"But, I Was Just Doing My Job"
Syed Hassan Abbas
Will Improve People Performance; Transfer Your Vision to Teams; Implement Strategies. Author | Consultant | Coach: AI Transformation, Employee Response Evaluator | Optimum Effectiveness & Efficiency | C-Square Academy
This article is Part 2 of the 18th edition titled: "Continue, The Experiment Depends On It!"
And this is where things begin to get interesting.
Milgram also inferred that 80% of the population does not have the psychological (mental) or moral (character) resources to defy an authority's order, no matter how illegitimate the order is.
Therefore, this reflects that only 20% have Critical Thinking capacity.
Google "critical thinking" and the first definition that pops ups is: " the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgment."
Let's break this down: objective means, free from personal bias or prejudice, partiality, partisanship, favoritism and unfairness. (Isn’t this the major message of this newsletter to get rid of thinking bias?)
Objective: also means where anyone of rational approach and common sense can arrive at an opinion as simple as follows:
Observation 1: It is day time; rationale: the sun is up.
Observation 2: It is wet and raining; rationale: we can see the droplets falling down from the sky.
And there are social and mental issues, which are as simple as above shared observations and are easier to arrive at after a rational observation.
Evaluation: means to compare an issue against a given standard. We see a water melon or a banana, we can see another object and match it with our existing mental library containing the image of an apple, and if someone tries to sell us an orange when we have asked for an apple, we can evaluate that isn’t what we asked for. I have broken down evaluation to its most, basic human mental case. Easy, right?
Judgement: means the final result of our objective observation and evaluation as a statement, that we make to ourselves in our mind or to others. (isn’t this why judiciary is asked to make judgments, and two morally correct members of judiciary will arrive at the same decision, though they may differ in the levels of penalization as a result of their judgment).
Psychological: means relating to one’s psychology and here I won’t go into details or definitions of psychology but what the components forming our psychology i.e. our identities, beliefs, value sets, emotions, feelings, attitudes, behaviors, mixed with our upbringing (the above all list of our parents, teachers and peers and how it has impacted us), along with our experiences, incidents and life events, which created those experiences.
Moral or character-wise: means the capacity to act on one’s mental decisions, arrived at the objectively evaluated judgment.
And now read again, what Milgram had to share: “80% of the population does not have the psychological (mental) or moral (character) resources to defy an authority's order, no matter how illegitimate the order is.”
This simply means 80% of the population is dumb enough to make an objectively, correct judgment; wise-judgment yet, at a moon’s sight distance.
An Important Question Solved:
And this solves a great question that today, hundreds of millions, if not billions of people will be wondering at, when they see state police and members of law enforcement agencies, throwing tear-gas, or performing a baton charge on people protesting for one or a mix of their basic rights related to their mere existence, even they (enforcement people) know that the other people are morally correct. “How they can simply beat someone for demanding justice or water or basic health or simple the right to live for their kids?”
The selection procedures of a majority of brute forces particularly those established in the colonial times, and are still in continuation, ensure that individuals selected for junior positions, particularly which have to work at or along with blue collar job levels; people which have to face the street task or tasks on the road, or those at the first level of interaction of a department to other civilians, are by definition, dumb or do not qualify beyond a certain intelligence level. This is ensured by setting up IQ tests of different sorts and people for a particular job set are disqualified, if they belong to a higher IQ score, not suitable for that job.
High IQ results in higher quality questions almost always questioning the validity of the authority and the quality and moral correctness of a command.
The majority of the brutal law enforcement has one “dumb” answer: “but I am just doing my job”, because it is the way they have been raised, conditioned and this information repeatedly fixed in their thought faculty.
It is akin to a dog that never barks at the hand that feeds it. A dog does not have a moral judgment. Ever seen an action thriller, where the villain of a movie has a trained Dobermann pounding on the starring hero, on a simple hand signal? The dog does not question it's master: "but, he is the right guy?"
The people beating up their own people on the streets, with no consideration to the cause and purpose of the people protesting, do not see it beyond the hand that feeds them, i.e. the department which ensures they have a pay check in their bank by the end of every month. And since the human mind is an excellent tool to carve out excuses for its most heinous crimes, they come up with an all time, most used, most abused excuse: “but I was just doing my job”.
And today, almost all over the Europe and the South Asia, and particularly countries that had a colonial background, we see people, being beaten up, thrown on the ground and in prison vans, kicked and tortured, all in the name of “but I was doing my job”.
All the religions that claim divinity have taken a hard end against this approach. All religions inherently teach to defy authority except, which these very religions offer as theirs, and their single most significant rationale to claim that authority is moral correctness.
Ironically, for the same reason, the clergy for all religions used the same excuse for their followers to except, and follow their authority unquestioningly. (but, this is not part of the current topic, so at some other time on this).
Thus whether it is Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity or Islam, one common and most significant characteristic is their adherence to moral correctness, which forms the ground for claiming authority and seeking obedience from their followers. As soon as a clan, a group of people or a religion disconnects from moral-correctness, it loses its claim for being followed or its authority being accepted.
Same is truer for jobs, which make people do things in the name of job description or the cliché “but I was only doing my job”.
Quran has defied these excuses and declared such people as sub-humans, rather worse than all creatures. “And do not be alike those, who say, we listen, and yet they do not. Surely, the worst of all creations?in the sight of Allah are the deaf and the dumb who do not use their wisdom.” Chapter 8, verse 21-22.
Or in polite words, Quran declares them as dumb or sub-humans.
No job description justifies defying moral correctness, and no job description can support following morally incorrect orders. Therefore we see, among thousands of those blindly following their orders, some shining, high intellect, morally correct, people losing their jobs, because they refuted “direct commands” from their seniors, because they found them morally wrong or unjustified.
And these are the same people who turn out to be heroes, years later. Muhammad Ali, the great boxing star, who refused to go to Vietnam war, because he thought it to be morally-incorrect. And Rosa Parks who decided to not leave her seat for a white person, just because she was black. The history is rife with such examples of exercise of moral leadership and courage and defying authority and unjust orders in the name of authority, JD (job description) or department policy. Else, all assassins, will have to be considered, judged and declared "not guilty", because they were simply following their house.
You, see where it gets: it is exactly the same logic, but different in degrees, the same logic which a policeman uses to beat an innocent protestor demanding justice for the killer of her child, and the same that a hit-man will use to justify his act.
One caution: before you defy an authority, ensure that you are morally correct and aligned with principles. Only, then will you have an objective justification to stand for and with the truth, elsewise your act will be just another act of following your personal whims and wishes, adding to another list of a sub-human following a command, this time, from his very ego.
Courage begins with clarity about moral correctness.
See things clearly, with clarity.
Hassan Bukhari (pen name)
Syed Hassan Abbas
Chief Editor
CLARITY Newsletter
Online Branding and Presence Consultant
3 个月Every employee must read, who wants to earn legitimate earnings (Rizq e Halal).