Contemplation on searching God

Contemplation on searching God


There has always been a fight in between modern science and spirituality. But the fact is purpose of both the faculties is the same, finding the ultimate truth.

Still both seem exactly opposite streams because their paths are exactly opposite, external-ism and internal-ism!

I have always been biased towards spirituality, there are people who believe spirituality and some don't who consider modern science is true. However both can be true in their essence.

We know there are many saints and divine personalities all over the world and across different religions who say they have experienced the God or we would say the ultimate.

Even modern science is paying efforts to experience the same but with physical experiments at gross level.

If such divine personalities say they have experienced something means everyone can experience it again because the low of nature is the thing experienced once can be experienced again and should have experienced earlier.

And modern science deny this because their path of investigation is different. Modern science is trying reveal the mystery of ultimate with physical experiments and they are going into finer things day by day and the ultimate can be called as meta-physics.

Spirituality says you have to go by the path of internal-ism, you have to study your mind or intellectual with your own mind which seems difficult or impossible, imaginary and fictitious.

But same case can be with the modern science. Ex. the lay man knows he is breathing in air and breathing out air and some scientist comes to him and tells, he is in fact breathing in Oxygen and breathing out carbon-di-oxide then it's obvious that the lay man can say the term O2 and CO2 is imaginary and fictitious because he just has experienced same air going in and out.

The point is with each of these faculties Modern science and spirituality, we have not experienced either and still we choose to believe in one system and deny other one.

Scientist have done some experiments and come to the conclusion and hence they believe, same way saints and sages have experienced something and they believe.

So, what is the difference in the paths followed by them. Science tries to look at external world as there is nothing inside according to them and spirituality tries to look inward as there is nothing outside according to them.

But the fact is no one can have concrete conclusion half the way. They have to reach the end point to conclude about the ultimate and I believe one day science will be able to reach that point but spirituality has already reached that. 

And when science will reach that point there will be nothing external and the point will be meeting point of internal-ism and external-ism. As even with spirituality at the end point there is nothing inside too!

The ultimate is all pervading, pure conscious and endless.

Search will Continue...


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