Consultants, prospects; why the sales dance? Can't we just work together like this...?
A different way, rather than the usual? You know how it goes, the sales dance, bloody exhausting! Why dance? Why not straight, helpful and valuable engagement from minute one?
As a business looking for support, wouldn't it be great if, rather than that feeling of being held to ransom by a significant invoice, and, drip-fed snippets that are taking too long to show results, have that first meeting, where there is robust and meaningful advice on the table that will help? The trust is already being built.
Great too, would be the consultant thinking they can trust that we as a potential client aren't just pumping them for free information from learning, which they have earned and collected over years of valuable experience. Often the norm with other prospects they've met with. Feels great knowing we are different as their client, a mutual need with a mutual respect.
What a relationship that would become!
A relationship made even better by a consultant understanding that they can't use up all of our time when they visit the business to help and expect us to be available the whole day. That we can trust them enough to leave them to it. Trust that we both started building from minute one. Remember?
But when we do spend time together, it creates answers that can be used quickly and effectively to fix immediate problems, adding real value. They also take the time to discuss and understand our long term vision for the business. Not just paying lip service, but genuine interest.
Topped off with the fact they feel like a real person, connected, not someone outside of the reality of our business, that struggles to integrate and isn't like us.
That they listen, laugh, and get on with the whole team!
You can see that this particular kind of consultant values and enjoys the work because what they do for us, our team and business, counts, and they are motivated by it. Rather than just a desire to make money. Especially as they are in it with us for the long term. Better than some kind of information drop for cash and then 'move on.'
The kind of consultant that the team enjoy having in at work and thank the management for bringing in. Because we know that sometimes a view from outside the business with no agenda is a powerful way to see what needs improving and changing up, to make us all more prosperous.
We know that all our families will be thankful for these changes, so we get that valuable time to spend on our loved ones, hobbies, routines all inside that understanding that home life is essential.
A consultant that is genuinely 'in our corner.'
Not only giving sage advice but rolling their sleeves up and getting involved in the work on the ground too. They come in on time, keep their agreed schedule, and exceed our expectations.
I'll have you consider the possibility that this 'better way' will work for you, and in my experience, it does works. It's different from the norm, but it's what the team needs.
I don't know about you, but if a consultant says; "just do this and only this” .
I know, like you do, that it's not enough, it won't fit.
One size does not fit all, you need someone in the business that takes time to understand the culture, the teams, the dream… your dream.
That way, you get the right person in your corner to help your journey as a team and a business. With tools that will mean you remove some of the pain and challenges that you don't need to experience on your way to success.
Settle for better.