, you better control your kids. Why aren't you controlling your children? Are you crazy or stupid?"
The man turns to him and says, "Sir, I'm so sorry. You see, the kids and I just left their mother, my wife, at the hospital and we said goodbye to her for the last time."
The businessman didn't realize that this man and his children are having a hard time. "Has she suddenly died today?", he asked. The man replied, "I'm sorry. My mind just isn't here yet. And it hurts so bad." The man then called the kids and apologized once again to the business man.
The businessman, in shock, walked away thinking "If only I knew what that person was going through, I would have taken it easier on him, I would have been more understanding and empathetic."
You see, it was all a matter of perspective - you can't see what other people are going through. A lot of times when people are going through something, sometimes they'll project onto you what they feel inside, in hopes that it will make them feel better. While in reality, it won't. So understand that while a certain person is acting mean towards you, there might be something going on with them that you cannot see.
You cannot assume responsibility for other people's actions. You have to be able to tell yourself if it will do you good if you focus on others. And most of the time, the answer is no. Because when you try to control others, that's when you lose yourself.
Don't allow others to influence how you respond. Losers hold grudges, but Winners understand and empathize. Maintain your placing in the driver's seat in your life by saying:?