Control Cost of Cleaning with Improved Efficiency - Part 1
Louis Anastasakos
Training Manager at Wood Wyant - Bridging the gap between knowledge and need in away-from-home cleaning for 30+ years
Labour is more than 80% of the total cost of any cleaning operation. With increased labour costs, as found with the new $14 per hour minimum wage in Ontario, an important way to control costs is through efficiency gains. Changing project and restorative work procedures with the right equipment, products, training and scheduling can make this work be a part of regular staff activities. This change of procedures in particular can allow hard floor and carpet care to be done by regular staff with light training and get expert results.
This first note is about applying floor coatings. Using a backpack system does an excellent job:
1) controlling coating uniformity for shorter drying times between coats;
2) allowing precision finish application which also prevents finish from coating baseboards and immovable furniture footings;
3) reducing finish application time by more than 1/3 compared to using a string mop process according to the ISSA 612 Cleaning Times reference guide;
4) reducing waste of finish that is trapped in the mop or finish that is discarded because of excessive time delays between coating applications.
The key to using product and equipment effectively is providing training to be sure you have the right process in place. Attached is a link to Wood Wyant's YouTube video showing the process of using a backpack finish application system to get professional results.
For more process and product training video tools visit and subscribe to the Sani Marc Group YouTube channel.
For hands on training for floor care and other cleaning procedures to improve your efficiency and control costs contact your Wood Wyant representative or call 1-800-361-7691 for more information.
As G.H.Wood , a pioneer and visionary in the cleaning industry and one of the founders of Wood Wyant, used to say "Be Prepared, Not Scared".
Get ready and take on the challenge of controlling costs and being competitive in today's cleaning marketplace.