Content Is Not The King
I've been in the social media space since its earliest days. As a strategist, I have referred to content as "king" so much that you would think I was one of its most loyal subjects. But I am not. Because of its importance in driving engagement and success, content is more than just king. To truly understand the power of content, it's more accurate to say that content isn't just king - it's a dictator.
For those living under a rock, a dictator is commonly defined as a ruler who exercises absolute power and authority over a country or group of people. Similarly, content has the power to dictate what people see, how they feel, and what actions they take on social media. Some of us might conflate the creation of content with the consumption of content and to a degree they are one and the same but my point is that we are indeed subservient to the creation of content and the consumption of content. That said Here are some ways in which content can be seen as a dictator:
Social media platforms use algorithms to determine what content appears on users' feeds. These algorithms are designed to show users content that is relevant and engaging, based on their past behavior and interests. This means that the content that you or I create has the power to determine whether or not it's seen by our target audience or a larger audience. Conversely, this means that the user expects MORE of the "same" content every day on the platforms they visit. Is that expectation realistic? No, but the user doesn't care. it's not their problem. If the content creator cannot deliver on that brand promise of fresh relevant content daily, they are toast. So the content creator creates what works. Meaning they could bend their standards or ethics or morals all in the name of eyeballs and a high CTR. My point is that every day, whether you are a creator or consumer of content-the expectation is the same. More.
2. Content can positively and negatively influence how people feel
Here's the biggest understatement surrounding social media you'll ever read. The content that people see on social media can have a significant impact on their emotions and mood. Really? As creators, we are fully aware of the weight of a heartwarming IG video, a controversial hot take on a podcast, or an interaction with someone famous on your phone. It's all there for all to see, hear and read. Over and over and over again. Creators must rinse and repeat. Content has the power to evoke a wide range of emotions in people. As a content creator, your mandate is clear. Create what works or get out. Where content becomes more than just king is when as a creator, you fail to consider or care how your content will make your audience feel and whether it aligns with your brand values.
3. Content motivates and "dictates" action and reaction
Ultimately, social media marketing aims to drive action from your audience. Preferably, a lead or a sale, but consideration counts too. Whether it's getting people to follow your page, sign up for your email list, or make a purchase, content plays a crucial role in motivating people to take action. By creating compelling content that speaks to the needs and desires of your audience, you can encourage them to take the next step in their relationship with your brand. Factor in the algo, and a significant amount of paid dollars, for example, content creators know that they can get your attention, and eventually they can get you to bite. It's Pavlovian in nature and in practice but it works, and they know it. And, as consumers, whether we know it or not, we're ok with this dance.
4. Content dictates the tone
Dictators know what works and know what doesn't. So do kings. They know their rule can sometimes be tenuous. Thus, they stick to the script. Same for content creators. the only difference is that content resets every day but expectations do not. They remain high. The content you create sets the tone for your brand and how it's perceived by your audience. From the language and tone you use to the visual elements of your content, every aspect of your content sends a message about who you are and what you stand for. As a result, it's important to create content that aligns with your brand values and messaging.
In conclusion, content isn't just king in the world of social media - metaphorically speaking, it's a dictator. From determining what people see to influencing how they feel and motivating action, content has the power to exercise absolute authority over your audience. As a content creator, it's important to recognize the power of your content and use it wisely to build a loyal and engaged following on social media.