What is DevOps:
"DevOps is a culture which aims at removing the communication barrier among the Developers and the Operations and develop trust among them."
Overview of DevOps:
?DevOps is an agile relationship between development and IT operations
?DevOps is the abbreviation for Development and Operations
?The Development includes Plan, Create, Verify, and Package
?The Operations include Release, Configure, and Monitor
DevOps to Overcome Challenges:
?Reduction in the code size delivery results in increased productivity
?Smaller batch sizes, dedicated teams, and automated processes make scheduling simpler to operate
?Batch sizes are divided into small cells. Each cell gathers its own data, reducing the size of the reports
?Identifies productive and loss areas in the process. As a result, an organization can focus more on their goals
DevOps Toolchains:
Packing the Application
Collaboration ·
Planning ·
Source Control ·
Issue Tracking ·
Configuration Management ·
Continuous Integration
DevOps Tools:
The DevOps lifecycle:
?Continuous Integration (CI), Continuous Testing (CT), and Continuous Delivery (CD) are significant part of DevOps culture.
?CI includes automating builds, unit tests, and packaging processes.
?While CD is concerned with the application delivery pipeline across different environments.
?Continuous integration and continuous delivery or deployment are well supported by cloud provisioning and configuration management.
?Continuous monitoring helps identify issues or bottlenecks in the end-to-end pipeline and helps make the pipeline effective.
?Continuous feedback is an integral part of this pipeline, which directs the stakeholders whether are close to the required outcome or going in the different direction
DevOps is a?set of practices, tools, and a cultural philosophy that automate and integrate the processes between software development and IT teams. It emphasizes team empowerment, cross-team communication and collaboration, and technology automation.