Content is King
I do my best to practice what I preach. Having been a business consultant for most of my career, I think it is important to embody as many of the recommendations I give to clients as possible. One of that small ways I do that is to use engagement tools that practice owners should also use to engage their patients. For example, the AHAA West Blog! Content is king in the marketing world, and when people ask “how can I improve my search results rankings?”, the answer nowadays is ‘content’.
So this week, I read a great article about video content, and this was coupled with two audiologists that I work with asking me about YouTube and use of video in communicating with prospective patients. I use video in my world to communicate my mission, which is to encourage private practice owners to join AHAA, use our services and then to grow beyond their wildest dreams! So, below is a great article for any of you interested in best practices for use of video. If you need some more motivation, contact Marceil for more ways to connect with patients and your community about the benefits of hearing health.