Is it CONTROL or POWER running your Biz?

Is it CONTROL or POWER running your Biz?

Is it CONTROL or POWER running your business?

Here's how you can tell...

Firstly, control is an alluring beast instilled in you eons ago that will have you believing that if you grip hard enough, you'll avoid disappointment, failure and judgment.

It commands: the more you push, the more likely the result will go in your favour.

Power doesn't push. Power expands you and everyone in your orb.?

Let me show you CONTROL (??)?vs POWER?(??)

???Wanting a full work calendar/schedule

?? Allowing spaciousness

???Denying yourself adequate support and believing you have to be the one to do it

??Recognising support gives you superpowers

???Saying "I know" and "I can't" a lot

?? Saying "I understand" and "I'm curious" a lot

???Chronically feeling stressed and gritting your teeth through everyday?

?? Experiencing stress as a temporary state and enquiring if you like it/get something out of it?

???Holding on and in all the time and thinking you have to HOLD everyone

???Letting yourself go and be HELD as a means to be more powerful when you choose to hold space

???An unwillingness to experiment with your offers?

?? Being experimental and open to try new approaches?

??Assuming the financial standing of your clients and using that to decide your offers & pricing

?? Acknowledging that clients are sovereign & can decide how to use their finances based on what they want

???Wearing metaphorical masks thinking you can influence whether people like you or not?

?? Your freedom is in the truth not everyone will like you but that your energy will turn on the right people like???????

???Permanently LEANING IN in your biz?

?? Recognising that there are times to lean in and times to lean back

??Treating yourself like a machine

??Acknowledging how GLORIOUSLY human you are

???Rigid thinking that says: "this is the way its done"

?? Using internal & external dialogue that is fluid & nimble yet certain?

???Thinking success is numbers reflected in an excel spreadsheet?

?? Celebrating qualitative measures of success

???Telling clients to take actions you are too scared to take (because doing this for yourself threatens your sense of control)

?? Being congruent and having a firm standing in what you ask clients to do

???Always highlighting what isn't a reality in your biz and what's in lack

?? Emphasising and expanding what IS in your biz whilst honestly referencing what could be improved & what MORE you want

???Constantly choosing needs & safety over desires & risks

?? Cementing your sense of safety in yourself and having the power to take embodied risks that will create a new level of security?

???Denying how your shadows are running your life & work because it's "too dark and too hard"

?? A willingness to examine & befriend your shadows as a natural part of your humanity & leverage them to work FOR YOU

???Using the price/cost to determine your decisions for systems and support?

?? Asking what the most aligned fit is for your biz recognising that wealth will multiply and cheapest can be incredibly expensive in every definition?

My best advice to you?


What has been shared here is merely the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the energetics & shadows running your biz. Naturally, there's MORE.

Want to finally retire CONTROL from capping your biz and receive the ignition to powerFULLY break through your self-imposed glass ceiling?

Apply for one of my private mentoring containers here and we'll speak in the next week.

Lauren xo

P.S. Have we met?

I’m Lauren White and I’m your secret spark plug for climactic transformation and cataclysmic impact in life, love & leadership and I want you to know...

I get you.

We are a special kind.

Smart. Innovative. Progressive. Full of heart.

We didn't like the way things were done so we brazenly created our own thing.

We are the ones we were waiting for in academia and patriarchal health systems.

At its essence, my work is about bringing you home to yourself - you are the secret and the secret is you.

I will be your fiercest ally, your biggest cheerleader and your most trustworthy truth teller. And I’ll do it all with heartfelt sincerity, my signature laugh and even a celebratory dance.


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