CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) in order to improve the student's performance by identifying his/her learning difficulties at regular intervals, right from the beginning of the academic session and employing suitable remedial measures for enhancing their learning performance.
Advantages of CCE as claimed by CBSE :
1. Stress : This is the TRP of the CCE. All the talks regarding CCE start and end with this single agenda. CBSE claims that CCE reduces the stress on students by:
- Identifying learning progress of students at regular time intervals on small portions of content.
- Encouraging learning through employment of a variety of teaching aids and techniques.
- Employing a variety of remedial measures of teaching based on learning needs and potential of different students.
- Recognizing and encouraging specific abilities of students, who do not excel in academics but perform well in other co-curricular areas.
2. Overall Personality Development : Multi-tasking is the call of the 21st century. The regular monitoring of the student will eventually help in the proper grooming of the student and will help him realize his strengths and weaknesses in multiple fields. Overcoming the weaknesses will in turn help him develop his aptitude in multiple areas.
3. Generating Interest : The increased emphasis on sports and co-curricular activities will help in creating interest among students. Group activities and stage performances will build up their confidence which will eventually help them in future (probably during group discussions and interviews). In short, it is an attempt to merge fun with studies.
4. De-emphasize memorization : The examinations under CCE pattern are so designed that they in a way compel students to understand the concepts rather than mugging them up. The need of the hour is to make students realize the power of thinking and help them to develop a thought process. CCE plans on doing exactly that.
5. Learner-centered activity : Till now, the teaching and learning were dependent mostly on teachers and the available curriculum. Any deviation from the curriculum and syllabus was considered as sin. CCE encourages teaching and learning to be a 'learner centered activity' i.e. students' interest and choice is given the priority (only in deciding the subjects).
6. Flexibility : The CCE pattern allows different schools and in turn teachers the freedom to conduct the tests in their own way. The only requirement is that the teachers should follow the CCE guidelines.
Pattern of education:
The old pattern of deciding the fate of a student by the single exam at the end of academic year has been scraped off. The CCE pattern ensures several tests are conducted throughout the year, both written and orals. There are two different types of tests:
A. Formative Assessment : Conducted 4 times a year, they carry 40% weightage for the aggregate and comprise of the student's work at class and home, the student's performance in oral tests and quizzes and the quality of the projects or assignments submitted by the child.
B. Summative Assessment: It is a 3 hour long test, conducted twice a year. (Somewhat similar to old pattern of half-yearly and finals). Each summative is conducted after 2 formatives and each carry a weightage of 30%. The syllabus of first summative is not repeated in second summative (somewhat like semester pattern).
The percentage so obtained by a student are then converted into CGPA and then grades are deduced.
Enough of what CBSE thought and implemented. Now, my views:
Do you believe that activity based learning can help Indian student?
I see no good reason to believe otherwise. Firstly, Indian students are no different than students from other countries. It is the grooming in schools and colleges, the education system and mostly the social values that are responsible for a student's personality. Being Indian has nothing to do with it.
Activity based learning, in my humble opinion, is one of the best ways to encourage a student to THINK (and not memorize). For example, during my school days in a city like Pune, we were never taken to any science exhibition or history exhibitions even though IUCAA (Inter-University Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics) had an open invitation and Deccan College (The Mecca for Indian Archaeologists) was at 5 minutes from my school. Our education pattern does not encourage us to think and create, but to follow and duplicate. Activity based learning is an answer to that problem. However, the standard of students should be considered. One cannot expect a Class-I student to make a windmill (until and unless he is a child prodigy or Richard Feynman).
Do you think changes should be made in CCE?
Of course. The whole grading system for class IX and X is acting like a carcinogenic element. It is degrading the very quality of student that CCE aspires to achieve. The biggest disadvantage is for the students who wish to change from CBSE to State Board because State Board has marks and percentage system and they do not recognize a student with 92% and a student with 98% as same.
Secondly, CCE is trying to defy the world known fact that competition improves quality. The grading system is unfair to those who have fared well throughout the year. This may lead to disappointment and may eventually result in top-graders putting less efforts.
How has it affected students' life?
To be honest, it is too soon to predict anything. However, it has affected the life of teachers more than that of students. In one of my own teacher's words, "Now, I am constantly at work. Earlier I knew that I don't have to give much attention to bright students, but now I am forced to evaluate each one of them, every now and then. There is nothing challenging for bright students and teachers are doing nothing but the donkey work. I am now nothing but just a medium who conducts tests. Soon, I will be replaced by a computer, which will issue guidelines. Students will do projects and give tests online and that would mark the end of classroom teaching." And, I believe that day is not far enough.
i agree with you Sir. but, all teachers are the same and the most respected profession in the world is Teacher.He is a model and is consciously imitated.The teacher is the pivot of any education system.In fact,teachers are the strength of a nation.Teachers develop performance style characteristics to their ways Of relating to the world, perceptually as well as cognitively. students’
Senior Product Manager
8 年Good thoughts Ms.Jemi! I agree to your point that CCE is compelling teachers to do more of a clerical job than focusing more on classroom teaching. That might be due to increased number of elements that teacher is supposed to focus in the classroom as per CCE. But in this modern world, where technology has already replaced many clerical jobs, don't you think proper integration of technology tools can solve most of the teacher's problems? So I think nothing wrong with the philosophy aspect of CCE, but lack of proper tools that can implement CCE effectively in the classroom reducing lot of burden, off the shoulders of teachers. This very thought made me to work on a product(in piloting stage,hence can't reveal :)), that exclusively focuses on teacher spending least time on unproductive tasks like attendance, writing diaries (&correcting), correcting all test papers(FA exams can be taken online), preparing a detail report(manually) and so on. And this gonna be super affordable to all schools. Don't you think technological intervention can help CCE? Off course, teachers have to get adapted to technology as soon as possible so that they can get rid off clerical job soon! And this is going to be real challenge.
Senior Specialist- MIS and Analytics
8 年It may sound harsh if I say "we just try to adopt the things without understanding ground reality". Still I see many schools implementing it blindly without understanding the objectives behind it. Before we adopt any system we should look at our strength and weakness. In our system teacher is strength and weakness too. Teachers are not trained in terms of using and following CCE . Many have just adopted as a part of process and it's additional burden for student and parent. First we need to focus on effective delivery in classroom which is critical part of learning and then we should look at further developments I believe.
"Empowering Communication | Certified Corporate Trainer | Emotional Intelligence Coach | TESOL & Cambridge C1 Advanced Certified | Content Writer & Freelancer"
8 年True! We must accept changes but adopt them according to our system. Change doesn't mean adopting and following blindly-a certain amount of balancing and fine tuning is required. Nothing is tailor made for everyone.
Advantages of CCE CCE is child-centric and views each learner as unique. This evaluation system aims to build on the individual child’s abilities, progress and development. That the child should not feel burdened during the learning years, CCE made formative and summative assessments mandatory in all CBSE schools. The learner thus was also benefitted by having to focus on only a small part of the entire syllabus designed for an academic yea