Context > Length
Berkley Egenes
Chief Marketing Officer | Chief Growth Officer at Xsolla | Video Games, Esports, Sports & Entertainment Marketing Leader
Recently there has been a significant amount of chatter and discussion about the length of content and what young fans will actually watch. Will they sit through a 3 1/2 hour movie? Yes. Will they sit through a 5 minute montage? Yes. When you boil it down, what length of content is correct? It is not an exact science nor is there a metric that says if you put out a piece of content that is an hour long then you will get a million views. It straight up depends on the context and how you are delivering that story. Sometimes you get a flash in the pan moment and your content will pop off and go viral because it captures or builds upon a single moment in time. But, if the content is not very good, not relevant to them, or not very interesting, then it really does not matter how long or short it is. The story matters.
People across industries will say it (I have even said it) that “Content is King.” Not anymore…Context is bloody EVERYTHING. Deliver the right story, at the right time, on the right platform. Fans want to be entertained and will watch your video on YouTube, Twitter or Instagram if and only if it is really good and they engage with it from anywhere at anytime.
Plan, plan, plan and then execute and distribute with high velocity. Get ready to share it with the world. Find the right way to get your story out there and people will let you know what they think about it - good, bad and ugly. Be prepared open to have the conversation with your viewers about their POV through their comments and social media posts to learn and get better…because quite honestly their viewpoint is the only one that matters.