Consumer trends - Inside the July/August issue of IPE Real Assets
Plus: Top 100 infra managers, real estate sector updates, ESG, Ivanhoé Cambridge
How will consumers respond as lockdowns ease? Huge uncertainty faces retail and food and beverage outlets as they reopen. How will consumers respond and will their behaviour change forever?
European retail: A year of shopping dangerously Will developers and investors in an already battered European retail sector begin to see opportunities or just a spiralling decline?
US retail: Vulnerable sector Will disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic be the nail in the coffin for traditional bricks-and-mortar retail in the US?
APAC retail: First in line to feel pandemic impact Asia-Pacifc has felt the effects of lockdown ahead of Europe and the US
Online retailers: All aboard the AliExpress China’s largest online company has been opening physical stores, suggesting the future of retail will not be exclusively digital
European logistics: Thinking outside the box Online retail has gained more traction during the lockdown, but are there warning signs for an industry that has been flying high?
US logistics: Distribution in the fast lane The opportunity for US logistics investor Prologis just got bigger. How is the world’s biggest industrial landlord responding?
APAC logistics: Still out for delivery The pandemic severely tested the just-in-time supply chain in Asia-Pacific but the sector is now powering ahead
This time it’s a crisis of the real world “In the current climate of social distancing, restrictions of movement and varying states of lockdown, real assets perhaps no longer provide the psychological reassurance they once did”
Office: Nine-to-five no more After a mass experiment in home working, the office is likely to change in a post-pandemic world
UK care homes: In the eye of the storm Care homes in the UK have been hit hardest by COVID-19 and the full effects of on what was a burgeoning sector have yet to be felt
Student housing: Staying the course As universities struggle to cope with COVID-19, will institutional investors move out of student housing?
Sale & leaseback: Corporate takeover A growing number of cash-strapped companies might turn to their own bricks and mortar. Are the opportunities for sale-and-leasebacks about to widen?
INTERVIEW: Nathalie Palladitcheff, Ivanhoé Cambridge Ivanhoé Cambridge had already been preparing to adapt to major disruption to the real estate industry before the COVID-19 pandemic hit
The 100 largest infrastructure investment managers, led by Macquarie Infrastructure and Real Assets and Brookfield Asset Management, manage over €1.18trn in assets, according to IPE Real Assets' latest survey of the sector.
With transport assets hit harder than other sectors, infrastructure fund managers face a big balancing act where diversification will be key. Read more
From ESG to HESG: COVID-19 crisis not expected to put the brakes on ESG movement
Transport infrastructure: Global value lockdown
Eric Davy: Data and the importance of digital continuity
China expedites infrastructure REITs
A digital version of the May/June issue of IPE Real Assets is available here. Alternatively, you can read it on our website.
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