Justin Fortune
Founder + Chief Executive: Building Culture & Economic Partnerships for Pine Hills, Florida.
Bernard Hendricks, Jr. is the band director at Ocoee High School in Ocoee, Florida.
However, his legacy begins longs before joining the Knights. His teaching career spans over 26 years. From 1997-2005, he was the band director at Robinswood Middle School in Pine Hills, Florida. Bernard received his Bachelor of Science in Music Education from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University.
Growing up about ten minutes from Robinswood, I've always known the name 'Bernie Hendricks' because of the impact that he had made on generations of young musicians from where I'm from. While I've never attended one of his classes at Ocoee, or marched for him, this incredible teacher taught me one of the single-most inspiring, and impactful lessons of my life.
The power that exists at the intersection of culture, and economics.
In 2000, Bernard was voted Teacher of the Year at Robinswood Middle, and in 2007 and 2017 he received the same award at Ocoee High School. In 2007, he was on the School Band & Orchestra Magazine list of 50 Most Influential Directors. As so many of us prepare to celebrate Mr. Hendrick's GRAMMY Award nomination, it's important for us to emphasize just how much excellence comes from our community.
Hendricks is in his 28th year as a music educator and his 20th as director of bands at Ocoee High. His accolades include three Teacher of the Year awards and recognition from School Band and Orchestra Magazine and the Sousa Foundations Legion of Honor, as well as previous roles as a state committee chairperson for the Florida Music Education Association, service to the Orange County fine arts curriculum and his ongoing two-year term as president of the Florida Bandmasters Association.
Mr. Hendricks has also led his bands to consistently earn superior ratings at Music Performances Assessments. He is completing a two-year term as the president of the Florida Bandmasters Association, of which he also served terms as district secretary and treasurer. He has served on the Orange County fine arts curriculum and leadership teams and the All-County concert and jazz band committees. Mr. Hendricks has served the Florida Music Education Association as a state committee chairperson and member of the state executive board. Notable recognitions include three Teacher of the Year awards, with a district top five in 2017; the School Band and Orchestra Magazine’s “50 Most Influential Directors” for Florida; and the Sousa Foundations Legion of Honor.
The Pine Hills Culture and Economic Partnership was created to bridge these gaps, and seek areas of opportunity for our brightest, and most gifted culture assets to be recognized, and elevated to their full potential. In so many ways, Mr. Hendricks has given our area so much more than he will ever full realize, but that's were our work should help to maximize and amplify excellence - such as over two decades of public service and enrichment.
Tangible support is about financial capacity, however, tangible support is also about documenting past success to be emulated in the future. We applaud the Ocoee Marching Knights' twenty plus years of excellence under his direction, but we also applaud the Robinsonwood Middle Marching Archers, because they are also part of that rich legacy.
We look forward to celebrating Mr. Hendricks, Mr. Ford at Evans, Dr. Chipman at FAMU and so many unacknowledged culture champions in our community. Investing in these champions early, and often, is where our success will be discovered.
Go Archers.