Consumer Trends 2025 - Human AI
Kate Nightingale (Kasia Slowikowska)
Consumer, Retail & Design Psychologist; Creating Better Human Experience of Brands, Spaces & Technology; AI Psychology; Fractional Head of Brand; Speaker & Conference Chair; Founder of Women of Retail
How many of you have a unique name for your ChatGPT? Whose kids feel that Alexa is their friend? Who feels a little separation anxiety when they can’t use their preferred AI tool for a few hours as your phone has died?
Well, you are not alone. People are increasingly perceiving AI tools, like voice assistants and ChatGPT, as human-like, imbuing them with human thoughts, emotions, attitudes and personality characteristics. This is a concept called anthropomorphism.?
It is not new as we anthropomorphise pets, our planet and even brands, yet it is a new development with AI tools. Fairly recent addition to our lives, but quickly gaining a position of a friend or even a family member. People already talk about their ChatGPT as he or she, give them names like ‘Chatty’ or even use them as a therapist. They say things like ‘he knows me’, ‘he understands me’. It is assigning human-like emotions, attitudes and even cognitive processes to AI which it is actually not capable of.?
This therefore leads to more intimate, deeper and stronger relationships with AI tools, embedding them into our daily routine and identity. When used as part of interactions with brands, they can become impactful tools in creation of more loyal relationships. Like brand mascots, your chatbots can be anthropomorphised in line with your brand personality, values and purpose. Your advertising and marketing campaigns can play on the intimacy we have with AI assistants.?
As we further develop our relationships with AI, the possibilities for brands building stronger connections with customers with the help of these tools will only extend, but…
Because the trust, intimacy and relationship are so strong towards AI tools, if your brand does not fare well on any of these strategic aspects, you might not see the benefits. As consumers get used to the level of personalisation they experience from AI assistants, their expectations towards all brands they interact with will rise.?
The ‘ME Universe’ is only a step away. Customers will demand all their interactions with brands to be fully aligned with their needs, wants and desires, which is also where Subconscious Commerce comes in (full post on it here:
Are you prepared for a Human AI revolution? Would you like to humanise your brand and AI tools? Would you like to more deeply understand our anthropomorphic relationship with AI??
Talk to us by messaging here or emailing [email protected]?
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