Content Marketing is the Hear the Now and the WOW of today’s Website Success

Content Marketing is the Hear the Now and the WOW of today’s Website Success

Content Marketing is the Hear the Now and the WOW of today’s Website Success

By Thomas R Reich PhD

Why is Content Marketing the only way to go if you want cost effective on line exposure? The list that follows explores the emerging powerhouse of online exposure known as Content Marketing. Truly deep Content Marketing is done through not only website and social media, but also through the carefully designed and pinpointed content of that website and social media network. 

We will explore the logic of creating an information portal for your specific nitch market, creating a specialty destination for content or, in other words, information and doing it all with style and reputation building interest generation. The days of hireling an SEO firm to play to some magic algorithms and create traffic to a website with a good basic 8 pages of standard company résumé data is gone.

The days of simply buying PPC to bring targeted traffic to your website is also less effective in today’s web market. Visitors, your potential customers, want useful content; content that covers a need they are searching for, this is content marketing. If your website does not have useful information the searcher is looking for several things happen. 

First the potential prospect will bounce (leave your website quickly) and second this “bounce” shows Google they sent the searcher to the wrong place, this is not good for Google. Google is about 2 things; finding the information their “clients” are searching for and selling PPC, your website does neither as an 8 page résumé. Which brings up the final reason to get into deep Content Marketing, each time a “client” bounces your Google rating goes down, then there is RankBrain READ MORE HERE.

1) Content Marketing done Correctly, Results in Website Success.

What this means for your bottom line is business success and ultimately more income. Content Marketing done correctly will help you create a website as a core which is a center of a network for information pertaining to exactly what you are selling.

If you are selling a service, you website should cover everything about that service, the good and the consequences of not using the service. Content Marketing websites should not directly sell. However your website should be set up for explaining everything about what you are selling. If it is a product, then pages should be there showing that product in all its variations, and other pages explaining everything that product can do for the reader, and still more pages explaining the misery of life without that product. 

When a visitor enters your website to read any of your dozens of pages of content, it follows that the prospect is then within your network of information, which is within your website. If they feel the need for the product or service they have just researched on your website, where are they likely to look for that product or service? They have just developed a bond with you for providing all the information they could ever want, why would they look elsewhere? That is the logic of content marketing, and that is why content marketing websites make you money.

2) Content Marketing Generates Sales and Appointments Because the Website Builds Confidence in Your Business. 

By creating a website that is the center of a network of all kinds of information about your products or services, not selling but explaining, teaching and building confidence 

Now content marketing isn’t just raw information, its not just a “landing page” (we all hate those don’t we). With Deep Content Marketing, we actually are selling after all, but it is shuttle, we wrap all that information around your specific product or service, and make it your brand specific.

Once the information has been conveyed, the visitor is within your website, and other tabs in the website become your product or service showroom. But by the time the prospect migrates to those tabs, they know what they want; it’s your job to give them a good deal on what you now know they are looking for when they call with pricing questions!

It is this point that makes most of us hate “landing pages” no one likes to be hit in the face with a price, and with a live sales person, you can feel the prospect out, close the sale.

With Deep Content Marketing attracting new visitors and converting them to customers is less costly and more effective than high dollar radio or cable advertising. PPC is a good supplement, but without some degree of content marketing sensibilities, your wasting your money, visitors expect information on what they are searching for or it’s off to the next website. Cheetah Marketing Group sets your website up for Content Marketing success. (see how we subtly snuck in a subtle sales word without a hard sell, a mention not a hard sell is the Cheetah way)

3) Social Media is still important as part of a total content marketing strategy, but now Social Media becomes the lour to the content. 

Social Media is used to tease small previews of the fantastic information on your website if they would just click the link for more. These previews can be a catchy phrase on twitter, an video on YouTube, a picture on G+ or all of the above on all of the above.

Attracting a visitor from a network of social media by using previews of content on your website is a massive way to attract targeted customers. Not only are they targeted but they are pre-screened, that is if you have properly prepared your social media and social sharing network the way Cheetah Marketing Group advises CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFORMATION

A properly prepared social media network is branded to your website and pinpoint targeted to the information specialty you have chosen for your website core of knoledge, the specialty that will help prepare visitors to become customers of your product or service.

NOTE - So called marketing emails come to us all the time talking about automatic sales out of magic website designs. Make no mistake about it, unless you are selling a very low cost impulse item or a music CD, you must work for an appointment, call or a product inquiry. Your website is your showroom, in fact it can be a really great showroom with lots of video screens and samples and plush decor, but! Sales is still sales, and you still have to sell and close your product or service, a good websites job is to get your potential customer ready to be closed. A Great website is also a place to bring customers and proudly show off your product and your firms online presents.

4) Search Engines are optimized to look for Content Rich Websites, the new Google Protocol is RichBrain; Local Business take Advantage

A smaller or newer business in an area can effectively outpace the search ranking of a national better connected by advertising business through deep content marketing. Most of the local older larger well established companies that are not part of a national chain have not even thought of content marketing, let alone deep content marketing with an eye on RankBrain. They have a website, probably designed in 2010; they think they own the market, why go to all the work of content marketing?

If an aggressive new firm builds a strong content marketing website, if the have help and go beyond simple content to deep targeted content, they can easily own the local search engines. By using the resources at Cheetah Marketing Group and choosing topics that are in the minds of your customers, then authoring articles that discuss those topics in ways potential customers can easily understand, you begin to attract visitors who are randomly searching for that information. 

We refer to this program of prospect accusation as Deep Rich Data II. If those visitors find what they are looking for (when they stay on your website reading for at least 2 minutes Google RankBrain Algorithm sees this as its own success, a mark in your favor for search rankings) those visitors will increase every week until you own those key words, long tail keywords and key phrased. I’m getting too technical, but that is why you hire a firm like Cheetah, to handle this stuff and let you do what you do best: service and close sales and interact with your customers.

Things that are too technical brings up an interesting point, you need to concentrate on selling your product or service, how much time are you going to devote to the constantly changing internet world. Content Marketing should be handled by experts like Cheetah Marketing Group that use PHDs and MBAs to create the right targeted content for your specific market. Who better to research your market than research experts that do it for a living, and other technical types that make sure keywords etc are in the correct place. Do not try to be an expert on everything, you sell; let us work the internet to bring you the prospects!

Now it is important to understand that the days of repeating a keyword over and over to get a search engine's attention is long over (old style SEO experts). Sites like Google and Bing are becoming intuitive, which means the programs within the search engines actually understand what a person means from the words they type into the search window. 

Try it, you will find in many cases the search engine will “type back” search instead for "XXX". Because of this we find that focusing on that specific topic area and answering questions directly about specifically your product or service and nothing else is what attracts "visitors" who are sent by the search engine, without that searcher ever knowing about your firm before arriving within your website after being sent there by the credible and trusted search engine.

Another interesting concept, a search engine is considered “trusted and credible” because the public knows if they search for something, they usually find what they are looking for. Google knows the searcher or “client” has found what they are looking for when they stay on that website for at least 2 minutes. This is called a bounce rate, a bounce is when a “client” clicks out of a website within 30 seconds of being sent there, and this is bad. A websites bounce rate is a measure over time of how much traffic it will receive as compared to similar websites with higher or lower bounce rates.

This means you need active, relevant, high quality and current information that will interest the target audience you wish to attract. That the content is presented in a format that holds the readers interest, and that the over all content of the site converts visitors into prospects who may call or contact you for further information.

Do not sweat the "exact match" nonsense that was almost standard for SEO firms only a year or so ago. In fact, exact match keyword writing can hurt an article in search engines, as it will be excluded from other requests for information that may fit that article if it were written with a more general format. Think of the reader, to potential prospect as a friend that asks you how your service or product works, or how your industry does something and so on. 

Gain their confidence by conveying your expertise on your subject, not by an immediate sales routine. Remember we all hate landing pages and the dreaded spam emails that take you to those automated landing pages. Content is the exact opposite of that, a potential prospect is sent to a site by Google for knowledge and your website provides that knowledge. Now if they are interested in buying that product or service after relieving that knowledge, they happen to be on your full website!

5) Content Marketing offers Bonuses for Existing Customers Too!

Building out your website as a content marketing network, answering serious questions and constantly adding new interesting information about your specific product or service can re-involve your existing customers too.

Customers tend to drift away over time, and a static website gives them no reason to check in for new information. But a well written center or core of information for what they are already a customer for can encourage them to keep in touch.

Ok Ok, let’s say you sell a once in 20 years service or product, window tinting for example. If you keep your customers interested and involved, keep them up to date on the newest information on how to clean and maintain the product for maximum effectiveness, who do you think they will recommend when a friend or business associate asks them "who sells window tint, my windows need tint and who do you trust". All the client has to do is give them your content rich website and this new pre-qualified prospect will begin to sell themselves. Not only did their friend recommend your firm, but your content rich website now makes it clear, your firm is truly the expert in this product or service.

6) A Good Content Marketing Network, done correctly, will establish a company or professional as THE expert in the area on exactly what they are representing. 

By having content designed and researched for a specific product or service, exactly what you represent, and splitting that into many articles about that subject from all angles, like chapters in a book, your firm becomes the expert. Do not for a minute thing everyone is doing this, they are not.

It is best to have a firm like Cheetah Marketing Group fashion a content marketing network for you, but you must interact with the writers and designers. I know in Cheetah’s case we have PHDs and MBAs that understand research, article construction and crafting for search engine maximization. However, your job is suggesting topics that are or may be important and relevant to your potential clients. Awards the product or service has won, why it is important, what makes it different, time it saves, advantages it has. What would your customers ask if they could, what have they asked over the years?

Good Deep Content Marketing needs good content, nothing changes, it was true 100 years ago and its true today. The firm that 1) looks professional, 2) represents themselves as the experts and 3) convinces the customer to buy, gets the sale. We can help with #1 and #2!

7) Deep Content Marketing is cheap compared to traditional advertising, but it is not free. It is more than researching, authoring and optimizing. 

Deep Content Marketing is also picking pictures that break up the words and make the article interesting to read on a computer, ipad or smart phone equally. This is called making your website Responsive, and is a must for modern websites in today’s internet market. Did you know that 70% of all internet searches are done on smart phones?

There are also videos to be considered, infographics, white papers, eBooks and other things to encourage email lists, but that is additional follow on marketing, made much more effective by content marketing over time. However a good strong email list to announce new content from time to time helps keep activity up, and search engines love activity, the more activity that does not BOUNCE, the more they send the website, and on and on.

When deciding whether to do deep content marketing in house or hiring a content marketing firm like Cheetah Marketing Group, remember, without economies of scale, a good content marketing network will take you up to 40 hours a month or more of a dedicated in house employee dedicated to content creation and posting, as well as the services of a good graphic artist. Do you have that much time to give and how long will the learning curve be to become expert at this? A far cheaper solution is a no cost no obligation evaluation with Cheetah Marketing Group, why not contact us today?

8) Content Marketing is not about droning on and on about your company, it is about positive positioning of you and your specific product or service. 

Be open and transparent in topics and content, always have an easy to find and use contact us page, include email, phone # and if possible, instant messaging. The best thing that could possibly result form a well presented deep content marketing network is a call or email from a visitor with a question about your product or service.

When a question comes in, realize that what the prospect is actually saying is "I am ready to find out if you can sell me this". Now it is your turn, can you convert the interest in the product or service to a sale of the product or service. Back with our window tint example, if you get a call with the question:

 "will this tint keep my expensive couch from fading"? 

That question should already be a sale signal that will soon to convert to a customer. What the prospect has just actually asked is "can you show me that this tint will keep my expensive furniture safe". They have told you they have a need, and interest in window tint, and a justified budget (protect expensive couch). That is the type of leads you can expect from a good content marketing network, closing the sale is on you!

9) A good Deep Content Marketing network can make a personal connection with the prospect before you ever speak to them. 

By writing in a friendly and open style, using some pictures of your sales team and products and services in key places and occasional videos, tasteful customer testimonials, you can make the prospect trust in your firm before they ever actually contact your firm.

Much like cable TV’s "My Pillow" if you see that guy and his pillow enough you begin to think his product must be special, you have seen the pillow and him so much it becomes part of you. Well a small business just cannot afford a campaign like that (25 or 30 million dollars is what I would estimate this year alone)

However if your become the hub of information in your area of expertise for your product or service, credibility is automatic. If a prospect gets sent to your website several times by Google over time, and if your website has your logo, your product and earned credibility scattered around the website, the same affect begins to happen. To most, Google is credibility, and if a business has a very good deep content marketing network that has built up over time to beyond 100 pages, 3 to 4 visits by the same searcher is not uncommon, especially if they are in the process of researching a product or service that your firm sells.

The idea is to become the center for information on what you represent, if anyone asks about window tint for example, your content marketing network has the answers. If the answers are there, if your BOUNCE rate is low and RankBrain sees your website as a deep information source, the effect has a high probability of coming your way.

10) Final Tip: New ways social media adds to a Great Deep Content Marketing Website. 

Let’s take just one obscure and forgotten social media, G+, if you share a blog or article from your website on your personal G+ account, it may rank high in the Google search engine right away. Same effect may happen with YouTube, Google Loves itself and that which it owns. 

In fact most social media posts are looked at as a posting, so if a search engine sees a post in a social sharing blog site, it has a different URL it is considered a different unique posting, another bobber in the water so to speak. The more bobbers the more chances that someone will click on one of the links, either in one of the social media sites themselves or a search or one of the many search engines picks up the URL link up from one of those social media or social sharing sites that pieces of the original blog is posted, and the link sends the reader back to your core website itself.

Of course then we get into shares and re-shares if the information is good enough there can be guest posts, on and on. But that is all just icing on the already big beautiful cake.

Deep Content Marketing can be very rewarding indeed, but it takes an expert firm like Cheetah Marketing Group, providing marketing excellence for over 30 years. Always cutting edge, changing with the times and keeping you up with the best in your market. But remember, as Great Deep Content Marketing Website does not appear in a day or a week, it is built over time, gets better and better over time. The longer it is built the better it gets, steady growth is key, and a great website can never be too big. Cheetah Marketing Group, Experience Matters!


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