Control + ALT + Delete: Reboot your Health (part 2)
Vaibhav Jain ? -A Man On Mission
Co-Founder at Wellsense| On a Mission to make 1million people free from Obesity and pills - Diabetes,PCOD, Thyroid, Infertility, Hairfall, Skin Concerns| Entrepreneur
“What’s the alternative then?” asked Sam.
Naren replied ,” Sam, I want to ask you –If a plant's leaves are turning brown, what would you do?
Would you pain the leaves green again or would you look at the problem which actually changed the color of the leaves?
Sam replied “ Of course, it makes sense to attack the problem leading to the dis-coloration of leaves”
“Exactly, Sam. That’s the whole point.
Similarly you need to remove the deposited plaque from your blood arteries, rather than thinning your blood by using some pills, and support your heart muscles rather weaken its abilities, so that it doesn’t get stressed because of the high pressure against which it has to force the blood”, said Naren.
For that, you need to change your eating habits and start using Omega-3 i.e. good fatty acids, essential amino acids, Soy Iso-flavanoids, Calcium and Co-enzyme Q10 rich health supplements.
DELETE drugs and choose the ALT. i.e. the right food choices which can help you to overcome and CONTROL your health challenges.
But .....Naren!
Is it a good idea to take Nutritional supplements?
Definitely, they are.
Even World Health organization recommends that every person should take multi-vitamin supplements every day in light of ongoing lifestyle and food-habits.
It has been scientifically proven that Food or Nutritional science has the potential to reverse or treat the disease as it works on the roots of the problem.
But then,why are so many doctors simply against them?
I can understand your concern Sam. To answer this question, lets approach a doctor. In his book, which is titled as “What your Doctor Doesn’t know About Nutrition Medicine May Be Killing You”, Dr. Ray Strand, who is a Master in Medicine confesses :
Credits :
Doctors have very limited training in the field of nutritional science and even if a doctor undertook extra study in the Science and nutrition medical, licensing and regulations under which a medical doctor works typically discourage him from recommending nutrition remedies
Not only this he also adds that the existing most prevalent system controls the symptoms of the disorders and gives the side effects. As a result person accumulates more and more disorders/diseases as the time passes by.
To support his statement, Nutritional experts from all over the India met & conferred that :
Nutritional deficiencies cause most diseases : Expert (950+) according to a report published in the Hindu, 15th June 2012
Sam told ,"I understand whatever you are trying to say, but can’t I get the same nutrition from natural resources? Wouldn’t that be more better way for body , what do you think?
Why should I opt for Supplements?
In an ideal world, we would not need any supplements; our food would supply us with all the vitamins and minerals we need.
But we don’t live in an ideal world, do we?
Had you been staying in a village or owning farms, you would have not required any supplements at all. That’s the reason we never heard of supplements about 2 decades ago.
“Our soil is contaminated; our fruits are covered with pesticides and injected with glucose, polished with wax. And what’s worse, our crop is transported in trucks for long distances, where it loses all the nutrients it has. Then, of course the way we store our grains, fruits & vegetables is killing all the nutrients.
Even once the food is in kitchen, number of sauces, seasonings and other preservatives we add while cooking or how we refrigerate it leave very little on the plate for you.
In an ideal world, you should be growing your own food, milking your own cow, waking up with the sunrise, sleeping after sunset. If your life is like this, you won’t need any supplements.
But reality is far from being ideal which means that your body is not absorbing all the nutrients it needs.
What takes me by surprise is when I see people are so paranoid about the side effects of supplements?
They have no clue where their vegetables, fruits, grains or flour etc is coming from and they are happy to pop a painkiller or anta-acid daily. The lifestyle that they are following is already bringing hordes of side effects with them ( some of which last a short time: headache, stomach ache, lethargy, irritability and some which last forever : heart-attacks, insulin resistance, depression, obesity).
Some common disorders or symptoms of deficiencies in body
Sometimes I suspect that they don’t want the benefits of food supplements to wash away these side effects that they have spent a life-time earning.
No wonder, that day Sam made an informed decision. He Re-Booted his health and started using supplements to stay healthy.
What about you? What are you waiting for?
So when are you Re-booting your system and dumping out all the toxins?
In the age of smart technology, I go Smart by adopting organic food supplements which are abstracted from fruits, vegetables and herb, harvested organically with strict quality standards.
I have assisted many people in adopting healthy lifestyle & nutritional changes which have brought magical impact in their lives be it hair loss, weight management, any deficiency, or digestive problems or any chronic disorder.
My intention is to help you choose the right food or organic supplements which can help you overcome your health challenges, have a greater control of your life by being productive 24X7. Feel free to get in touch with me for your health consultations.
I would like to conclude by saying:
Pay Now and enjoy your whole life, or Pay Later being helpless tomorrow