Container Technology: Consistent Deployment and Execution
"Containers are popular with both developers and operators because they offer a simpler way to achieve deployment and execution consistency. They can also help to improve development and operations (DevOps) team handoffs."
What are Containers?
A container running on a machine is simply a process on the host operating system like any other. So what makes containers so popular? It's how the process is isolated and restricted. This is done in a very specific way that simplifies development and operations.
Why Containers Matter
When containers began gaining popularity, wrote: “Containers are a solution to the problem of how to get software to run reliably when moved from one computing environment to another. This could be from a developer's laptop to a test environment, from a staging environment into production and perhaps from a physical machine in a data center to a virtual machine in a private or public cloud.”
Deployment consistency reduces time to market
Uniquely developing and packaging every application—plus its dependencies—to handoff to operations for deployment can be a time-consuming and costly process for enterprises. Containers couple code and processes—the app, as well as libraries, binaries, and configuration files—together to improve consistency and speed in pushing new applications and updates into production.
Execution consistency improves quality
Because code and processes are prepackaged to conform to release and management processes, teams can improve the quality of releases and thus, boost customer satisfaction.
Easier developer-to-operator handoff speeds delivery
Without having to customize each delivery, developers and operations (DevOps) staff have more time to focus on doing what they do best: developing business-critical applications and ensuring robust app delivery.
A Closer Look at Container Technology
Containers have their roots deep in the history of the Linux operating system. Containers make use of the kernel features of Linux. The core underpinnings of containers in Linux—cgroup, namespaces, and filesystems—operate in a somewhat isolated area. The magic of containers is in how these technologies combine together for maximum convenience.
Cgroup, or control group, is a mechanism to organize processes hierarchically and distribute system resources along the hierarchy in a controlled and configurable manner. Namespaces control what view of the virtual machine (VM) a process can have. Namespaces allow a process to treat a global resource as if the process had its own isolated instance of that resource.
Once Linux controls what a process can do (cgroup) and what a process sees (namespaces), it controls the file system the process has access to by mounting it in the namespace of the process. Additionally, the process can have read-only access to most of the file system and read-write access to a small part of it. These file systems are at the core of the concept of an “image”: an image (e.g. a Docker image) is just a set of serialized file systems with some configuration and metadata. When an image is deployed as a container, the container process gets the image’s file systems expanded as a mounted file system in its namespace.
Although one company often dominates the conversation about containers because of its developer-friendly user experience, open source container projects—including the Docker project—enable any organization to take advantage of the model. The standards body, Open Container Initiative (OCI) has created a clear specification for an image:
Considering Containers? Here’s What to Keep in Mind.
Nearly synonymous with containers, “Docker” as a term connotes many things:
- a short-hand word used to represent container technology
- a commercial venture-backed startup company: “Docker, Inc.”
- an open source container project without a foundation governance model, “Docker project”
- the brand for a commercial product produced by Docker, Inc.
- the name often used for the popular open source runtime “Docker Engine”
- a container image format known as a “Docker image”
- a developer desktop tool-chain to simplify development and packaging “Docker for Mac & Docker for Windows”
There are other container sources.
There are open-source container projects, as well as a host of other commercial products available to create containers. You will need to decide what format is best for your organization.
Containers and virtualization are complementary.
To increase security and isolation, containers can be run in lightweight virtual machines. The hardware infrastructure (e.g., networks, servers and storage) required to support containers is more easily managed by virtualization.
Container orchestration does not make a platform.
A platform is a suite of capabilities that work together to offer developers and operators a simple way to deploy, monitor, manage, scale, secure, and connect applications. However, container technology is an important part of an enterprise platform: it is central to how applications are deployed and managed, but the systems that provide these capabilities are additive on top of the core container technology for running applications.
If you use containers, you will still need a robust deployment platform.
Like virtualization, where hypervisors and machine images are not a full virtualization platform, container technology is one piece of a larger set of responsibilities needed for an enterprise platform. DevOps teams have found that simply taking an image and creating a workload out of it as a container is not the full solution—for example, containerizing a workload does not automatically give DevOps the suite of features that teams would like with respect to capabilities such as high availability, auto scaling, traffic routing, and logging. Proven, integrated platforms like Pivotal Cloud Foundry give teams these capabilities.
If you use containers, you will still need an enterprise-grade security and management platform.
Taking an image and creating a workload out of it as a container also does not provide DevOps teams with an enterprise-grade experience because inherently containers lack capabilities such as security, high availability, application lifecycle management and more. For any organization seeking scale, security, and deployment consistency, an enterprise platform is required to provide the capabilities needed to run a workload as a container.
Your platform decision will be either build or buy.
Since the core notion of containers is devoid of any notion of the capabilities of a platform, your enterprise operators will be left having to bring these capabilities in on their own, either by writing their own tools or by pulling together a disparate set of tools, utilities, and products at varying levels of maturity from other sources and suppliers.
Cloud Foundry has worked with containers from the very beginning.
The original rationale for Cloud Foundry, which still holds true today, was anchored in two core ideas:
- The ability to better utilize the underlying infrastructure
- The ability to provide consistent, production-ready, resilient environments for developers in a highly productive and easy-to-use manner
Standards exist for container image format and runtime.
The Open Container Initiative (OCI) collectively works on helpful standards around a container image format and runtime. Developers and operations benefit from portability for containerized applications, while members benefit from member contributions. Pivotal was a founding member of the OCI.
Containers & Buildpacks
Cloud Foundry supports both developer-built containers and platform-built containers. Which option you use depends on how you prefer to manage your application dependencies and updates. With platform-built containers, Cloud Foundry uses buildpacks to package application lifecycle management. With developer-built containers the update lifecycle is handled outside the platform.
Containers at Pivotal
The Cloud Foundry project has been working with containers since 2011. We’ve been running containers in production since the initial commercial product launch—first with Warden, then Garden, and now Garden-runC.
Most recently, we launched Pivotal Container Service (PKS), production-grade Kubernetes that allow enterprises to reliably deploy and run containerized workloads across private and public clouds. PKS eases Day 2 operations burdens for container orchestration with built-in high availability, monitoring, automated health checks, and more.