Contrasting Civil Rights and Human Rights as a Political Approach

Contrasting Civil Rights and Human Rights as a Political Approach

Office of the Facilitators: Afro-Descendant Nation Confederated USA

Sometimes I actually have a discussion with a Civil Rights person that allows me to contrast and compare what we are doing. A brother named Roger Madison has decided to allow me to contrast the difference between the Civil Rights approach and the Human Rights approach to living in the United States.

Roger Madison Please drop the inferiority and slave language like it is “impossible”, “mythical” or a “fantasy” to have an “independent state relationship with the United States” when you do not understand political entity relationships. The United States is a colonial nation that has over 512 independent relationships with other Peoples/countries. The American Indians, Guam, Puerto Rico, Marshall Islands, Samoa, Hawaii, Virgin Islands, Etc.

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I am talking about a different political relationship that is vastly superior to the political relationship than the one that you have with the Democratic Party. Each of these countries and people have a “Post Colonialism relationship with the United States. In 1960 the world of colonized people ended for nearly all of the colonized people with the Declaration of non-self-governing People. UN Declaration on Non-Self-Governing Territories

This Declaration freed the African, Asian, and Island peoples who were COLONIZED. Whether you know it or not most of the Non-White countries of the world including us who at that time was called the American Negro were colonized. We still are colonized under the definition because the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments did not free us, in fact, it was a VIOLATION of our God-given right to Self-determination because we did NOT participate in the determination of our new status.

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The Afro-descendant Nation strategy gives us “Superior land rights”, which is a Trillion dollar a year improvement over your “begging and disappointment approach with the United States. You are not a member of the International Bar Association like I am so you don’t know this. You are fooling yourself if you think you are free under the Constitution of the United States. Why? Because the post Civil War Amendment are voidable acts which we have voided by our Declaration of Independence and our ascension to the free status afforded to us in 2002 under the laws of the Organization of American States as “Afrodescendant”.

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Consequently, over 120,000 of us have ascended to our “Natural Rights” to make our own decisions as to our identity and status. You, sir, are not free, you and our people like you have an inferior identity status as a “simple minority” and you/we have been deprived of wealth, education, liberty, etc. The Civil Rights Movement was only a movement and Malcolm X and then Dr. King realized this before he was assassinated by the United States. You don’t understand our political history and you certainly don’t understand your status or identity rights as Afro-descendant indigenous formerly Negro peoples.The Afro-Descendant Nation Confederated is made up of all of these people who are now asserting their rights. As Malcolm X said, you have been bamboozled, Hoodwinked, and tricked into thinking you are free, and guess what? The White Americans know this and his courts, the division of wealth by the Congress, local and State along with their police force has shown this to us.

Mustafa Ansari, the 120,000 delusional followers of this fantasy are the ones who are not free. They are declaring that their current status as free Americans equates to slavery.? They have never been freed of their mental chains,? despite the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments to the Constitution of the USA. They promise a mythical status to their followers that promises sovreignty,? wealth, justice, and land rights through a declaration of Afrodescendant Independence.?Meanwhile,? those of us who are free are making progress,? building wealth,? and continuing the struggle in the tradition of Frederick Douglass - a free Black man who led the abolitionist resistance to slavery that led to the Civil War. Those who say we have made no progress are still enslaved in their minds and grasp at these delusional fantasies to free them.



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