Content Insider #749 - Piracy
Back in the early days of streaming video we cut the cord to save serious money and have the freedom of watching stuff when/where we wanted to watch it.?Yeah we knew reducing our entertainment budget was a mirage because every subscription service just knew their content was special and far more unique than what the other group offered and sure as heck the price for five subscription services (we don't count our ad-supported services because they're free) kept creeping up just like the cable guy.?There's a way to save money but opening our systems to the Torrent sites is not in the cards for us.?They want too much in return - all of our data to sell to anyone and the ability to dump malware onto our systems.?It's not worth the gamble and its taking money out of the pockets of people who create/produce/postproduce the video stories.?Thanks but no thanks.
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