Content Insider #698-1-Indie State

Content Insider #698-1-Indie State

This year's TIFF was interesting, educational, different putting the spotlight on what's important now and in the future. Indie filmmakers highlighted important issues as equality and parity in a fun, interesting way and the remote, virtual audiences showed their appreciation. The project check writers - distributors, streamers, studios - also showed their appreciation by signing commitments to help the hard creative work be seen by the broader market. New distribution opportunities mark an important control/power shift in the industry. Normal business suddenly isn't.

Here's the link to the article (you may have to copy/strip in or ping us)

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If you're interested in honing your video creation skills, don't forget to sign up for the 6th FCPX virtual conference. Six information-packed days with presentations by some of the best in the industry. Sign up today -


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