Consumption By Chris Walls


Consumption (You can listen below or read along, your choice)


So welcome back. If you enjoyed "Who am I". I hope you like this as well. This speech, I'm going to call consumption.?

I picked this topic because it is important to understand what consumption means because everything that manifest in our lives come into reality because of the things we consume. When we're younger, we don't truly understand the power of consumption because it is never really taught to us as children. Growing up, I thought of consumption from a very limited perspective. This understanding was limited to eating and drinking and that was pretty much it.?

I didn't realize it until I became more self-aware, of how important this word truly is. I learned that anything that we absorbed through our sensible sensations absorbed through our five senses is consumption. Whether it be through feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and even through vibrational or frequencies that can’t be detected with our external senses. Developing an understanding of consumption didn't happen right off the bat for me. Daily, most of us have so much going on in our lives. We wake up, and some take showers, workout, eat breakfast, some rush out the door and others just stay home. While we venture out through our days, we focus on work, family, friends, pursuing passions, or taking classes to further their education.

Regardless of your path, we all tend to get caught up in the world around us and forget about what’s most important, to our overall health. Instead of paying attention to what we consume, we become consumed by our own realities. This can be very unhealthy on both a physical and mental level. It’s hard not to fall into the grove because we tend to focus and consume everything that is around us just to keep up with the speed of life. We fall into this routine because we focus on what is good for our careers, ultimately because our careers support our way of life. In this, we often forget what is good for us.

?After a long day, many of us come home drained and exhausted just happy to have made through the day. At this moment, all we want to do is eat, and kind of just take a load off so we can relieve our minds of any stressor that we may have incurred. Using one’s mind constantly for hours can be quite exhausting depending on their level of responsibility. There are many cases where we have to just grab food on the go because our time may be limited. I know I travel a lot and often have to just grab what I can because I'm always out and about. This can make it hard to plan a good diet and keep up with a healthy balanced notorious plan.

?For those of us who have families, coming home can sometimes be like a circus. Between kids running around playing, after-hour activities, and making sure homework is done and that everyone is fed and in bed at a decent hour, this can be very time-consuming. Oh yeah, let’s not forget about the other children, our pets if you have them. After a long day, we come home and the whole time we are consuming everything, from the children being loud, whatever is on TV, and of course, whatever topics are up for discussion. This is one of the reasons I do not personally watch TV but having a family the T.V. is often on in the background. Occasionally, I just put on my ear pods and listen to a nice classical track, audiobook or listen to other self-help artists out there.

I find that this is a very relaxing tool that helps drown out any unnecessary commotion. We may not realize it at times, but our brains are always absorbing data from our senses. Take for instance, if you're just sitting in a room where someone's watching a horror flick, even though you are not watching it, because you may be focused on something else, you are still absorbing the noise. Your subconscious is hearing everything that's going on around you at all times, especially while you are sleeping. With that being said, the subconscious is always registering data that is absorbed by the five senses, even if you're not directly involved. This can unknowingly create traumas that affect our wellbeing.

?Studies have shown that trauma is stored within the central nervous system and can lead to health conditions if they are not addressed properly. Imagine if while you were a child, you saw one of your friends get bit by a vicious dog on the hand. Even though this incident did not happen to you, it creates a traumatic event within your nervous system. This consumption creates a sort of disconnect in the neurological system that stems from a place of fear.

?You feared for your friend because your friend was in obvious pain. It is almost as if you manifested their pain in your mind, as a way to understand what they are going through, thus storing this trauma as your own. I spoke previously about the subconscious, the subconscious is, in my opinion, our sixth sense. Just like we have five senses that register through external receptacles. The subconscious registers through our internal senses which are emotional feelings. This is important to understand because everything that we consume, that are considered toxins to the body through our external receptacles, can create a form of trauma within our bodies.

?So, the next time you are feeling sad, down, depressed, or sick, understand that something that you have consumed is responsible. The human body is an amazing intelligent piece of organic matter that has built-in self-healing properties that can cure itself of pretty much any health condition. Unfortunately, it will not work properly if our bodies are clogged with toxins or traumas that stem from something that we consumed in some way. It is important to know that everything bad in your life in some way evolved from something that you consumed. I ask that you take notice of these people out there that seem to always feel great and appear so happy. I guarantee you that all of them exercise often and at least try to eat healthily.

?A lot of it has to do with the diet because our bodies need the proper nurturance to thrive. The genetic makeup of the things we consume internally through food makes us feel either sluggish or energetic and can also control our mood. For example, if you drink coffee, it makes you a feel instant hype and on then you are the go. This is why I recommend first starting with eating healthy as the first step to any recovery. If you think that you need meat, think again and I recommend only consuming it moderately if you do. Anything in moderation is not necessarily bad for you and can often make us stronger. Take a look genetically to our closest living being on the planet to us, the Ape. The only thing that separates our DNA from apes is one single clomazone. You see the Ape does not eat meat and manages to stay strong, muscular and healthy for many years.?

?I focus on this because when I eat healthily and eliminate things like alcohol sugar and other things that are bad for me, I notice a complete boost in my energy levels. This energy is clean energy that allows me to work at my full potential without the burn outs of caffeine. To be honest, I want to get to the point in my life where I no longer go at somebody else's schedule. I want to go on my schedule because I believe that's what it means to fully thrive. Starting with my diet, I have cut a lot of bread, meat, sugar, and starches. I consume a lot of dark berries for polyphenol, which is good for your heart and if combined with fiber and probiotics cleans out your arteries of cholesterol giving you a huge boost in clean energy. When combined, they create a high-octane liver and kidney that can flushes toxins way more efficiently.

I'm not here to be your dietitian or nutritionist but I'm just pointing out the facts of how important eating healthy is to your overall health. The things we listen to also play a huge roll in our physical wellbeing. The frequency that music is created in many cases can cause anxiety, which in turn can raise stress levels. Therefore, I very rarely listen to music that is inappropriate or that has a negative influence. Music can unknowingly tarnish one's thinking because the subconscious is known to store information fed by reputation. Just as a trail is forged into a forest due to heavy traffic, negativity is forged into our minds through reputation.

?When hearing certain messages or frequencies slowly tarnishes one’s soul. However, when you listen to things like classical music, instrumentals, binary beats, motivational speakers and educational content, it slowly makes you more intelligent. Many people prefer songs that exercise their emotions such as that sad country song because they can relate to it. Well, guess what, by doing this you are practicing that emotion, giving it more power so when you experience a sad event, it affects you more intensely making it harder to get over sadness or depression. Don’t get me wrong, when there is a positive message attached to a sad or traumatic story, like found in many story telling motivational speeches, it exercises one’s ability to change a negatives into positives.

There are some good songs out there, however, I'm not a fan many singing artist these days. I prefer peace and quiet or instrumental symphonies. On occasion, I do listen to rock, hip-hop, pop and heavy metal but it is very limited because I know that my minds and bodies is strong enough to flush negative data but only if it is consumed moderately. The same rule applies to all consumption, micro-dosing can helps keep your immune system and mental health strong. Just don’t let it become a habit because it can eventually consume you.?If you consume positive, inspiration, motivation, and educational content only, in place of using other music that seems to help suppress the void of boredom within your life, you will start to notice a positive change in your outlook.

I actually started practicing this after reading a book called Psycho-Cybernetics. I thought to myself, I’m going to change my paradigm by consuming nothing but positivity for 21 days. I forced myself to listen to or watch things that had inspirational, motivational, and educational properties. During this time, I used binary frequencies which helped intensify the effects of my plan. Before I started this cycle, I was bottom of the barrel depressed where just didn't care anymore. All I wanted to do is smoke a joint and get high or turn up a bottle to suppress the overwhelming suffering that I was feeling.

After my 21-day plane, which has now become a part of my daily routine, I successfully changed my paradigm. It was defiantly tough making this kind of commitment, but my life has not been the same since. Between the 21-day habit changing technique and learning the Buddhist teachings and deep level mediations that I was able to reach with the assistance of binaural frequencies; I had unlocked my true potential. I’m telling you, once its unlocked there is no going back. I became more self-aware in 21- days than I did my entire life before. With my newfound awareness and understanding for all things, I was inspired to start creating content to help others achieve what I had archived.

I noticed that the more I created content to help others, the stronger my feelings of love and compassion grew within me. This is when I came across a book by Zig-Ziglar which explained to me what I was experiencing. He said something along the lines, “In order to achieve your goals you must help others toward theirs and the more love and compassion you put out into the world, the more that comes back your way.” This really hit home because I was experiencing this effect daily already. By doing this, it will fulfill you with a sense of purpose, life, and love that you would have never thought possibly.

So that's why I do what I do, there is no financial gain that fuels my movement. I've connected with 60000 thousand people through social media that, follow me, and often listen and engage with my content. The soul intent of my work is to help others and make our planet a better place. It is only natural that assume that there is always a hidden agenda. I too hear people's messages and assume that I know of their intent, but I never judge because judging is a form of vanity. It is always important to pay attention to others intent because there are many sociopaths out there that honestly believe that they more deserving and better than all others around them.

?I really enjoy sharing what I do with the world because hopefully, it inspires someone somewhere to reach their true potential. I have had many people message me telling me how much they need they needed to hear the message that I spoke. They told me that they were stuck and that my speech helped them through their situation. Now, they felt ready to go take on the world, this to me is more valuable than any amount of money. This kind of gratitude alone increases my drive, inspiring me to create more content. So, helping them in a way helps me toward my true purpose.

?I'm going to be successful regardless because I am not driven by financial wealth. ?I don't need anything from anyone except for support to help get my message to the right people. Although the speech may not be for you, there's someone in your circle that is suffering, and you may have even tried to reach them but had little results. I know I have talked family and friends who were obviously suffering but they were not subjective to my opinion or truth. Maybe they weren't ready for it or simply didn't want to hear it from a love one. I understand that there are 16 different personality traits and I am also aware, that out of the million or so people that I reach each month with my content, only about six percent may be subjective to hearing truth from an outside source.

?One lesson that I learned on my path to reach a Sunyata bodhi state, which in Sanskrit means I found the emptiness that is required, to be released from all suffering in order reach a deep enlightened state. It is important that before you try and reach such states, you to detox your minds and bodies of all impurities. Other wise you will never truly reach drama because the toxins and traumas that cause you to suffer will prevent the emptiness that we need to reach such states. The key is to focus on what we consume by analyzing all that is absorbed through sensible sensations. Next, you must address any traumas by finding the positive lessons within each one.

Trust me no matter what caused it, there is some sort of positive outcome available. If you can’t find this understanding it may because you are attached to the emotion that that stems for a victim mentality or you are unknowing addicted to self-pity. By acknowledging the positive outcome each time the thought comes to mind you will slowly find understanding until it becomes part of your purpose that drives you. An example of this is when I had to take someone’s life to save my own, although this crippled me for many years, I know understand that doing so has made me more resilient and has allowed me the privilege to be here and be a good father in my children. There is no greater feeling in life then to create another life and teach them to thrive.

?The things we feed our bodies through diet are of the utmost importance. The need to feed is amplified by trauma and stress, so therefore many people eat out of suffering. When the subconscious is suffering, it will seek to be fulfilled. So, when we are hungry it relies on the conscious decision that is chemically driven to fill the void. If the connection between the subconscious and conscious mind is blocked due to toxins or traumas, ones will power to choose wisely is weakened. I get that it is hard to stop eating unhealthy foods in an instant, so I suggest only eating half of the portions but instead of drinking something sugary, add 8 to 12 ounces of water instead. What you will notice is, that after 15 minutes or so minutes the hunger will have subsided.

?Overeating is a form of suffering and quite frankly, the concept of eating three full meals a day is just ridicules. A human being can go about thirty days without food as long as we drink plenty of water. One can get the daily recommended nurturance from one single meal alone. 3000 calories is not meant to be consumed in one sitting, it is meant to be broken down and consume little by little throughout the day. One tends to seek such cravings such as unhealthy foods because of suffering caused by stressors or traumas.

?Some helpful tools that will help you understand these catalysts are, learning the Buddhist teachings, speaking with NLP practitioners, visiting a Reiki healer and learning self-hypnosis, or visiting a professional hypnotherapist. These will all help to find understanding, but the most important part is to be subjective. For now, this is a technique that you can try, close your eyes while in a place of solitude, preferably a quiet place where you have not distractions. Focus on where you are feeling discomfort, if you don’t feel anything, just relax for a bit until you feel it. It could be an area of discomfort, a cramp, or even an itch. This is a sign that your body is trying to tell you something.

Once you acknowledge this area think of deeply of the position, give it a color, shape, smell or even a number. With this information let it form an image in your head, don’t overthink it just go with the first thoughts that come to mind. The Idea is to give a potentially affect nerve area that is holding onto traumas a physical description. We cannot consciously fix traumas stored withing our nerve system, they must be addressed through the subconscious. The subconscious dose not speak the same language as the conscious mind, but it does relate emotions that are attachment to perceived physical attributes. This exercise teaches the subconscious mind how to self-repair its neurological system.

?The next part of this exercises is to take a deep breath in and imagine that this physical property that you have created in the area of discomfort, is filling with air with each new breath you take. In your mind take notice that this particular is which may now appear as a spherical ball or 3D image, now has new demotions that include color, shape, size, and even smell. For every thought that comes to mind while focusing on this area, let it become a part of your creation. Once you see it clearly, imagine while you excel that all aspects of this new created property are now being released into the air as you breath out. All of the traumas, given colors, shapes images, etc. that were created within the area of discomfort is now leaving your body and mind.

Do this several times each time creating new images. This technique can also be used to remove the feeling of hunger as well. If all of this seems questionable, then I challenge you, for 21 days to practice everything I spoke of above. Make the first thing you do in the morning on your way to work, listing to some kind of motivational or inspirational content, there is plenty to be found on YouTube. Change your diet by cutting your sugar intake in half and drink double the amount of water that you normally drink, stop eating heavy carbs like bread, eat more dark barriers and foods high in probiotics and fiber.

Lastly exercise at least three times a weak for more that thirty minutes each time. I recommend getting your heart rate up to an average athletic rage for your age limit, at least three times each work out session. If you can commit to something like this just once your life your life will never be the same again. Many people will not commit to things that seem hard that is why so many people are limited in life. You are the creator of your own destiny so only can change your paradigm, but you must first commit to it. Thanks for reading or listing and I hope you enjoyed part two of my new audio series “Who am I”

If you made it through the whole thing comment, “I am the one” in the comment section below and share with someone that you think might need to hear this!




Ken N.

Building a PATRIOTIC network; one quality connection at a time…..

2 年

“I am the one.” Chris Walls - it’s amazing what I picked up the second time listening. Thanks bud! ????????????


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