Constitutional Heresy
KrisAnne Hall, JD
1st A Attorney Former Prosecutor Constitutionalist Educator Author Radio Host CSPAN Victory News CourtTV
I read the most ridiculous article from Heritage calling Nullification "heresy." It went on to torture James Madison's words & opinions and of course invoked the obligatory judicial opinion.
Heresy- An untenable or unsound opinion or doctrine in politics.
How can the principle of Nullification be untenable? The simple idea that we must obey a law that has no legal foundation is truly untenable.
How can the principle of Nullification be unsound? What is sound about a premise that we must submit to every government decree regardless of utter absence of authority?
Nullification is not heresy. The presumption that government has no limit to authority other than their own declarations is the TRUE HERESY.
But what is worse than that is the error Heritage is peddling in this article is the same ideology that gives a government the false authority to impose slavery as a legal institution and leave no remedy for the people other than submission or war.
BECAUSE we are a Constitutional Republic and the Constitution is a document OF and BY the States in representation of their people, the people possess a true power over the federal government. The most powerful check & balance on federal power is the State on behalf of its people. It is the ultimate power of peaceful control, the power of the word, "NO."
Through this article Heritage presents a reality where the only control of every assertion of federal power is through permission or agreement of the federal government. That is not a Constitutional Republic, that my friend is a kingdom.
The people, without the power of their State and the ability of the State to say NO to EVERY unauthorized act of the federal government, are reduced to mere subjects and tributary slaves.
To those who have ears to hear & those free from the bondage of tribalism... #LibertyFirst
A 2018 and soon a Candidate for Governor of the Great State of Florida for 2026 / A member of the Republican Party of Miami-Dade County and many more in key states.
5 年Almost forgot, very good article!!
A 2018 and soon a Candidate for Governor of the Great State of Florida for 2026 / A member of the Republican Party of Miami-Dade County and many more in key states.
5 年Thomas Jefferson is credited as the author of the Constitution, James Madison didn’t agree that the original draft gave to much power to the Government. He changed a lot in the Constitution but refused to sign it. He was a Democrat Republican before the Party split. Ironically today the Democrat and Republican are split as separate Parties by not wanting to compromise, the Whig Party and the Federalists dissolved. Parties can come and go.