The Contingency Model of Data Mesh - The Final Foundation for Data Disruption

The Contingency Model of Data Mesh - The Final Foundation for Data Disruption

Not even in the digital world it can be denied that since time immemorial there has always been a dynamic interaction between technology and organization, where the former never can deterministically deliver a certain result if it is dissonant with the latter. As a starting point for the article (original published in TDS), it is shown how there are still remarkable “trends” of organization even today, where selected organizational models not always are based on the most appropriate model given a certain context, technology or a specific goal (so-called contingency model), but instead is following the discourse of what other companies, researchers or consultants currently see as the most “modern” model. Parallel to becoming increasingly clear how the digitalization of recent years now is exploding into a new era of data disruption, it is argued that we are seeing exactly the same process in the data area as well — with an increasingly strong trend from monolithic setups in data lakes, to a more distributed data setup adapted to local stewardship, so-called data mesh. The article draws attention to how in this context it becomes even more hopeful how we now can see the first indications of a more fruitful approach than the “latest trend” in the field, where we in a similar way as within organizational research can discern the first embryo to a contingency model also for data setups. The article argues that this will most likely be one of the most crucial prerequisites for a data-disruptive success in 2022 and beyond.

The Dynamic Interaction Between Technology and Organization

Although for a few decades I have mainly been known as one of the pioneers in?digital strategy?in general, and over time its applications in?data disruption?and the virtue of?tech innovation?in particular, I have since I completed my?PhD studies in change processes?some hundred years ago been fascinated by the field of organization.

Because no matter how much you would like, it is almost never possible to dodge the fact that they are connected. Technology can never ever offer a one-sided deterministic outcome towards a certain goal, at most it can act as a “trigger to change”, where the introduction of a new technology can offer opportunities — or even “reasons” — to reorganize in a different way. After we have a vision and strategy in place, or within the dynamics of digital at least an elastic framework doing its job, it is simply at the interface between tech and organization that the true dynamics actually takes place.

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For me this has not least become clear during the decades when I have worked with digital strategies with over 100 companies on three continents. We have identified goals, and adapted the digital strategy accordingly, but then never been able to avoid the changes this requires of the organization in order for different digital entities to actually be realized and the goals to be achieved.

So, during key notes and events they may call me a digital strategist or tech influencer, but one of the biggest reasons for whatever success I can be blamed for over the years, is still my fascination not only for?data, innovation and emerging technologies, but at least as much for organization.

The Double Drivers for Organizational Change

And when I praise the interest in organization, I do not just mean its instrumental function as a “tool” (where the word etymologically is derived from the Greek word “organon”, meaning “tool”) to succeed in various things to achieve commercial success or solve social problems.

Because in addition to the organization’s instrumental function, I mean at least as much the fascination for how we humans allow ourselves to be drawn into the latest social “trend” to organize ourselves, regardless of whether that trend actually constitutes a better “tool” to achieve our goals.

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This has been seen in various ways in research on?isomorphism?at the macro level, and?population ecology?at the micro level. On a more concrete level, it has been shown how companies are being transformed by the latest “managerial discourse”, i.e., what is most “trendy” among managers and consultants at the moment.

This becomes even more macabre when one considers how these trends often regards an eternal oscillation process between classical dichotomies, such as high and low hierarchies, tightly and loosely regulated processes, organizations built for for?exploitation or exploration, and not least its oscillation between centralization and decentralization.

In this article, we will touch on how this oscillation process has manifested itself in how companies process data in large organizations in general, and how it relates to the next giant megatrend “data mesh” in particular.

How we are Facing a New Era of Data Disruption

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It is a few years since the story began regarding data as?the new oil in the world, with a climax in Jinping last year proclaiming data as “the?fifth factor of production” — to equate with labor, land, capital and technology. This is the result of a?longer trend?where data has been seen as the fuel that new digital applications need to flourish, regardless of whether the outcome can be considered good or bad. As all this now finally is exploding in a genuine era of data disruption, the crucial value of data has been manifested in how it has broken through as one of the, perhaps?the?most important, KSF for the last decade’s global unicorns, decacorns and hectocorns.

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And the data explosion is happening fast. While humanity from the dawn of civilization to the turn of the millennium managed to create 0.005 Zettabytes of data in the world (1 ZB = 1?21 bytes = 1 trillion GB), today the same amount of data is generated in less than 1 day. In line with how we humans here go from a life offline to online, in the extreme to becoming a total?remote species, today such enormous amounts are generated that it will soon be counted in?three-digit ZB/year.

And it does not stop there. Because through recent decades’ development of 4G and now 5G, it has also meant that data can be transported in both larger volumes and faster. When we move in parallel towards increasingly stronger computers, and have the quantum computer around the corner, we have taken the leap frog step to how we can process this data.

To top it all, we have later seen the real icebreaker, where we go from blunt “big data” to increasingly advanced ML, AI and even AGI, where we with the help of large hordes of you awesome data scientists can do wonders when it comes?to using AI?to convert these vast amounts of data into prediction with remarkable precision.

All this has personally been one of the most important corner stones in my entire professional life, where since my thesis in applied statistics (multivariate methods), and later?PhD- studies?in science theory and research methodology, I have had?data as my single most important tool?for success.

This has not only been about how I as the scientifc “industry rebel” came in after the happy turn of the millennium and began to demand, and also apply, data to identify the most reasonable strategy for a large bunch of billion dollar companies, as well as pioneering the use of data and advanced analytics to optimize digital marketing in its cradle. This led to the founding of Sweden’s real gem around analysis and strategy in digital marketing (Anegy, later sold to a listed company), and was also the platform when for several years I held the honorary position as digital advisor for 600 companies in WFA, representing 90% of all media investments in the world.

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For all this, and even in my own tech ventures — half a dozen, of which 2–3 existed — the basis has been data. And this regardless of whether it was about fairly rudimentary things such as how we should choose and optimize traffic channels as well as the form and content, to become the country’s largest health site with a million visitors. It has been about how mobile games should be developed to reach the 15 million downloads we received globally. And it has been just as much about how we use AI for a mobile platform, which in its first manifestation became the world’s largest independent app in its field, loved by over 200,000 people in 165 countries, and the subsequent work to develop the EdTech platform that personalizes not only the form of learning , but also the content itself, thus once and for all totally reinventing learning to the needy in the world.

In all these cases, data has been such a fundamental part of the “business” itself, that it has gone from being an enabler to digital products, to becoming the product itself. That is, how we go from having data in the periphery as a by-product of other functions and services, to developing data-as-a-product (DaaP).

How Data Should be Processed in a Modern Organization

With this behind me, and given the position of data in society in recent years in general and the central — in some cases?the?most central — role it has played in companies and organizations in particular, for me there is no question of the immediate need for a paradigm shift in how data is processed within organizations.

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There is also no question that this paradigm shift is a trend that has been going on for a while, whereas the next step in the eternal oscillation process between centralization and decentralization, decentralized models such as?DDD, microservices and DevOps have slowly begun to follow. It can and should be argued that this all follow a broader trend where tech innovations like edge computing and organizational trends like “autonomous cells”, all are using the metaphor of the decentralized brains in the tentacles of octopuses as opposed to the centralized mammalian brain. All which in the data area at the operational level has been embodied in?DataOps?while on an architectural level is manifested in a more domain-oriented data focus with local stewardship.

Regarding the latter area it is impossible to escape the extreme impact that?Zhamak Dehghani?has had in the packaging and rebranding of the decentralized setups of data architecture through the launch of the concept?data mesh. Her take is increasingly world-famous today, but for those who have not yet encountered it (at least I have encountered an astonishing amount of people, especially within traditional “IT”, who still have haven’t), it is briefly about how we reallocate the data setup to various domain-driven entities, which through a decentralized self-service design (e.g. ETL pipeline) can be responsible for their own domain data that they handle “as a product” (DaaP).

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In order to still ensure company-wide accessibility and standardization of universal data that enables interoperability and cross-domain collaboration, the best of both worlds is then combined through an infrastructural ecosystem of distributed data — so-called?data mesh architecture.

Not least interesting in this context, is how the actual value?in practical application, as a direct reflection of our discussion of interaction between technology and organization, often is?perceived?as organizational in the form of “organizational rethinking” at the level of local “data owners”, or even “data product managers” — here illustrated by the words of the data engineering manager of the eCom giant Zalando:

“We turned previously unmaintained datasets into valuable assets with a clear purpose and defined stakeholders /… / ensuring that the ownership and responsibility of such data products lie with those that know the data best.”

While the “revolution” to go from monolithic data wharehouses to data lakes, is thus more about using new technology to repair old processes than to innovate new processes, it becomes clear how both the technical and organizational application of data mesh constitutes an extreme pivot (or “paradigm shift” using Kuhns and Dehghanis words) from how data has traditionally been processed in most organizations worldwide.

It is therefore not surprising how this concept, which is so well packaged, well contextualized and argued for, at once risks shattering everything that old monolithic computer engineers, architects and IT consultants has seen as their core competence and “raison d’être” in large organizations.

So of course, it generates an outcry. And of course, there will be friction. And of course, it’s time to clean out the old, and in with the new.


The Contingency Model of Organization

To return to what we started with, it is almost impossible to get away from how technology and organization always have to interact. When this doesn’t happen, it does not matter what evidence there is “elsewhere” about what a technology has led to — in the same way that it does not matter how good a digital strategy looks on paper, if it is dissonant with different contextual conditions in the organization, and if people in the organization do not engage and actually realize it, i.e. go from fiction to facts so to speak.

The berlin wall didn’t “fall” in 1989. It was people who made it “fall”.

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And in my pre-digital fascination with organization, this was one of the things that fascinated me the most.

Because whether interest in organization took place with companies and engineers, as it was first expressed in?Scientific Management, or whether it was carried out by all the psychologists and sociologists who took a total dialectical stand towards the soft factors in the movement, later to be called?Human Relations, all early organizational research were obsessed with finding the “perfect” organization.

This whole mindset died in 1965.

It died on the day Joan Woodward published her great empirical work on?the impact of technology on organization, later followed by?Lawrence & Lorsch?and others, and the development of the Contingency model of organization. In very simple terms, it was a matter of understanding that there will never be a “perfect” organization, but merely the most suitable organization depending on a variety of contextual conditions (market, technology, product, economy and degree of dynamism in the environment, etc.).

In organizational research, this was at the time almost as blasphemous and “definitive” as when Nietzsche took the final step toward secularization by proclaiming that?God is dead?in 1983.

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Still, it has since bubbled up again. And again. And again. It bubbled up when the McKinsey consultants Peters & Waterman in 1982 with brutal impact broke through with their book “In Search of excellence” — where by studying 42 companies that (then*) performed well, they claimed to have found “The eight characteristics of excellent companies ”. It bubbled up when their McKinsey colleague Jim Collins thirteen years later broke through with the equally monumentally cherished book “Built to Last”, where the study of 18 (then*) “visionary” companies resulted in the claim to have identified the criteria that characterized visionary companies — followed by the real classic “Good to great” where the study of 11 (then*) financially successful companies identified five criteria for companies that go from “good” to “great” in terms of financial performance.

It bubbled up again when the well-known researchers, also them McKinsey consultants, Nohria and Williams, in the book “What really works” based on the study of 200 management techniques used in the 160 studied companies that (then *) were most successful, claimed that they had identified the 4 + 2 ways that de facto lead to financial success.

And now it bubbles up once more. And this time in the so crucial area of data. Where we are again, is “in search of excellence” and want to go “from good to great”. Because in this fantastically crucial area, we have finally found exactly that. The only way. “What really works”.

Surely that is what we found, isn’t it?

The Contingency Model of Data Setups

And here i just have to note how funny it is how history so often almost always repeats itself. For those who have seriously studied how change processes take place in this world, know how it is so often more about dialectical processes than logical ones.

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We have previously seen how in the theory of organization there have been trends where one went from a thesis (Scientific management) to an antithesis (Human relations), to finally implode in a synthesis (Contingency) — where the models asserted in the two previous extremes instead proved to generate different degrees of success depending on context.

In the same way, I would argue that in the world’s right now perhaps most critical area, data, we have been able to see exactly the same process — where the trend goes from a thesis (monolithic data wharehouses and data lakes) to an antithesis (distributed data mesh), which in turn does not require too much intelligence to predict exactly the synthesis that can, and should, follow.

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That is, how neither of these two extremes constitutes something “wrong” in itself, but only that they are differently good depending on different contextual conditions in the organizations to which they are to be implemented.

Given how data and the way it is handled is not an important area, but for many companies and organizations perhaps?the?most important area for future success (whether being aware of it today or not), it should be gratifying how it is possible to slowly discern at least an embryo to such an initial synthesis, or “Contingency model of data” if one so wishes.

One such question has been whether data mesh above all fulfills its?function for large companies?more than small ones. This has been problematized in a current thesis, where it is argued it not tends to be size that determine the success of data mesh or not, but apart from major needs for data in the specific industry, more is concerned with the organization having decentralized data solutions with high data maturity, as well as clarity in domain definitions and data ownership. Other?more technical proposals?for situational factors suitable for data mesh architecture rather than monolithic variants, are whether the organization initiated DDD, works with microservices, or uses cloud-based migration — and at highlevel also how?structurally?good harmonization of data one has, and more?culturally?how high data maturity the company has.

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To this can be added a more?data-related context?where the number of domains, the size of the data team and how frequently the data team tend to be a bottleneck for data enabled NewGen products, has been proposed as decisive for the choice between centralized and decentralized data architecture, combined with the number of data sources, the need to eand the company’s priority on data governance. Another step in a similar direction is a well-formulated post from?Strengholt, where he partly shows, like before?Balnojan, how it is not about a dichotomy between centralization and decentralization but, but instead identifies at least three different ways to implement a data mesh architecture — on a descending scale from “governed mesh topology” to “highly federated mesh typology”. Again, where the choice of model is based on context in terms of everything from organizational maturity and skills to the organization’s structure, size, dynamics and risk appetite.

Based on the above, such a first highly tentative meta-theory could act as the seeds to at least an initial embryo for a contingency model for data setups, and look something like the above — all to be validated and falsified by the unfolding of more empirical data in the upcoming stages of the abductive process.

The Way Ahead

It is becoming increasingly clear how we are heading towards a new era of data disruption. So when we now are starting to track down the first embryo to an incipient contingency model for more fruitful choices of data setups, I think we can all be joyful when it will move from the current mere indications to more concrete empirical data in large enough volumes to be able to offer statistical significance and clear evidence. But, above all, that we in our enticing pursuit of “what really works” and to go “from good to great”, never again fall for the latest “trend” but to detect what kind of contextual factors that will lead to what kind of data architecture being the best in order to climb from the good to the great.

Only then can we find a situation-based model that with some opportunity for success can show the way to when a certain setup for handling data is better than another. And only then can we, with any probability of success, free up the resources, technical as well as human, that are required to seriously handle data-as-a-product, and take the lead in reinventing both companies, industries and perhaps even entire communities.

He who lives, shall see. And the one who acts must not only see but enjoy the fruit of what has been seen and sown. And once we face an era of data disruption, there is probably nothing that will be more important than just that. QED.

* Later, most of these companies have not only lost their then alleged “excellence” and “visionary” character, but totally failed.

Rufus Lidman, Fil. Lic.

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Lidman is a renowned digital strategist and data disruptor, serial social entrepreneur and top tech influencer with 50,000 followers. With dual degrees, PhD-studies complemented with data science as platform, he has been founder of IAB, digital advisor for WFA, recognized speaker with over 300 lectures, and has had assignments within digital strategy and innovation for over 100 companies such as Samsung, IKEA, Mercedes, Electrolux, PwC etc. As a digital entrepreneur he has run half a dozen ventures with 2–3 ok exits, incl. sites with millions of visits and some of the world’s largest apps in its areas with over 15 million downloads. As his latest ventures he co-founded the leading talent acquisition company for digital talents in Sweden, Digitalenta, and founded AIAR EdTech PTE Ltd in Singapore, using leading technology to reinvent learning for needy in emerging markets. To that he adds 4 published books and the world’s largest learning app in digital strategy loved by 200.000 people in 165 countries.


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