Consumerist Waste or Thoughtful Merch, What is your promotion really saying?
As the saying goes, everyone loves freebies......but what does this really mean and is this kind of customer you want to attract with your promotional merchanise giveaways?
The trend of sustainability is becoming a justification for continued wasteful spending. If the freebies you are giving out are sustainable in some way, yet still thrown out in the trash, does this really do anything to shift the landscape of cultural materialism run rampant?
As someone who helps businesses with promotional merchandise, you might think that is a contradictory statement for a seasoned sales consultant to make, but hear me out....
If we're being honest here, it's easy to see that trends and shiny object syndrome often takes over the decision making process and everyone wants the latest "swag" or the coolest new "tech" item or the "something sustaintable" so that it looks like on the surface you are being mindful to your customer.
How is this really serving your customer base? Just because a piece of merch has brand recognition doesn't mean it is touching someone in a meaningful and useful way.
Consumers care about values more than ever, they don't want to support companies that aren't aligned with their core values, even if the business supports a charity they like, has great marketing, or promotes sustainable actions.
What if you used promotional products to really get to know your customers, not just for a photo opportunity to post on social media, not just to increase sales or attendance at an event, not just for ROI and brand impressions, not just something to meet the budget... what if?
When you bring the creative and imaginative process into the realm of business decisions and enliven the soul of the why you are doing this and know the end goal, you can turn from marketing propagandist to meaningful magical merch maker, here's a few thoughts on how to do this:
I love helping customers find the perfect promotional items for their events, but this is an invitation to take that to another level, to play in the possibilities, to explore and practice doing things differently, to make merch meaningful, because there is one thing I know for certain, everyone needs more joy and humaneness in life and this is one way to make that happen. We get what we give, what and how are you giving, in business and life?
Buying sustainable products that can decompose is definitely a good choice, but less is sometimes more, useful items are an even better choice and finding new ways to give beyond a freebie that is likely to get tossed....even better. By focusing more on the giving (genuinely) instead of the getting, any promotional campaign or project will be more likely to work out in everyone's favor naturally, it's the law of cause and effect and It's time to level up by bringing the heart into the boardroom.
Whoever your promotional merch sales consultant is, I can assure you building that professional relationship and working together over many years instead of only focusing on price, bids and budget, will give you a better result, be more fun and bring opportunity to truly make a difference. It's not about the sale, it's about all the in between stuff that got you there in true partnership!