Understanding the law in itself is not straightforward even if we confine ourselves to the legal rules of one country, as expressed in the native language. When a foreign language is added to the mix, the risks are probably unconscionable - A. Kirsh

How to reduce translation costs - Sight translation

Sight translation saves legal professionals a considerable amount of time by going straight to the essentials of the documents they wish to translate. Instead of an automatic translation to decipher the content or a full translation by a professional.

Management of costs and high volumes: Should everything be translated?

A law firm in Paris specializing in business law asks us for sight translations of court decisions in Arabic. The lawyers then select the documents that will require a certified translation.

Instead of an automatic translation to decipher the content or a full translation by a professional.Sight translation may also take the form of an oral summary, of one or more documents. This enables the selection of the content that requires a written translation or even a certified translation (we are talking about certified translation and not sworn translation). This type of service reduces translation costs for certain sizeable dossiers.

One of our clients needed to understand some English language court rulings urgently. Translating some 400 pages would have been very costly in terms of

time and money. We therefore suggested a sight translation and summaries of of certain passages. The client in question was delighted with the solution.

Tell us the purpose of your document or the nature of your requirement and together we can build the best solution to your problem.

Download our White Paper - Legal Translations: Control Costs and Optimize Quality

This white paper will introduce you to :

- The different advantages of sight translation and automated translation;

- How cutting out the middleman streamlines the translation process and shortens turnaround times;

- The advantages of having translators specialized in your legal field; - The importance of confidentiality and how to protect your documents (and your clients).

This white paper offers you a number of tips and recommendations based on statistics, case studies and professional experience:

1 - Optimize your translation processes (and meet your production deadlines),

2 - Reduce your costs,

3 - Improve the final quality of your translations.

Download the free white paper

Download here



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