Construction Trend #3 Energy Storage & Management of Buildings

Construction Trend #3 Energy Storage & Management of Buildings

THE MISSION Construction?is not just about constructing buildings - we cover the whole value chain and focus on?five mega trends:

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By this we thrive to revolutionize one of the industries with the biggest potential for innovation and sustainability.

Speaking about?Energy Storage & Management of Buildings, we see some really important key areas:

We want to quit with nuclear energy and the planned solution is wind power. In order to make this transformation, the supply with energy will be much more decentralized and depending on weather than before. That is why we need advanced energy power systems and advanced energy power storage solutions.

While using energy, we are wasting a huge amount of it. Therefore there is a great potential in smart energy management systems, measuring and regulating the supply and consumption of energy. There are very much different solutions out there from pure software products to revolutionizing hardware innovations.

Energy efficiency is another big topic. Just 14 % of all public buildings is compatible with the climate regarding their use of energy. Therefore we are in great need of solutions which improve the efficiency of buildings really fast like better insulation etc.

"Energy and resources will be important topics of the future, even despite the war in Ukraine."

?Energie und Rohstoffe werden auch unabh?ngig vom Ukraine-Krieg zentrale Themen der Zukunft sein.“ (original)

~ Kai Teckentrup, owner and CEO of Teckentrup

Besides energy we need to work on our efficient use of other resources like water and heating warmth too. Insulation is good for heating, regarding water there will arise a need for smart water management systems and more.

If you want to disrupt the construction industry with us,?#JoinTheMissionNow?and become part of?#THEMISSIONConstruction!

As a?corporate?you can become one of our partners, work with the latest innovation and become part of a unique table of companies along the whole construction value chain like?GOLDBECK,?Techem Energy Services GmbH,?WISAG?and more.

As a?startup?you can pilot your products with our market leading corporate partners, you get 10.000 € funding and individual sparrings to boost your growth.

As an?individual?you can join one of the startup-teams and lead innovation or you can apply to one of our free jobs.

If you want to read more about sustainability in the construction industry: Take a look at our?Trend Radar from Handelsblatt Research Institute.



