Consultancy Vacancy Advertisement- Process Evaluation (UNTF)

Consultancy Vacancy Advertisement- Process Evaluation (UNTF)

HIAS Refugee Trust of Kenya (HRTK) - Kenya Office

Terms of Reference to Conduct Process Evaluation at the End of Project.

HIAS is a Jewish charitable, not-for-profit organization originally founded in response to the late 19th and 20th-century exodus of Jewish emigrants from Imperial Russia. HIAS protects most at-risk refugees whose lives are in danger for being who they are. HIAS helps refugees rebuild their lives in safety, and advocates for the protection of refugees, ensuring that all displaced people are treated with dignity. HIAS began its Africa operations in 2002, launching the HIAS Refugee Trust of Kenya (HRTK). HRTK (also referred to as HIAS Kenya) has its head office in Mimosa court and operates in three sites Kayole, Kawangware and Eastleigh in Nairobi. These are refugee densely populated neighborhoods where most refugee populations reside in Nairobi. HIAS serves the most at-risk urban refugees including those who identify as LGBTI, persons with disability, victims of torture, single heads of households, the elderly, those with chronic illnesses, youth, unaccompanied and separated children, and women most at risk.

HIAS implements 4 major programs that include (i) Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS; (ii)Legal Protection; (iii) Economic Inclusion program and (iv) The Gender/GBV Prevention and Response program. With funding from United Nations Trust Fund (UNTF), this project, Community Based Prevention of Violence Against Refugee Women and Girls in Nairobi, was to be implemented by HIAS Kenya over a three-year period. The project began in September 2019 and will end in September 2022. The project sought to change the gendered drivers that make up the root causes of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG). These include men’s control over decision-making, stereotyping of masculinity and femininity, and condoning acts of VAWG.

This project is a transformational individual behavior change intervention that used a group modality geared towards promoting gender-equitable behavior and some reduction of physical violence in the home. The behavior change methodology emphasizes personal and relational accountability. Primary beneficiaries for this project included women and girls who are family members and intimate partners of men involved in the project discussion groups. Other primary beneficiaries included women and adolescent girls from the refugee community whose intimate partners changed their attitudes and behavior based on the project’s social media campaign. Women’s group participants and intimate partners of men staff trained to facilitate EMAP intervention approach are also primary beneficiaries. Secondary beneficiaries for this project included the men who participated in men’s discussion groups, Kenyan local administrators who were trained and male refugee community members who interacted with the social norms campaign. HIAS staff men who Process Evaluation for the “Community Based Prevention of Violence Against Refugee Women and Girls in Nairobi,” Project. were trained to be facilitators of EMAP and are also secondary beneficiaries.

The project’s goal is to contribute to refugee women and girls facing less interpersonal violence among the urban refugee population in Nairobi County by 2022. The project aimed to achieve the following outcomes: 1. Refugee men have changed attitudes around power, gender, masculinities, and male privilege and take action to prevent Violence against Women and Girls VAW/G. 2. Refugee women and girls demonstrate an increased understanding that IPV is a violation of their rights and feel confident reporting that violation. 3. Community systems enable refugee-friendly prevention of VAW/G through both improved access, and pathways and strengthened community awareness of IPV. 4. Increased accountability of program staff implementing the project through changes in staff knowledge and attitudes on prevention of VAW/G. 5. HIAS is institutionally strengthened to sustainably respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises while maintaining or adapting existing interventions to EVAW/G with a focus on the most vulnerable women and girls.

PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES OF THE EVALUATION: The evaluation will focus on understanding the processes and implementation of the project including the adaptations made to inform HIAS`s future programs on ending VAW/G. The purpose of the evaluation is to: ? Assess the formative process of the project, including the design and the theory of change. Document the project implementation processes - (training curriculum development, targeting, implementation of activities), modification of the curriculum, and allocation of resources including a project being delivered on budget and skillsbuilding and training for staff in order to deliver the intended activities. ? Determine relevance and alignment of both planned and adapted project activities to identified community needs in the changing COVID-19 context, modification of the curriculum during project implementation, including the process of adapting activity design, implementation, and service modalities(s); and whether and how the activities met the changed needs of the target population. ? Document and assess adaptations in accountability to stakeholders, including whether and how local communities and the intended target population were consulted, whether and how the project adapted to ensure inclusion of the target population in the changing contexts, and how the project is/was perceived by local organizations and actors.

SCOPE OF THE EVALUATION: The geographical scope of the study will be within Nairobi County(Kayole, Eastleigh, Kawangware, and neighboring areas). The design and implementation of the process evaluation will ensure ethical considerations are put in place, e.g., principles of gender equality, inclusion, and non-discrimination are considered and acted upon throughout, and that the meaningful participation of the most vulnerable groups and other key stakeholders is promoted in the design and implementation of the endline.

METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY: The consultant will develop a detailed qualitative methodology in consultation with HIAS program and M&E team, to include but not be limited to the following: 1. Desk review. Qualitative data collection on implementation and process, to include but not be limited to key informant interviews and/or focus group discussions with key HIAS staff, partners, refugee community leaders, and project beneficiaries.

EXPECTED OUTPUTS AND DELIVERABLES: The expected key outputs and deliverables are: 1. Work plan and Inception Report with key parameters and indicators to be considered for the process evaluation including the methodologies for data collection and dissemination plan. 2. Data collection tools/instruments, such as interview guides and protocols that address the evaluation areas. 3. Draft evaluation report for stakeholders' review, including key findings, analysis, methodology description, and additional gaps. 4. Cleaned final dataset(s) containing all data collected for the evaluation, including qualitative data collection transcriptions, coding, and analysis. 5. Final Report, incorporating inputs from the review) will include: A comprehensive and well-organized final report complete with standard reporting formats, the main body of the report should be a maximum of 15 pages in length, excluding Table of Content, tables, and annexes. The report must be in English and must address both the overall and specific objectives of the evaluation. The report must contain a. An executive summary. b. The evaluation objectives, evaluation questions, and methodology. c. Analysis and findings d. Lessons learned e. Recommendations f. Appendices with TOR; list of documents reviewed; list of persons interviewed; survey sampling frame; survey and interview tools used. 6. The findings will be disseminated in a meeting organized for key HIAS staff, and stakeholders, including project beneficiaries and partner agencies:

TIME FRAME: The evaluation is planned to commence the first week of July 2022 and is expected to take a maximum of 28 working days.

INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENT: HIAS will establish an evaluation management team to oversee all the related tasks. The HIAS Kenya M&E Officer will be responsible for the overall coordination of all the evaluation tasks with the Consultant. HIAS’ HQ M&E and GBV team together with the Program Director, Country Director, and project manager will provide additional technical guidance and advisory. HIAS will provide ? Relevant documentation and background information. ? Contacts of relevant stakeholders and support with setting up the meeting(s). ? Consolidated feedback/guidance on draft reports and strategy.

REQUIRED EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS: We are looking for a consultant/team with the following skills and qualifications: ? The lead consultant must have a background (at least a university degree) in social sciences, and community development, or related field, with proven experience in SGBV. ? Strong understanding of the Kenya context, particularly around issues of refugee operations, the humanitarian principles and system, and IPV protection risks faced by men, women, boys, and girls. ? An individual/team with demonstrable experience in leading (designing and undertaking) qualitative & quantitative research/evaluation exercises, data analysis, and reporting with a focus on social research and evaluation, preferably in the Sub-Saharan region. ? Experience in managing and coordinating evaluation/research exercises, delivering agreed outputs on time and on budget. ? Experience in data collection and analysis using participatory methodologies; Experience conducting and facilitating interviews and group discussions (in cross-cultural contexts), experience transcribing, coding, and analyzing qualitative data, including use of relevant analysis platforms such as Nvivo, Dedoose, or others ? Excellent and demonstrated understanding of ethical issues in research, including child protection. ? Ability to respond to comments and questions in a timely, appropriate manner. ? Capacity to use mobile data collection systems such as KoBo Collect, and analysis of survey results. ? Excellent in organizing, facilitating, presentation, and communication skills, including good report writing in English.

APPLICATION PROCESS AND REQUIREMENTS: Qualified and interested parties are asked to submit the following: ? Letter of interest in submission of a proposal ? A detailed technical proposal clearly demonstrating a thorough understanding of this ToR and including but not limited to the following: o Consultant/Company Profile o Proposed methodology including areas of piloting, Sample Size Determination, and a proposed consultancy work plan. o Demonstrated previous experience in similar assignments and qualifications outlined in this ToR (with submission of the most recent report). Proposed data management plan (collection, processing, and analysis). Team composition and level of effort of each proposed team member (including CVs of each team member). o A financial proposal with a detailed breakdown of costs for the study quoted in Kenya Shillings. Applications that fail to include these elements will not be considered.

HOW TO APPLY: We welcome applications from both individuals, partnerships, and firms. The Applications, including a financial proposal for the evaluation quoted in Kenya shillings and Curriculum Vitae of consultant(s) should be submitted to the following email: [email protected] indicating the vacancy notice number: HRTK/PEC/06/2022 on the subject line. Applications not bearing the requirements highlighted in this advert will not be considered. The deadline for submission is 17th June 2022 at 5:00 pm.

Important: Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted and late submissions will not be considered. HIAS is an equal opportunity employer, does not charge candidates for recruitment, and dissociates itself from any entity defrauding candidates.


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