CONSUMER BEHAVIOR: Why You (Consumer) Gotta Be So Mean???

CONSUMER BEHAVIOR: Why You (Consumer) Gotta Be So Mean???

“Branding is not merely about differentiating products; it is about striking emotional chords with consumers. It is about cultivating identity, attachment, and trust to inspire customer loyalty.”

~ Unknown

Consumer Behavior is a big term (jargon) related to business terminology for researchers who apply a combination of psychology and management theories to elucidate the term.?

I used to feel why there is need for studies, researches and analyses on areas like Consumer Behavior, Consumer Attitude, Consumer Etiquette, Buying Behavior, Purchasing/Spending Power, etc., of a consumer to sell a product or service to him/her. Because when a consumer feels the need for a particular product/service, he/she buys it. It WAS as simple as that. I couldn’t comprehend why Producers/Manufacturers/Industrialists squander huge funds in market research to understand how a customer behaves before/during/after purchasing a product/service.

But, today’s just a two-minute experience at a showroom made me realize the essential need for studying Consumer Behavior at least during his/her purchasing a product to understand and handle certain idiosyncratic behavioral aspects of certain consumers (during purchasing).


I was thinking on buying a pair of sneakers and stilettos and I stepped into a shoe section of an esteemed showroom. A salesman with a welcoming smile guided me to a show case and was helping me get them of my choice. He was also politely trying to help me wear the shoes. I came from a plain middle-class social group I was too uncomfortable to let somebody (especially a man) touch my feet even if it is a part of his/her job. As I’ve already enough regular embarrassing moments of pedicure sessions, I politely rejected and told him that I would help myself. He stepped aside courteously and I leisurely started the first minute of my rational course of hours on long trial with various styles and brands. :D?

This is when a middle aged posh English speaking lady with a predetermined idea of specific style of sneakers entered in a tearing hurry and asked the salesman standing by my side. He politely escorted her to the shoe stand. She became so happy and said, “Oh yeah, this style is what I wanted! But, I want one of bigger foot size. With a will to make a sale, the salesman tried to convince her with another good brand with the same imitation style as the size of the brand she wanted was out of stock. (As I don’t want to miss the level of harshness in her words and I’m putting them here in near exact words.) She pointed him with her forefinger and said in classy Indian accent, “You should show me what I wanted and you should not tell me what I should select.” :O With unsettled mind and usual unfeigned smile, the demoralized salesman replied in his MTIed (Mother Tongue Influenced) accent, “We don’t have it now ma’am, it’s out of stock, I’m sorry.” In a disappointed tone she asked if she can get some canvas shoes at least. When he showed a pair, she examined it thoroughly and lectured, “This is not canvas. Canvas cloth should be rough, strong, blah blah blah….”, and she threw the shoe rudely on a sofa and left the place swiftly without thanking/saying anything to him. How Weird!!!!

Clearly, the salesman was intimidated with her act and he silently took the shoe and put it back in place. On the other hand, in the process I dropped a pair of shoes on the floor. I was embarrassed and the same salesman hurriedly came with the same pure smile and helped me put them back.?


I often fail to guess the peculiarities of behaviors that bump into in the name of co-consumers while shopping.

It’s a salesman’s job to show and help consumers get the best among the various options around. Probably, she still lurks in an old one-to-one vendor-consumer retail market model rather than super/hyper market modern retail model where a consumer has a choice to choose among varieties of assorted products and brands available in a product line. Over-rigid rational consumers like her can never ever Impulse Buy. :O?

Whatsoever, this is not a way to talk, for a customer/consumer to injure the dignity of salesperson with lack of empathy or politeness. Conversely, I’m impressed with LET-GO/BACK-TO-NORMAL-THERE-AND-THEN/REVERT-BACK attitude of this salesman. May be he was trained to deal with such customers with missed plugins of respectability, manners and compassion. :)

Every stakeholder has his/her own importance in the complete distribution channel from producers to buyers. But, in this modern retail market merchandising models, sales personnel, who need to get into direct contact with the consumers, have to be equipped with mental filters not to get affected with their uncouth bad-manners.


As an experiential learning, this incident is an eye-opener to me because I’m taught new facts about people’s unusual and irregular behaviors with sales personnel during buying.

Yes, “Branding is about striking emotional chords with consumers.” But, it not only needs research and psychoanalysis but emotional balance and patience too.?

The universe again flung into my life a thought-provoking episode that helped to introspect my level of compassion towards the fellow earthlings and it defines my attitude that comes from love, empathy and emotional balance.


Finally one thought popped up, businesses can handle such inelastic behaviors with concepts like Window-shopping based on Impulse Buying, Online Shopping, Pay-on-Delivery or any other innovative ideas but what about the people (family, friends, etc., )surrounded by such cold emotionlessness. Only Jesus or Buddha can help/train!!! :O

MadhaviLata H, An aspiring Product Leader and Ever (Un/Re)Learner.

Image Credit: Google (


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