Control is power, and if you have control over yourself and what is happening around you, you will achieve your goals more efficiently.
You can exercise control from different angles. Let’s compare it with cars. If you drive a regular car on a normal road in normal conditions, you need far fewer skills than a Formula 1 driver in bad conditions. The higher the challenges, the more you have to prepare to control the situations.
If you want to control the outcomes of your efforts, you must control the processes. Be especially aware of the preparations, because these are fundamental for efficient execution.
Focus primarily on what you can control and evaluate how you deal with processes and situations that you cannot control. When you are in control, your self-esteem and your strength are higher.
Let’s say you’re going to meet a potential customer for the first time. First, you will research everything you could get your hands on about his business, developments, solutions, needs, problems and people. You prepare precisely how your products or services can solve your customer’s needs or problems or improve his results.
Think always that your client has basically two interests: Save money and to gain money. When you can help him with that, you are the right partner.
Then you will create a compelling presentation that is oriented on solutions and creative inspirations. Think always how you can be important for your client and don’t concentrate only on your solutions. Help your client to solve certain situations with the help from other people, products or services.
The second most important task is to figure out with whom you are going to deal with. Find out as much as possible about the persons and design your negotiation strategy upon this information.
Ask your colleagues to get their constructive feedback and be open to innovative approaches. Look for previous experiences of your company or your competition. The more and better you prepare this sales meeting and the follow-up processes, the more likely it will be you will achieve your goals.
Commit to always prepare mentally and physically for your life and work, because then do your best to control your results.
Your success will not always be what you want it to be, but if you always give it all, your chances will increase far above average.
Your success is defined by the effort you put into preparation and execution. If you also make it a habit to walk the extra mile, then your results will be outstanding.
Top performance people have an absolutely high grade of emotional intelligence. One of the main characteristics of emotional intelligence is self-control. Self-control helps you to maintain excellent outcomes, even under stressful situations. It keeps you focused and on track.
Self-control and self-discipline are probably the most difficult values to learn and practice in your life. To control yourself, you must create mental and physical strength, and this means you must be in harmony with the universal energy.
Consider the following suggestions to create and strengthen your self-control.
Create a sense of importance
Prioritize your goals by importance and focus first on what is essential and urgent. Control always your to-do list, because this is the key for perfect time management.
Be active
Once you have defined your most important tasks, get to work. Plan what and who you need to accomplish these tasks.
Always remember: time passes by, no matter if you do something or delay it.
Mastering conflict situations
Be prepared for everything that can happen, but accept that it is not always possible to be prepared for everything.
If a conflict arises, stay calm and absorb all new information first. Learn to listen to your positive inner voice, because sometimes there is no time to make decisions rationally and quickly.
Determine what is important for you
Knowing what is essential for you creates clarity. This, in turn, reduces stress and helps you to get rid of unnecessary ballast.
Concentrate on the priority sector urgent and important. You never have enough time to do everything, but you always have enough time to do what has the highest priority.
Listen to the right voices
Beware of your negative voices in your head, because she loves to create feelings of fear, insecurity and self-criticism. Listen to her and understand that she only wants to protect you from mistakes. But if you don’t make any mistakes, you won’t make any progress. Talk to your inner critical voice and show it your good intentions. Promote your inspiring and positive inner voice because it will provide you with information about universal intelligence.
Forgive yourself
Always be next to yourself. If you do not have something, then you cannot share it or give it. A person who does not love himself cannot love anyone else and a person who does not forgive himself cannot forgive anyone else.
Defeats can affect your self-confidence and make it harder to believe that you will achieve much better results in the future. Forgive yourself for mistakes, self-reproaches or negative feelings and forgive other people as well. Thus you free yourself from a heavy mental burden. This does not necessarily mean that you have to love the whole world, but that you can move people who are not relevant to you into a neutral zone. Focus your attention on what you will do to improve yourself in the future.
The more you want to achieve, the more risks you have to take, but you cannot allow a possible failure to prevent you from believing in your abilities to succeed. If you live in the past and don’t get over your defeats, your past becomes your present and prevents you from developing in the future.
Be grateful
Gratefulness releases one of the most vital energies of the universe within you. When you approach life with a sense of sincere gratitude, you are always aware of your beautiful life. You enjoy the results of your life successes, and you are ready for more fantastic things and situations. Grateful people are positive and happy people; they are responsible for their lives and decide for themselves what they want to do and what they don’t want to do.
Say no
The more a person says yes, but means no, the more likely it is that he suffers from greater stress, burnout and even depression. Negative stress is the basis for a variety of physical and mental problems and diseases.
Saying no is indeed a big challenge for most people. If you want to say no to somebody, then you can use justifications that you, first and foremost, can believe. If you give reasons for your no, it will be easier for you to say it and it will be easier for your counterpart to accept it.
If you do not want to make a decision immediately, ask for a time to think about it. To say no means stronger self-control, and with every further safe choice, it becomes stronger.
Accept imperfection
There is no such thing as objective perfection, but there is subjective perfection. Emotionally intelligent people shape their subjective perfection and define the path to it. Accept objective imperfection as a variable factor in your planning.
Focus on solutions
Whatever you focus on, you direct your energies. You determine your focus through your conscious thoughts. Your thoughts control your being.
If you concentrate on joy, you will experience more joy. As you have seen in other cases, you need certain patience until you master the routines. Pay attention to what you think and concentrate on positive values. Focus on solutions instead of problems.
The art of questioning
Pay attention to the kind of questions you ask yourself and others. Instead of asking destructive and weak questions, you must work with constructive and strong questions. If you analyze situations from the past, ask yourself how you can improve the constant and variable points. Scenario planning is necessary and is an efficient strategic planning technique for each project.
You do not ask yourself to diminish your value or to blame yourself and feel guilty, but you ask yourself to strengthen, prepare and change yourself. It is your responsibility to treat yourself positively, powerfully and lovingly.
Recharge your energy
Always keep an eye on your energy. You recharge your energy through a healthy diet, exercise and rest. When you sleep or meditate, your body recovers heals and organizes itself. Your subconscious and unconscious work with the experiences of the day. Recovery is necessary to make us stronger, more resilient and more productive. The mental and physical development takes place in the rest phases.
Exercise and enjoy the flood of happy hormones. Exercise releases endorphins, which not only make one happier but also cause an increased pump of adrenalin in the body, which has positive effects, including suppressing allergic reactions. Movement is essential for your body because it`s a machine and must be activated.
Laziness is natural, but you are curious and continue to develop yourself further. Remember no more excuses and apologies; you are a winner! Fight against your weaker self and make daily exercise routines for your body and your brain a requirement.
Meditate daily
So many people believe that meditation is complicated, but it’s so simple. No matter whether you’re moving or sitting still, concentrate on your breathing. Press your breath down toward your stomach and hold it for a few seconds, then breathe back out slowly. This breathing pattern influences your inner tranquillity. The slower you breathe, the more relaxed you’ll become. Breathe in through your nose and then back out through your mouth. That’s also an excellent technique if you’ve been upset and want to calm down yourself.
Taking risks
Most people try to avoid risks and mistakes and unfortunately, do not understand that these factors are part of the success concept. All people who have achieved great things have also taken high risks and made mistakes. Successful people see risks and errors as new chances to learn from them and to improve.
In any case, you must weigh and calculate the risks, because taking uncontrollable risks and making avoidable mistakes is counterproductive.
Positive thinking
A significant last step of self-control is to control negativity.
The more you think about negative thoughts, the more power you give them. Most of your negative thoughts are just that - thoughts and not facts.
Successful people work with positive and strong thoughts to determine their own lives. Apparently, human nature is negative rather than positive. Negative thoughts are a gift, but positive thoughts have to be worked for.
If you are about to believe in the negative and pessimistic things your inner voice says, it is time to stop and write them down. Once you have taken a moment to slow down the negative dynamics of your thoughts, you will be more rational and clearer in evaluating their truthfulness.
Have you ever wondered how many positive thoughts you need to neutralize a negative thought?
Help your wandering and uncontrolled thoughts by consciously focusing on something positive. Support your positive thoughts with strong emotions and always stay with a positive mental attitude.
Practising these simple habits will help strengthen control over your life and activities. By creating your own priorities, you will feel a new power in your life.
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**There is not much to do for those individuals who do not even try to get ahead on their own.**
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