Continuous Learning
People are in general scared of doing multiple things which can burn their energy as the natural defensive mechanism. Comfort Zones are the killing zone where brain stop growing and eventually cells are dying. Due to this, they probably can suffer anxiety, depression and brain related issues.
Humans are designed to learn from the their close environment, extended environment and society informally and from institutions formally. As they learn they build unconscious mind which is approximately 90% and then process new information 10% with conscious brain. There are very neurological pathways which starts dying out if you are not recalling or revising. But with the capacity of around 1000b neural pathways, there are much capacity to learn new things.
Some people believe their brain is reached to the max learning capacity and some people believe that new learnings are too much for them and it may not be required as they are fine what they are doing or what they have.
Brain capacity is around 2-3 Peta Bye, can you imagine how much brain we have for new learnings?
Probably significant energy and internal motivation are required to accomplish this and it scares people to death. So people stay tunnel focused and don't go for cross-skills where they suffer growth and eventually stress and depression.
What we need to do.
1) Keep learning informally and patch it with formal learnings.
2) Formally learn new skills and patch it to existing learnings
3) Come out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself and it provides you more inner satisfaction.
4) Avoid Biases (existing learning and patterns), challenge them with new facts, real time data (data changes over times, results change over time), market analysis, research just for learning and not to influence others.
Happy to get your view points on this.