A Constitutional Framework for Good by Ricardo Rose
The earth is populated by multi-ethnic cultural groups. Too often, reprehensible discrimination in gender, race, and ethnicity subvert the opportunity for increased intellectual and human significance. Enduringly, unwavering understanding and tolerance of one-another is the inescapable redeemer to us all, and is the great objective key to nurturing peace!
What do you think are the root causes of war, conflict, fighting, confrontation, hostility, and rivalry? In short, I would declare half-truths, corrupt and immoral politics, economic inequalities; poverty, grueling social discourse, unawareness, and hatred are the fundamental harmful enablers that spawn intolerance! Note, this paradigm is not by any means exhaustive.
I frequently deliberate as to how routinely our America representative’s advocate to the world community that we are the most powerful nation on earth. A superpower! A nation governed by the rule of Law! The most advanced democratic-republic in the known civilized world! And yet, so often, we remorselessly undermine the very core principles of our own democracy that we espouse to the world community as absolute principles for establishing true freedom, liberty, peace, happiness, and justice for all. Consequently, whatever contradictions that manifest in policies that are perilous to the overwhelming majority of citizens are viewed as double-standards, and viewed as insincere, and condescending.
It’s no wonder that the de-facto leader of the free world (USA) is impetuously diminishing the value of our valued credibility, and respect, at home and abroad. What has happened to our vision of America as the land of compassion, of sharing and of equality before the law? This illustrious experiment championed, as “American Democracy “is an embryonic pursuit to be realized by All!
The great egalitarian prudence in the "Constitution" was and is unfolding in due course in the hearts, minds, and souls of men, women, and children. Ultimately, until the fulfillment of this magnificent vision becomes realized who or what will speak up for the voiceless? Who or what will speak to the powerful, and yet, not power themselves? Well, throughout time, among all people, named and nameless, voices did arise to fulfill the need, and they were not of the favored! And until this very day, they are not of the favored!
Bear in mind, a very short time ago, Africans/Moors/African Americans were slaves and could not vote. It is fair to say that people who were not slaves did benefit from a sub-human-free labor slave system. And until this very day, a great many of them effortlessly contend that even though slavery was iniquitous and inhumane, they felt that chattel slavery was good as compared to how they were living in their own homeland! And yet, if divine providence were to reverse the roles of the slave and the slave master, surely, a greater sense for equal justice and fairness would unequivocally give voice, and wings to the subjugated!
Generations of freedmen and women, during, and subsequent to slavery never truly understood the natural appeals and voices of slaves, and ex-slaves as they experienced the inhumanity of chattel slavery system that was immorally sanctioned and declared legal; and was so inhumane, and generational horrific, that descendants affirmed that it shall never be repeated in any form, no-where on God’s good earth, or the universe. To have been a victim of chattel slavery for whatever the cause, is universally evil, and unjust to the entire planet and the universe.
Therefore, any inhumane system conceived, organized, or supported by men/women of nations, shall be relentlessly dissuaded to eradicate world hunger, disease, slavery, intolerance, hatred, greed, divisiveness, corruption, and ignorance. A worthy goal of all prudent and civilized beings has always been to aim for higher goals of raising humanity’s condition to a most excellent state of existence, and prosperity for all of Earth’s children.
Let’s reflect on an unpretentious, but very important fact, and that fact is, the world is observing our behavior of-one-another all the time, as we are part of the world! You can verily measure how civil and just they are by the treatment that they tender to their own citizens! The American criminal justice system holds more than 2.3 million people in 1,719 state prisons, 102 federal prisons, 901 juvenile correctional facilities, 3,163 local jails, and 76 Indian Country jails as well as in military prisons, immigration detention facilities, civil commitment centers, and prisons in the U.S. territories.
If there is anyone sentence that made America great--as a nation, it is a line from the Preamble to the Constitution of the United States that reads:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
The body of the Constitution sets forth a means by which the various cultures of immigrants could be preserved to meld into a uniquely American culture...one that stubbornly refuses to give precedence to any religion, literature, music, art, or social institution from any country of origin of the People of the United States. I read the Constitution of the United States with much inspiration; the Bill of Rights and the various Amendments to it since 1789 make it a world-class document.
It is the Constitution of America which protects and encourages the flowering of individual and groups of people out of whom come the real greatness of America; it’s rich, enlivening, and enjoining music, art, science, drama, cinema, literature, comedy, and religion and playtime activities.
That being said, exactly, what makes America Great, and what is the role the USA plays at home, and on the world stage? How can we extend a greater understanding as to who we are and what we stand for?
Well, let’s reflect on at least one present-day dilemma that potentially can be worst, or better; there are 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world. Of which, the overwhelming majority are peaceful and civil. And yes, they are not at war with the USA! Whatever happened to treat others, as we would have them treat us?? This type of anti-social behavior is very unproductive to international and world relations with diverse cultures, some of which are American citizens.
In the make-believe world of Hollywood, writers and producers create good and bad guys by the dozens every day. Good guys and bad guy themes help drive the emotions of the consumer, and the movie industry makes a lot of money. So does the media! At what expense to American citizens? Evil is evil, and hurts us all!
The Constitution in clear written language establishes the facts that, stubbornly refuses to give precedence to any religion, literature, music, art or social institution from any country of origin of the People of the United States. The Constitution of America provides that only age and citizenship shall be a test for public office; not wealth, not gender, not race nor yet not ethnic origin.
The Constitution of America protects Americans from the power and purpose of government officials. And yet, some elected officials, some identifiable media, some specific religious organizations, and individuals exploit and abuse the principles of accord in the Constitution. Hopefully, with future free thinking, just, and balanced minds, we shall all stand-up, and affirm our allegiance to the spirit of the Constitution, and not to our own demise!
We all have a very good reason for electing highly qualified leaders to preside as President of the United States. And yet, we missed the mark by a very large margin! Citizens, I appeal to you to rise above half-truths, corrupt and immoral politics, economic inequalities; poverty, grueling social discourse, unawareness, and hatred. Consider the fact that we are one! We swim or sink together! Vote for leaders who lead with a balance of mind and soul! Vote for leaders who are humane! Vote for leaders who are trustworthy and responsible to all Americans. Vote for leaders who comprehend the magnitude and value of the Constitution. This perfect document is waiting for the right humbled servant to be guided by its principles. Finally, these invaluable principles can help create a perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.
Last, but not least, given the potential catastrophic outcome of America being invaded, and subversively attacked in 2016 the election, and subsequently, what danger awaited our homeland, I can much better appreciate Real Media, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Law Enforcement, the Justice Department, Friends abroad in the IC, Balanced Law abiding Patriots, Politicians who stood up to defend our nation, and people of good mind, soul, and character. Thank you, guys!
Founder - R2 Business Solutions CEO RoseGroup Entertainment
6 年A Constitutional Framework for Good
Founder - R2 Business Solutions CEO RoseGroup Entertainment
7 年A Constitutional Framework for Good