Construction - Install
Precision Piping Products
A global provider of flange protection and preservation solutions.
Spools:?Inspect for cleanliness, especially if the spool is going to be at elevation.?Inspect all flange faces using PCC-1 criteria.?If a flange face is in need of rectification, re-facing is much easier on the ground. Ensure spools are cleaned once again if bevel preperation involves grinding.?Ensure spool openings are covered/closed until welding/final bolting has been completed.
Valves: Do not lift control valves by the actuator for installation.?MOV’s should be meggered/stroked to ensure viabilty before installation.?Ensure tubing connections for control valves are closed before installation.?Tubing should not sent to the the field with the valve (consulting with engineering).?If control valves and PSV’s are installed to check fitment, return both psv’s and control valves to warehouse stores until final installation (sometimes pup-piences are used in the interium).?Ensure valve handles stay with corresponding valve during installation.?Inspect valve flange faces using PCC-1 criteria before installation…as valves can be difficlut to re-face if actuated.?Ensure valves are covered/closed properly during installation.?Final?bolting of valves should be completed with 72 hours.
Static Equipment:?If equipment requires N2 blanket, ensure N2 pressure is between 3-7 psi before installation.?Ensure N2 gauges are visible once equipment is installed. If gauges will not be visible, install drop hose/gage to visible/access range.?Ensure re-charging access is attainble in the event of N2 loss…espcially during winter/cold environments.?If static equipment piping connections are emeninet, ensure N2 purge has been removed.?If static equipment still requires corrosion protection, VpCI bags/foggable liquids may be an acceptable alternative to nitrogen purging.?Ensure spacer blinds are installed if connecting lines have not been hydro/pneumatically tested.
Rotating/Mechanical Equipment: Ensure any scheduled preventative maintenance activities(rotations,etc.) are completed before installaion.?Grouting should be completed before equipment is placed on pads.?Ensure viable equipment access is available after installation...scaffolding, scissor lifts, etc.?Ensure N2 purges are re-instated after installation if applicable.?Ensure equipment openings are closed after installation.?When installing piping to quipment, ensure the all supports are in place and mechanical engineer is consulted for initial alignment has been completed.?Ensure equipment with heaters/power requirements are arranged/sized for temporary power supply connections before intallation. Ensure spacer blinds are installed if connecting lines have not been hydro/pneumatically tested.
Electrical Equipment: Ensure any scheduled preventative maintenance activities(meggering,etc.) are completed before installaion.?Ensure viable equipment access is available after installation...scaffolding, scissor lifts, etc.?Ensure N2 purges are re-instated after installation if applicable ( some transoformers will come on purge/dry air).???If heaters/power requirements are necessary, arrange/size temporary power supply before intallation.?Ensure cable penetraions in cabinets/panels are closed/covered after installation.?As a note, do not stage CHARMS/FOPS at the installation site too early as these type of panels usually require climate controlled storage until installed/power connections.
Skids: Ensure gouting has been completed for skids being installed on pads.?Ensure any scheduled preventative maintenance activities(rotations, N2 purging,etc.) are completed before installaion. Ensure skid piping connections are properly closed and covered.