Content Insider #599 - Open Season
Hacking and cybercrime have become such everyday occurances that people are seldom shocked to hear that 5-10 million personal records have been stolen or that someone, somewhere is spreading bugs/malware that can render their computer, smartphone, tablet, TV or connected device/system useless. One of the best paying and most thankless jobs to have in an organization is that of cybersecurity. You can put all of the safeguards in place, set up rigid user guidelines and rules but it is difficult to think four steps ahead like a cybercriminal or be as casual as the enduser when it comes to handling corporate and his/her personal data. Clicking on the wrong link or visiting the wrong site is something only a person can do. Bad guys/gals know if they make it sound real or too good to be true someone will let them into their device and BAM!
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