The Construction Techniques of Mat Foundations
Mat foundations, also known as raft foundations, are thick concrete slabs laid on the ground to serve as the structure's foundation. Mat foundations are used in a variety of situations, including the construction of buildings, bridges, and towers.
As superstructure support, a mat foundation is never a flat plate placed on the ground. Based on the application of loads, there is a range of designs.
We build a flat plate to reduce the loads applied to the mat base. However, as the loads grow, other approaches, which are discussed in this article, are added to improve the slab's stiffness. By the use of Mat Foundation, a 10-floor tall building structure can be supported.
Furthermore, a rise in axial loads results in a greater building cost. It may even go beyond the building of pile foundations to a certain extent.
Construction Techniques of Mat Foundation
1. Remove the dirt and excavate the soil to a level that is uniform and flat.
2. The foundation bed is then rammed to make it compact.
3. After compacting, a waterproof sheet is placed on the earth's surface.
4. Pour a 7cm layer of cement concrete mixture on top of that to make a perfectly smooth and level foundation base.
5. Over the foundation bed, place reinforcement on spacers. Steel mesh is used to give reinforcement in both directions. To balance upward and downward bending stresses, two meshes are reinforced at the top and bottom of the foundation.
6. After all of the steel is in place, concrete is poured to the necessary thickness. Which is 300mm thick for modest buildings but can be much thicker if high weights are to be carried. A rebar cover of at least 50mm should be maintained.
7. Finally, to ensure that concrete achieves the specified strength, a proper curing regime should be used.