Construction Robotics
Dillon Mitchell
The Engineering Partner For Electrical Contractors & Automating Electrical Design in Revit
In the world of construction, not a whole lot has changed since the Pyramids. Sure, we have cranes now instead of rope pulleys. Yes, there is electricity to run power tools and we can work during non-daylight hours. More advanced materials such as concrete and steel let us build bigger and higher. Yet, how buildings are put together hasn’t changed all that much over the millennia.
Technology is starting to have an impact on how projects are completed. We’ve all seen the iPads making it to the job sites and companies like Plan Grid selling to Autodesk for $875 Million. This is just the start of technology on job sites. Cameras are going to become a common sight on jobsites. Doing everything from real-time safety analysis, creating point clouds and tying them to schedules, to making sure the floor is level.
We are at the very beginning of this shift. One of the better analogies that I’ve heard lately is that the construction site is just a really messy factory. Taking product in on one side, producing something built on the other with a process in between. I resonate with this because it is true. Except there aren’t any assembly lines, few robotics to be seen. Nothing stays on schedule. The crew is different every time, with some not even showing up to work. Add to this the lack of skilled labor to complete the tasks necessary to do the job in the first place.
All of these reasons are why robotics and other technology is finally coming to the construction site. Additionally, the advancement of robotics in other areas and their ability to be rugged and take the wear and tear that a construction site offers makes robotics an attractive option. They do have their challenges, though. Typically, non-level ground or only stairs to take until the end of a project can be a significant obstacle. These can be difficult tasks for a human to sometimes maneuver, let alone a robot.
Robots have become more advanced with parts coming off the shelf, allowing them to be more cost effective. The costliest part of the robot is the code. The intellectual property necessary to figure out how that robot is going to move, what it’s going to do and do it all safely.
If you look, robots are starting to inch or yard their way onto the site. Starting with dirt moving equipment such as dozers and graders being enabled with GPS and electronic controls, supported by drones doing topographic mapping with a final grading plan uploaded to each piece of equipment to now level the site. They can move without operators, being precisely accurate and moving within their own tolerances for a longer life.
Robots were conceived and introduced to the field because of a labor shortage. Now they are being kept because of their increased efficiency, safety, and accuracy. They can be better than any human and they don’t get tired or make mistakes.
Other robot examples are doing layout lines of walls on the job site. Something that typically takes hours to string out chalk lines and mark where walls are going to go. Now a robot can take the floor plan and draw those lines by itself with minimal supervision. This is a simple example of where a robot can come into play. It’s not solving large problems, but each problem solved is still progress. It’s something that takes time and is simple enough for a robot to do quickly and efficiently. As with any process, time is money.
Other robots do more complex tasks such as tying rebar or laying bricks. The big benefit that I see here is that a mason can have a longer career because of the robot. Years are given back to them in health. No more being bent over for 10 hours a day. It’s much simpler to load the bricks into the robot and review how it’s doing. Rather than picking up, mortaring, and laying down brick after brick.
More applications of robots will continue to surface. They’ll do specific tasks and built for that purpose. It’s going to be amazing to watch what’s next in the world of construction, especially robotics. It is anticipated that the market for robots in construction will increase to $226 Million by 2025 worldwide, as shown in this chart put together by Tractica.
The world is looking brighter. More and more applications for robotics will come forward, and the construction industry needs to harness them, figure out what they need to do to adapt to this changing environment and how robots can improve their value to the site.
It’s coming. It isn’t today, but the robots are coming.