Continuous Variables Graph States Shaped as Complex Networks: Optimization and Manipulation
Continuous Variables Graph States Shaped as Complex Networks: Optimization and Manipulation
Francesca Sansavini and Valentina Parigi
Complex networks structures have been extensively used for describing complex natural and technological systems, like the Internet or social networks. More recently, complex network theory has been applied to quantum systems, where complex network topologies may emerge in multiparty quantum states and quantum algorithms have been studied in complex graph structures. In this work, we study multimode Continuous Variables entangled states, named cluster states, where the entanglement structure is arranged in typical real-world complex networks shapes. Cluster states are a resource for measurement-based quantum information protocols, where the quality of a cluster is assessed in terms of the minimal amount of noise it introduces in the computation. We study optimal graph states that can be obtained with experimentally realistic quantum resources, when optimized via analytical procedure. We show that denser and regular graphs allow for better optimization. In the spirit of quantum routing, we also show the reshaping of entanglement connections in small networks via linear optics operations based on numerical optimization. View Full-Text
Keywords: continuous variables clusters; complex quantum networks; quantum routing
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This article belongs to the Special Issue Quantum Information: Fragility and the Challenges of Fault Tolerance
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