Container Transportation Trends Barometer Q1, 2023

Container Transportation Trends Barometer Q1, 2023

About the Study

The ShipsGo Academy team attempted to explore container transportation trends in a longitudinal approach. This longitudinal approach is based on quarterly measurements of the perceptions of container transportation users. This report is aiming to measure the trends in the first quarter of 2023. As the ShipsGo Academy team, we will go on measuring the perceptions in every quarter and comparatively share the results. We are delighted to share our findings and hope to get feedback from the container transportation ecosystem to improve our projects.??

Some Findings Have Caught Our Attention

"Environmental issues have been attracting attention"

95% of the participants give value to environmental sensitivity. The urgency of addressing environmental issues has brought them to the forefront of the container transportation sector. Increased awareness about the devastating impacts of climate change and the importance given to sustainability issues by the United Nations, the European Union, the International Maritime Organization, and international environmental institutions have made environmental issues a top priority for BCOs and forwarders.

"COVID-19's Impact on trade and container transport is expected to wane"

Almost 70 % of the participants think that COVID-19 is no more a threat. Companies have transformed the COVID-19 threat into an opportunity by developing digital marketing solutions, and as a result, container transportation volume has increased again.

"Port congestion is about to come"

Although almost 50% of BCOs expect port congestion to get worse, only 20% of forwarders think the same. However, it is concluded that the vast majority of participants foresee port congestion when we consider the index value of 111.

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