Consumer Behavior and Situational Variables: The role of indulgence
Consumer Behavior and Situational Variables

Consumer Behavior and Situational Variables: The role of indulgence


We probably know our best friends to a great extent- their hobbies, their choices, their favorite food to their preferred shopping places, and sometimes what they will pick first, even before entering the shop. Similar to our habits and tastes the business world is also evolving. Can a business know its customers this well? The answer is YES!! No wonder learning consumer preferences is a great place to start with.

Learning about consumers has been always targeted by researchers. Initially, researchers like Nicholas Bernoulli, Oskar Morgenstern, and John von Neumann began to investigate the factors influencing consumer choice. In earlier works, the problem was tackled from an economic perspective and was treated as only interested in making purchases.?

“Read between the lines- learn the rationale behind the behavior”

The ‘Utility Theory’ is the most prevalent model that proposed that consumers tend to make purchases as an outcome of their expected decisions. This approach first time highlighted the consumer as a rational decision-maker who makes purchases driven by self-interests.

Moving ahead contemporary research pays attention to a wide range of factors devising customer decisions and it considers a range of activities by customers leading them to make or cancel the purchase. Customer behavior is not about who is shopping but more about how the consumer is shopping. It refers to individual buying habits, frequency, and several other factors in the background. Knowing customer buying behavior helps business to decide on products, services, modes of shipping, and marketing efforts.

For a business to be successful with both the launch of new products and its present line-up of existing products, it is imperative to comprehend consumer behavior. Every customer approaches purchasing a specific product with a unique thought process and mindset. There are several risks for product failure if a corporation doesn't comprehend how a consumer will react to a product. Consumer behavior varies as a result of evolving fashion, technology, trends, lifestyles, disposable income, and similar other factors. To align marketing efforts appropriately, a marketer must be aware of the aspects that are changing.?

It’s now more than ever time for a business to unleash the significance of consumer buying patterns??

Businesses should be able to differentiate among customers to generate product-specific target customer groups. Most firms use demographic criteria to target their customers by developing distinct marketing strategies.

significance of consumer buying patterns: The image shows vector representation of people and a magnifying glass in center focusing inside their mind
Significance of consumer buying patterns

Dividing customers into groups is not enough for businesses to have to move ahead and take efforts to retain existing customers. As per professor Theodore Levitt, “the main aim of consumer behavior is to create novel customer groups while ensuring the retention of existing clients.” The retention of consumers is even more essential in service sector firms such as Travel and Tourism companies where market differentiators are based on evolving aspects apart from price and quality of services. For example, a survey by Accenture noticed that about 68% of customers would switch their present travel brands if they felt a lack of safety and cleanliness. This signifies that in the upcoming time, tourism firms have to focus on cleanliness and safety recognizing it as a core consumer behavior. The satisfied existing customer is likely to repeat purchases which can be used to alter the marketing tactics to further bring customers’ interest into making a purchase.?

With properly identified customer groups, businesses can further design relevant marketing strategies. Effective marketing campaigns are often the result of business efforts and consumer analysis. For example - products made for kids are often targeted toward young mothers, the fitness nutrition products are often marketed in sponsorship with gyms and fitness clubs. Consumers often pay off these efforts by staying loyal to the brand. The brand loyalty shown by consumers is another reason for brands to rethink their marketing strategies. As per a survey among companies in UK, Germany, and France in 2022, about 20.76% of respondent firms said they are opting for sustainable marketing strategies to improve their brand image, while 18% did it to enhance sales. Based on market insights the brand logo, gifts, discount schemes, and packaging can be decided.?

While keeping eye on future strategies a business should not lose on the competitors

In highly competitive business arcades today, only financial capacities are not enough to outperform rivals. Beyond economic parameters quality, customer services, and feedback mechanisms are valuable criteria with which even start-ups can make their impression. Knowing about competition and their offerings helps companies to acknowledge any gaps present.

Gaps identified in offerings are usually offset by the launch of new products. Without a customer understanding, even these novel offerings are likely to fail. New Coke and Pepsi are some examples of such failures. Moreover, on consistently striving for the improvement in success rate coke re-entered a competitive arcade with help of identifying and making what customers prefer. Understanding consumer perception holds major significance in the business decision-making process.?

Several factors influence the decisions of consumers

Economic factors- Dynamic pricing, personal and family income

Consumer prefers buying items after scrutiny and after finding them at the best prices. To maximize the level of enjoyment that may be reached within the same or a smaller budget, people seek to purchase items or services with lower price increases. This occurrence is a typical illustration of the "price impact," which happens when demand declines as a result of a price rise. The disposable income of a consumer is a major determinant of his or her preferences and frequency of purchases. The fulfillment of basic needs and luxuries is subject to higher family income which often results in shoppers buying more.

Factors influencing decisions of consumers: image contains vector representation of a lady walking with shopping bags in hand
Factors influencing decisions of consumers

Numerous studies have documented how consumers are dissatisfied with price adjustments that are significant and close together, which causes them to spread unfavorable information and shop at rival stores. Research has demonstrated that if a consumer cannot see a difference in the service received, the increased profits obtained from the dynamic pricing strategy will only succeed in the short run since the client will perceive the situation as unfair. Therefore, despite the potential benefit of dynamic pricing, a firm's dynamic pricing approach could backfire if consumer attitudes are poorly recognized and taken into account.

Personal factors- Age, Gender, and Lifestyle

Our age is a primary factor influencing our preferences. Teenagers or Gen Z customers tend to be attracted to flashy and technological products. On the other side middle age, people tend to buy properties. These are generic observations, however, these observations may differ from business to business. For beauty products, the target age group could be younger to middle age people while for a medical firm, the target population also includes infants and elderlies. Gender also devises buying pattern insights. We often see advertisements on our social media accounts for the promotion of products these are the result of the use of AI by firms to promote selective products to particular gender customers.

Personal Factors under consideration: shows vector images of different age groups shopping
Personal Factors under consideration

Lifestyle also emerges as a key determinant of what consumers will likely get home. This can be easily understood by the rapid shift to a vegan diet and the demand for plant-based products (Forbes, 2019). The change in health habits is likely to shape consumer choices for weight scale, protein powders, diet food, and gym subscriptions.

Recognizing these shifts in consumer patterns is essential for companies to launch new products or services quickly to gain a competitive edge. For this, business requires market research that provides industry-specific insights. With quality market insights companies can save time in the inquiry of the market and rather invest time, and labor in the direction of insights obtained from a market study. Wondering how market research can help with learning consumer behavior? Find out more in our previous article

Socio-cultural factors- Reference groups, Roles, and status

People often tend to buy and behave as per their reference groups. These are groups with similar associations. For example- Clubs, Gyms, Playgroups, school groups, offices, etc. These people normally tend to have common purchase preferences. Apart from the reference group status and role also impact shopping.

Even when different brands are good and widely used, some adjustments must be done so that elements like product offerings, marketing tactics, and brand message suit the local culture and value system. Unfortunately, businesses choose to headfirst into such waters without realizing the strategies needed to keep the firm afloat. Despite technical innovations and digitalization having made businesses expand globally, the lack of attention to socio-cultural differentiation could drag them into failure.?

“Glocalisation” term now gaining momentum seen in this direction where businesses focus on adapting global products, services, and markets while ensuring local needs. Some companies already have adopted this change and carving greater global revenue. For Example, KFC serves Porridge for breakfast and Peking Duck for lunch in Shanghai by upgrading their menu as per the local food culture of Shanghai.

Like globalization, Digitalisation has touched every industry. The Internet of things has evolved connectivity complementing the growth and optimization of the business process. Big data has the potential to unlock a plethora of customer insights. The shift from offline to online business presence has become efficient with the technologies like Machine Learning, AI, and Data analytics.

Thinking of e-Commerce? You must watch out for Shifting Consumer Behavior

The world of business is hard to imagine if we cannot buy anything online. The retail industry landscape is changing with digitization at a rapid pace. It’s now important for companies to transform their delivery channels. The companies realize it is time to step up their game to thrive in the competition. Retailers should pay attention to consumer preferences while experiencing E-Commerce. The e-commerce sales in the United States alone are forecast to grow by 14.6% from 2022 to 2025 (Statista, 2022). Unlike previous times when consumers were skeptical about online shopping, however, this behavior altered over time and especially after the Covid-19 pandemic.

Shifting Consumer Behavior is an important factor: Image shows a youth searching for various apps on smartphone
Shifting Consumer Behavior is an important factor

Now retailers have started to increase their online presence and collaborate with third-party e-commerce companies. The Virtual trial rooms are opted for by the fashion retailers as per understanding need for consumers buying clothes online. Similar consumer behaviors have been analyzed by brands offering easy returns for the retention and satisfaction of customers. With online channels, companies could serve consumers located at distinct locations. This highlights how consumer behavior could impact the customer services shipping modes and post-sale services by the manufacturers.

Shoppers are likely to prioritize lower or no shipping fees. Most online buyers show preparedness to repeat purchases only on the assurance of free shipping. This trend is likely to continue as more people are using online sites for shopping. Companies are leveraging Industry 4.0 technologies such as Artificial intelligence and Big data to understand how much time a consumer visits a website, what are products in his or her shopping cart, and what is the possibility of buying a product. Technology is extensively helping businesses to analyze the patterns of consumers. This also has improved customized or targeted marketing for retail firms as firms can offer those non-purchased products at discount rates to particular customers.?

“Customer value is a success differentiator in every business”

The key secret behind successful business stories is they never fail to deliver customer value. This refers to understanding people’s perception, valuation, and possession of the product or service. Business is accountable for providing a certain amount of benefits for a certain value of money spent by their consumers. Companies offering value for money stay relevant and are more likely to retain their customers even in a competitive arcade. Knowing about what competition firms are offering, what are recent trends in the market, and what environmental considerations will elevate customer value are some subdomains that business has to prioritize.

However, market research may assist businesses in finding the most relevant industry facts and particularly customized insights may improve customer value. Moreover, the broader industry-specific picture is essential for any company to devise strategies and launch their responses to changing market needs. The market research solution considerably gains the attention of the business giants to gain a competitive edge. Consumer behavior analysis is indeed a key to maintaining healthy business-to-customer relationships.

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