Contact Us Anywhere... But Not There

Contact Us Anywhere... But Not There

Several organizations and personal website tout their presence on social media websites. You'll see social media icons splashed on home pages, emails, and promotional materials. Organizational leaders will boast about being present on social media.

And then you click on their website's Contact Us page, and all users see is the standard submission form or email address.

Contact Us form with three fields and submit button

If you're lucky, there's a phone number and a physical address. But all those social media accounts bragged about are suspiciously absent.

Do you not want people to use social media to contact you? If that's true, why are you on the platforms? It's meant to be a two-way street, not a one-sided broadcast.

Or has no one looked at the Contact Us page in years? In that case, I'm worried if the email address it sends the form is still monitored regularly.

You may argue, "The social media icons are on the header/footer of each page." If you think that works well, then just put an email and phone number in the footer also and remove the Contact Us page. Some have. But if you're giving an entire page to inform visitors how to contact you, show them all the options, including social media accounts.


