Construction Claims Intensive Training Course, 18 & 19 October 2016, London
10% discount on course fees for members of The Institute of Construction Claims Practitioners.
An in-depth overview of the tools you need to prepare, present, respond to and manage construction claims effectively. You will learn how to correctly identify situations that give rise to a claim, how to calculate the value of a claim and how, by way of a step-by-step process, to compile a claim submission into a persuasive argument which will help the claim to succeed. The course also deals with the analysis of claim submissions and the preparation of responses to claims.
The course content focuses on compiling and presenting claims and is not focused on any particular form of contract. However, as the UK primarily uses the JCT and NEC forms of standard contract, the case studies and assignments are based on JCT for illustrative purposes and NEC will be referred to during the presentation of the course.
Course Modules
- Contract Administration
- Types of Claim
- Delay Analysis
- Essential Elements to a Successful Claim
- Compilation & Presentation of Claims & Responses
- Responses, Determinations & Disputes
Who Should Attend
- Claims Consultants
- Quantity Surveyors
- Project Managers / Directors
- Project Controllers
- Commercial Managers / Directors
- Contract Administrators
- Engineers
- Planners / Delay Analysts
Your Benefits
- 16 CPD Hours
- Small and interactive learning environment
- 5 group assignments help to embed course content
- Case studies based on real-life projects / situations
- Optional post-course assignment worth additional 20 CPD hours
- Institute membership available with Institute of Construction Claims Practitioners
- Content focuses on the practical rather than the theoretical to enable you to directly apply the principles to your working environment
- Sample claim and determination documents available
"Good overall course. Increased my knowledge of claims and covered everything required to submit a successful claim.” - Sean Franklin, Bachy Soletanche Ltd
Course Presenters
Andy Hewitt
Paul Gibbons
Visit the Claims Class website for detailed information on the course modules, presenters, course agenda, certification, how to register and more.
Price reductions available for members of accrediting bodies.
"Came to get a good understanding of building up a claim and that is what I got. Very satisifed.” - Philip Landman, Adeo Construction Services