Contagion is Launching a Newsletter, Transmissible
Welcome! For those unfamiliar with Contagion, we are an infectious disease news website and online quarterly publication. ?We are planning to launch the first issue of our Linkedin monthly newsletter, named Transmissible, next week. The launch of the newsletter will complement our existing online publication and our website. Our mission is to deliver?quality and relevant information to?health care professionals treating infectious diseases to help them achieve the best patient care possible.
In the middle of each month, we'll bring you a new edition of Transmissible, highlighting the news, video interviews, multimedia projects, and clinical content from providers working in the field. We'll point you to the news that matters and the specialist insight that can help your clinical practice or get a better understanding of what is happening in infectious disease.
?For those not familiar with Contagion, interested readers can go to our website here, and our latest online publication edition here.
Along with our online publication, we have our Clinical Corner section on the site, which provides additional coverage around patient management. We also have special video series programs such as our News Networks, Peer Exchanges, and Roundtables where providers discuss specific infectious disease topics and offer their insights on therapeutic management.
With the launch of Transmissible, we expect it to be your go-to place to get news and clinical insight, right here on LinkedIn. Click here to subscribe to Transmissible.