Consumers—and the environment—are going to pay for problems with the nation’s largest grid region
When I was a kid, I remember watching my father go through a ritual that seemed to happen like clockwork. Once a month, he would sit down at the kitchen table, pull out a stack of bills, and start writing checks. The air would grow tense, his face would tighten, and I never fully understood the reason for his aggravation. Back then, it was just something that adults did. But now, as a 51-year-old who has seen the world through the lens of both a homeowner and an engineer, I understand exactly why he was so frustrated.
Fast forward a few years to when I was a young adult, attending technical college. My roommate and I were now in charge of our own bills. We, like millions of Americans, were oblivious to what we were really paying for in those utility bills. We flipped the switch, the lights came on, the AC hummed, the TV blared, and we just expected everything to work. For that convenience, we paid a monthly fee—like a lifelong rent on electricity.
Now, when I look back at all the years of mindlessly paying those bills, I can’t help but feel a bit angry. How many thousands of dollars did we give away, without ever questioning why prices kept going up, or how much control these monopolistic utility companies had over us? They’ve tied us into a lifetime contract where the prices can—and do—rise whenever they decide they need more profits. Meanwhile, we fund their grid upgrades, with investor profits built into every project, all while having no ownership in the grid we’re paying to maintain.
Imagine how angry most people would be if they truly understood how the global energy magnates manipulate us, all while pointing the finger at us as the cause of today’s environmental crises. It wasn’t long ago that I decided to take action, to give people the option they never had—control over who supplies the power to their homes, schools, businesses, churches, farms, cabins, condos, or apartments.
My vision is simple: help more people create their own energy from the most reliable power source we have—the sun. That giant thermonuclear power plant in space that gives us light, warmth, and energy can also fuel our homes, with technology that’s more affordable and efficient than ever before. Looking back, I wish I had known what I know now: up to 75% of our electric bills go to maintaining the grid—paying for power plants, transformers, substations, service trucks, payroll, and more, including profits for investors.
And what do we get in return? A system that’s becoming increasingly inefficient, and one that contributes to massive amounts of CO2 emissions and toxic byproducts like coal ash, which pollute our air and water. The irony is, while the wealthy keep these polluting power plants far from their homes, the rest of us fund their operations with our hard-earned money.
Today, as a solar energy expert, I’m offering property owners an option that they’ve never had before. Solar power is clean, affordable, and can even provide tax benefits. From the moment I began this journey, I predicted that energy costs would skyrocket, and that’s exactly what we’re seeing now. The National Renewable Energy Labs once projected a 4% annual increase in energy rates—now, double-digit increases are common across the country. In Florida alone, one of the largest energy companies raised rates four times in a single year, totaling nearly a 30% increase.
And yet, most people remain unaware of how this system really works. During my time as a financial planner, I learned the power of interest—how it can work for or against you. The difference between liabilities and assets became clear. Here’s the kicker: your energy bills are liabilities, and as long as you don’t control your energy, you’re wasting a lifetime of money on someone else’s system—one that was never designed to be yours, but always designed to profit its owners.
But today, you have a choice. You can own your own electricity-generating power plant, for less than what you’re currently paying in monthly electric bills. The technology we have now is ten times better than it was just five years ago. I know change can be hard—almost as daunting as public speaking—but sometimes change is necessary, and eventually, it becomes something we’re grateful for.
In a world that sometimes seems to be driven by greed, finding a reputable team to help you make these changes is crucial. I may be able to provide the dependable vehicle you need to reach your destination—the only question is, are you ready to start your journey today?
Below is an insightful article by Dan Gearino at that details how energy markets will continue to increase pricing. If you don’t make a change now, you’ll keep paying and paying, enriching corporations that don’t care about you—just your money.
If you’re ready to take control of your energy future, contact me for a free solar energy system design. I will also include a free Ebook to help guide you through this journey. It’s time to cut the cord and start owning your power.
Here is an excerpt from Dan Gearino's article. Link to the full article is below:
A process designed to make sure a swath of the country has reliable electricity has become an example of how not to manage a complex system during a time of rapid change. PJM Interconnection, the organization that oversees the country’s largest grid region, held its annual “capacity” auction last week to secure the resources needed to meet projected electricity demand in 2025-26.It resulted in a price surge, with a projected cost of $14 billion, compared to $2.2 billion from the previous auction, for 2024-25.The auction exists so PJM can have assurance that there will be enough electricity available to meet peak demand. Power plants offer the prices that they want to get paid in exchange for agreeing to be available when needed. When resources are tight relative to demand, prices go up, as happened last week. The winners include anyone operating a coal, natural gas or nuclear plant that may be struggling to stay afloat financially (a bail-out at our expense?). Those resources make up the large majority of the power sources that will get paid, while wind and solar each make up a single percent of sources. (Wind and solar energy ONLY make up 1% each of the energy produced...this is sad for this region and also for America. The good news, these regularly scheduled price increases will drive more and more consumers to take control of their energy costs by investing in their own properties, no longer relying on 100% of the energy corporations and their profit machines. Ever wonder where misinformation about going solar comes from? Just ask, who loses when YOU and millions of others go solar and are no longer giving the power company 90%-100% of your monthly bill?).