Consumer Council of Fiji Commits to Anti-Bribery Goals
Consumer Council Of Fiji
CCoF is an advocacy organization, conducting rigorous research and policy analysis on key consumer issues.
The Consumer Council of Fiji (CCoF) has become the latest organization to join the “I don’t accept bribes” campaign, a joint nationwide initiative by FICAC with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) under the United Nations Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption (UN-PRAC) project funded by the New Zealand Government.
The launch of the anti-bribery campaign took place in the presence of Management and staff of CCoF, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Anti-Corruption Advisor Dr Sonja Stefanovska-Trajanoska and representatives from FICAC on 31 August 2022 at the Council headquarters in Suva.
During the launch, CCoF Chief Executive Officer Ms Seema Shandil stated that whilst having its own policies and procedures in place to assist in conducting its work in a very ethical and transparent manner, the Council is honored to be part of the campaign for anti-bribery and provided assurance that the Council will continue to have a bribe-free system in place
The Council staff were also reminded that as consumer champions and advocates, they should strongly advocate against bribery.??
“In our strive to achieve excellent service delivery, we constantly deal with businesses, government ministries, enforcement bodies, consumers and other stakeholders – and we must do so with finesse integrity, professionalism and in a very transparent manner. Only then, will we be able to realize our Vision of creating a just and fair marketplace for all consumers in Fiji,” added Ms Shandil.?
Speaking at the Launch the Senior Corruption Prevention Officer Mrs Banuve Wainimala, reiterated the importance of fighting bribery and corruption whereby the only immunity is your integrity. By knowing how to prevent and fight corruption and by opting not to accept bribes, you not only avoiding tarnishing your reputation but your organization as well.?The onus is on you to ensure that the members of the public will look at you as trustworthy and reputable Council officers.??
UNDP Pacific Office in Fiji Anti-Corruption Adviser Dr. Sonja Stefanovska-Trajanoska stated that “as an independent statutory body that protects the rights and interests of consumers in Fiji by promoting fair and just delivery of goods and services, the CCoF has a pivotal role to play in fighting corruption and building integrity across the nation”.
“By promising not to engage in or entertain the corrupt practice of bribery, and publicly demonstrating this commitment, you are not only strengthening the Council’s reputation, but you are also enhancing the organization’s practical ability to make the consumer voice heard, and make it count,” added Dr. Stefanovska-Trajanoska.
The campaign is supported by UNDP under the United Nations Pacific Regional Anti-Corruption (UN-PRAC) project funded by the New Zealand Government.