Content Delivery Network.
In this article I'm going to share my work on
- webserver configured on EC2 instance.
- Document root (/var/www/html) made persistent by mounting on EBS Block device.
- Static objects used in code as pictures stored in S3.
- Setting up Content Delivery Network using CloudFront and using the origin domain as S3 bucket.
- Finally place the cloud Front URL on the webapp code for security and low latency.
Cloud Front:
Before going to the setup we should know about what is Cloud Front. Cloud Front is an aws service which provides Content Delivery Network (CDN). Consider you are going to run a website which you like to setup globally and your website has images that stored in a Data Centre (DC) say in Mumbai. If your customers are located so far there will be more latency (delay). This will make your customers dissatisfied.
To avoid this AWS provide Content Delivery Network in this local catche of the data is stored in Egde Location (Small Data Center) across the globe between the Edge Location through high speed global network. When the first customer access it, it will go to Egde Center (for the first the Edge location does not have the local catche it known as Miss) so it go the data center where the data is loacted access it and make local catche in it and provide to customer. After this everytime customers near the Egde location need not to come to the DC to access the data (the data will be accessed from the Edge Location itself - called as Hit) so the latency will be reduced.
Launching instance by AWS CLI:
We need to launch an instance to perform these task.
Step 1 : First we need to install AWSCLI in our system. link to install -
Step 2 : For configuration we access key ID and Secret key. for this we need to create an IAM user. Go to IAM service page click Users > Add User.
Give requied user name and password and click next. note: dont forget to check both the access type. Select the required policy (in my case i have selected Power User Access this will allow us to use all the services except IAM and billing dashboard).
Click next. Finally your access ID and Security key is created.
Step 3: Now go to the cmd type the command aws configure. Then give Access ID, Secret Key and default region to configure.
Step 4: Now we need to create an key. The command to create an key pair is as follows aws ec2 create-key-pair --key-name <"value"> --query ""KeyMaterial" --output text <filename> - this will also create a local copy in your system.
Step 5: Creating security group - aws ec2 create-security-group --group-name <value> --description <value>.
We are going to start apache webserver so we need to allow protocol tcp 80 (HTTP) and also we need to allow tcp 22 (SSH). Command to change the inbound rules -
aws ec2 authorize-security-group-ingress --group-id <value> --protocol <value> --port <value> --cidr <value>
Step 6: Finally we are going to launch the instance. Command to launch an instance is as follows.
aws ec2 run-instances --image-id <value> --key-name <value> --security-groups <value> --security-group-ids <value> --instance-type <value> --count <value>.
Attaching an EBS:
EBS is an block storage. we are going attach this to our instance and mount our code in this. So that when our instance corrupt we wont lose the files.
Step 1: Creating an EBS volume - aws ec2 create-volume --availability-zone <value> --size <value>
Step 2: Attaching the above created volume to the instance - aws ec2 attach-volume --volume-id <value> instance-id <value> --device <value>
Uploading an Image in S3 bucket:
S3 is fully managed object storage service. We are going to add an image in our webpage so are going to upload that image in S3 bucket for high durability and availability.
Step 1 : Creating an S3 bucket. aws s3api create-bucket <value> --bucket <value> --region <value> --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=<region-name>.
Step 2 : upload an image in aws s3. aws cp <image-name> s3://<bucket-name>
In step 2 the object by default is not accessible to others. To make it accessible to the public add --acl public-read.
Webser configured on EC2 Instance:
To get the screen of the instance from cmd use : ssh -i <"key-name"> ec2-user@ec2-<ip address>.<region>
If you face any problem in connecting check whether go to Apps and features > optional features >openssh client is installed. If not click on Add feature and install it.
If you still face the problem try these commands on the powershell. First go the directory where your key pair is located.
icacls.exe $path/reset
icacls.exe $path /GRANT:R "$(env:USERNAME):(R)"
icacls.exe $path /inheritance:r
First login as root : sudo su - root
To use the EBS we need to do three steps
Step 1: Partition: fdisk /dev/xvdf - path of the EBS volume attached. command m is for help, p is for to see the partition created yet, n - to create the new partition, w - to save the partition created, q -quit.
Step 2: Format: Formatting the volume will create Inode table which makes the search faster. To format use mkfs.ext4 /dev/xvdf
To use the Apache webser we need to install it. Command to install - yum install httpd
To start the webserver service use - systemctl start httpd - this will remain temporarily to make it permanent use systemctl enable httpd.
Step 3: Mount: Atlast we have to link /dev/xvdf and /var/www/html. mount /dev/xvdf /var/www/html
Create a html file with the image we stored in the S3 - to create a html file use gedit <filename.html> or vi <filename.html>.
Finally our webpage looks like this. To access it type in the browser as -https://<public ip>/<filename.html>
Cloud Front :
Our webpage is created finally, but there is some problem in it. The problem is when customers from far distance try to access it, it might delay- called as latency. As now we have having only one image so it might not take that much delay but think of amazon shopping , flipcart where they have to put more images. to avoid this we are going to use CDN by cloudfront. We are now going to create a distribution and we are going to get new URL for the image and place it instead of the link we get from the S3 bucket. This new URL is so intelligent it will automaticlly create local cache in Edge location. so customers need not to come to original location (DC). Therefore latency is much reduced.
Step 1: aws cloudfront create-distribution --origin-domain-name <S3 bucket name>
Step 2: Replace the link of taken from S3 service by the new URL.
Atlast our wepage is ready.
Thanks for reading,
-Hema R