Control Over Mind and Its Modifications
Acharya Krishna
Spiritual Guide, Writer, Wellness and Motivational Advisor, Mystic, Social Innovator DM in Inbox for inquiry or consultation regarding Astrology, Palmistry, Yoga mudras, Meditation, Spiritual and Motivational Discourses
The aim of the entire yoga psychology. you can have control over mind and its modifications, and thus attain samadhi, the highest state of wisdom; this is one meaning. Having control over mind and its modifications is called yoga; this is the second meaning.
Your mind is always going through samkalpa and vikalpa, arguing for and against, brooding on something all the time. Can you imagine a state that is free from all questions and argumentation? When all your problems and questions are resolved, in which language will you think ? If your mind has attained a state that is free from all conflicts, what is the condition of your mind? If there is no question in your mind, how can your mind continue the usual thinking process? In which language will you think when you have nothing to think, when you have no questions at all ? What will your mind do then?
The human mind functions within a certain field. You will go beyond that. There is nothing in the unconscious that you have not seen before. Your mind works only within the boundaries of the field of whatever you have previously heard, seen, thought of, or imagined. This is the field of the phenomenal world. Your mind wanders within a boundary of its own, but it can go beyond. You are not aware of that. There is a way of training your mind and all the various faculties of your mind so that you can go beyond. There are many other fields where mind gets freedom from all these forms, and remains in a state of joy and happiness. “Beyond” means the transpersonal field. The field of your personal mind is small. When you know that this field is not able to help you, then you cross to the transpersonal field. Then you will find that you receive help, and you can help yourself in a better way. Self-confidence is important, but it is also essential to take help from the transpersonal mind. You will cross the mire of delusion and go to the kingdom of spirituality, the kingdom of light, where pains and miseries will not affect you, and you will be in a state of constant joy or bliss. A human being can do that.
There are five “vehicles” described by yoga science. 1. The physical body is the grossest vehicle. 2. The the vital force or pranic sheath—the sheath of prana or energy that you inhale and exhale with the breath. 3. The mental sheath. 4. The sheath of your personal knowledge. 5. The sheath of bliss. The fifth sheath is blissful because it is very close to the center of consciousness; it is the mirror of the center of consciousness. It can be called the conscience within.
First, learn to understand your mind and purify your mind in an orderly way. You can do it. One who has understood the mind has understood everything. You do not have to worry in order to understand God; you do not have to worry to understand the center of consciousness. It is already there, even if you do not believe it is there. It is your mind that makes a difference. Patanjali says you have something permanent with you that is called “the monkey mind.” That monkey mind always gets in your way and creates barriers for you. One day it helps you to understand something, and then the next day you undo the same thing. One moment you think you have known something; after half an hour, the same mind will say you have not known anything. Sometimes you think you are going toward insanity; sometimes you think you are doing very well. That monkey mind comes between you and realization. It is all mind. “Mana eva manushyanam karanam bandha- moksha.” It is mind that creates a barrier for you, but mind can also help you in gaining emancipation or liberation. Mind is an obstacle for the ignorant, and a means for the wise. The same mind that is considered to be an obstacle can be a useful tool provided you know your mind.
Suppose If you put five, six, seven, or eight shades on a table lamp, you will find the light seems very dim. If you go on removing the shades, finally you will find the light. The limitations of the mind are exactly like those shades. There are various levels of mind to penetrate before reaching the kingdom of the soul—personal mind, transpersonal mind, inner mind, collective mind, and cosmic mind.
When you go to the center of consciousness, you will not find mind there. You will only find consciousness itself. Consciousness is different from mind. Mind is an instrument that has various functions. How does your mind function and from where does it receive power and energy? Mind functions because of the power called consciousness. Mind is the instrument; consciousness is the power. There is a center of consciousness beyond mind called your individual soul. The power that mind is using for thinking, listening, understanding, and judging comes from the soul. Mind has its limitations.
Continuous in the next part.....