Content is King, but Communication is The Queen
Which came first - chicken or an egg? They say it's an egg. In a debate between content and communication, is it older the one that we see or the one we hear? There are certainly pros and cons for both, depending on the perspective or a circumstance which we want to use and explain it. But, in the context of successful business, communication is definitely older than the content.
In simpler words, this is an article about marketing and sales, the king and the queen of traditional and modern business. While marketing (Content) has a strong advantage in presenting an audio-visual message and brand awareness (also brand retention), sales (Communication) is convincing why to buy, it is a purely social activity, but it also builds long-term relationships. Both Content and Communication play a significant and inevitable role in business, but let's address some of the benefits of both, which make them the King and the Queen of making successful business.
#1 The Power of Speech
The gift given uniquely to humans is the ability to talk. In ancient times, people used pictures to describe some important events and leave historical traces; after evolving to the ability to talk, everything became easier - historical events were described better, since pictures were only used to guess what happened. Therefore, it's important to use the ability to talk instead to show.
In modern times, we are all consumers of visual content that drags our attention; but the live word, especially mouth to mouth, helps us explain or even sell better. Even pictures and emojis are now being replaced with audio messages and recordings. Communication has never been so accessible and simplified like it is nowadays.
#2 Interpersonal Communication
Content is usually a one-way message from the creator to the recipient. It generates previous experiences as well as the needs, thus transforming them into the effective marketing message. Content creates a reaction, notion or action. Additionally, recipient can take an action to the message by replying or engaging with the message received. This often creates success in terms of successful sign up or a purchase.
On the other hand, Communication often includes interpersonal elements, such as verbal but also non-verbal communication. Non-verbal communication is reflected through visible gestures, face mimics or facial sign of approval or disapproval; also, during interpersonal communication we can recognize feelings and attitudes. Empathy is also one of them, which is highly appreciated especially in business. In the end, interpersonal communication on both sides can lead to a sustainable and long-term business relationship and trust.
#3 Persuasion and Problem Solving
Content is visual, and visuals are responsible for 80% of our memory. But, in case that we need to resolve a potential customer's problem, a conversation and/or explanation can help better (especially in guiding customers how to resolve the problem they have). It's easy when you advertise Coca-Cola and say: "It kills thirst", but in B2B it's not enough to show the picture with Coca-Cola that will create a physical reaction to take it and eliminate the thirst (in psychology this is referring to the Theory of Basic Instincts).
This is why Communication has a major role in B2B - we are here to first of all to listen (active listening), advise (giving knowledge) and help (give proposals that help to resolve customer's problems). The art of communication lies in the power to persuade; and there is no better way than talking, sharing experience, information and create mutual understanding.
# Building Trust
Many customers trust a brand or a company by exceptional content based campaigns. Content is attracting a prospect and creating a brand value, conversion and also customer retention. Nowadays, there are even more and more social media "influencers" that, creating interested content, draw attention to many people who were seen as potential customers by some brands. By trusting the influencer, a potential customer trusts the brand they promote online.
On the other hand, what happens when a brand that is being promoted needs a further explanation? Someone needs to explain and communicate about the brand. This is the point where Communication plays a major role, and helps in building a long-term trust with a particular product or a service, especially in B2B space. Furthermore, there is no better selling than mouth-to-mouth; even much better than an Ad or a blog.
# Emotional vs. Social
The power of Content is to create an emotion. How many times we saw a video, printed Ad or a text that pulled out our emotions? This is the main purpose of the content - to wake up what is really inside us and give us the opportunity to identify with the brand that is behind. Emotional reaction is definitely the result of a well-shaped content, which is then the number one for making brand success.
There is also another component - the Social one. Communication is a purely social action; we talk with the customers not only to sell them, we talk to know more about them - who they are, where they live, how they live? Then we find the similarities that are common to all of us, no matter where we were born. By connecting to our prospects and, later on, customers, we establish constant communication based on our social interaction.
Finally, there is a thin line between pros and cons for:
- Content / Marketing
- Communication / Sales
Both of them bring tremendous business success; however, the only real difference is that Marketing is Emotional, and Sales is Social. Do you have another opinion? Please share yours in the comments below.
Food Purchasing Department-Junior Category Manager fish& ice cream
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